제출 #1113707

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
1113707Gray게임 (IOI13_game)C++17
100 / 100
5952 ms107592 KiB
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include <random> #include "game.h" #define ll long long #define ff first #define ss second #define ln "\n" using namespace std; mt19937 mt(time(nullptr)); struct Treap{ struct Node{ Node *left, *right; ll x, y, gcd, fgcd; Node(ll _x, ll _gcd){ left=right=nullptr; x=_x; gcd=fgcd=_gcd; y=mt(); } Node(ll _x, ll _y, ll _gcd){ left=right=NULL; x=_x; y=_y; gcd=fgcd=_gcd; } }; Node * root; Treap(){ root=new Node(-1, 2e18, 0); } void upd(Node * t){ if (!t) return; t->fgcd=t->gcd; if (t->left) t->fgcd=__gcd(t->left->fgcd, t->fgcd); if (t->right) t->fgcd=__gcd(t->right->fgcd, t->fgcd); } void split(Node *par, Node*&wl, Node*&wr, ll x){ if (!par){ wl=wr=nullptr; }else if (par->x<=x){ split(par->right, par->right, wr, x); wl=par; }else{ split(par->left, wl, par->left, x); wr=par; } upd(wl); upd(wr); } void merge(Node *& npar, Node *l, Node *r){ if (!l or !r){ npar=l?l:r; }else if (l->y>r->y){ merge(l->right, l->right, r); npar=l; }else{ merge(r->left, l, r->left); npar=r; } upd(npar); } void insert(Node *& cur, Node * item){ if (!cur){ cur=item; }else if (cur->y>=item->y){ insert(cur->x<=item->x?cur->right:cur->left, item); }else{ split(cur, item->left, item->right, item->x); cur=item; } upd(cur); } ll query_range(Node *& cur, ll l, ll r){ Node * t1, * t2, * t3; split(cur, t1, t2, l-1); split(t2, t2, t3, r); ll res=t2?t2->fgcd:0; merge(cur, t1, t2); merge(cur, cur, t3); return res; } void update(Node * cur, ll x, ll newval){ if (!cur){ insert(root, new Node(x, newval)); return; }else if (cur->x==x){ cur->gcd=newval; }else if (cur->x<x){ update(cur->right, x, newval); }else{ update(cur->left, x, newval); } upd(cur); } void update(ll x, ll newval){ update(root, x, newval); } void insert(ll x, ll val){ insert(root, new Node(x, val)); } ll query(ll l, ll r){ return query_range(root, l, r); } }; // struct SegTree1D{ // struct Node{ // ll left, right, val; // Node(){ // left=right=-1; // val=0; // } // }; // vector<Node> nodes; // ll add_node(){ // nodes.push_back(Node()); // return nodes.size()-1; // } // map<int, ll> leaves; // int rsz; // SegTree1D(int N){ // rsz=N; // add_node(); // } // void update(ll tl, ll tr, ll v, ll i, ll x){ // if (tl==tr){ // nodes[v].val=x; // leaves[tl]=v; // }else{ // ll tm = (tl+tr)/2; // if (i<=tm){ // if (nodes[v].left==-1) nodes[v].left=add_node(); // update(tl, tm, nodes[v].left, i, x); // }else{ // if (nodes[v].right==-1) nodes[v].right=add_node(); // update(tm+1, tr, nodes[v].right, i, x); // } // nodes[v].val=0; // if (nodes[v].left!=-1) nodes[v].val=__gcd(nodes[nodes[v].left].val, nodes[v].val); // if (nodes[v].right!=-1) nodes[v].val=__gcd(nodes[nodes[v].right].val, nodes[v].val); // } // } // void update(ll i, ll x){ // update(0, rsz-1, 0, i, x); // } // ll query(ll tl, ll tr, ll v, ll l, ll r){ // if (tl==l and tr==r){ // return nodes[v].val; // } // else if (l>r) return 0; // else{ // ll tm = (tl+tr)/2; // ll res=0; // if (nodes[v].left!=-1) res=__gcd(res, query(tl, tm, nodes[v].left, l, min(r, tm))); // if (nodes[v].right!=-1) res=__gcd(res, query(tm+1, tr, nodes[v].right, max(l, tm+1), r)); // return res; // } // } // ll query(int l, int r){ // return query(0, rsz-1, 0, l, r); // } // ll getval(int ind){ // if (!leaves.count(ind)) return 0; // return nodes[leaves[ind]].val; // } // }; struct SegTree2D{ struct mNode{ mNode *left, *right; Treap *val; int csz; mNode(int _csz){ csz=_csz; left=right=nullptr; val = new Treap(); } void update(int tl, int tr, int i, int j, ll x){ if (tl==tr){ // cout << "Entered" << endl; val->update(j, x); // cout << "Exited"<< endl; }else{ int tm = (tl+tr)/2; if (i<=tm){ if (!left) left=new mNode(csz); left->update(tl, tm, i, j, x); }else{ if (!right) right=new mNode(csz); right->update(tm+1, tr, i, j, x); } val->update(j, __gcd((left?left->val->query(j, j):0), (right?right->val->query(j, j):0))); } } ll query(int li, int ri, int lj, int rj, int tl, int tr){ if (tl==li and tr==ri){ // cout << lj << "-" << rj << endl; ll res= val->query(lj, rj); // cout << "Success" << endl; return res; }else if (li>ri) return 0; else{ ll ret=0; int tm = (tl+tr)/2; if (left and li<=min(ri, tm)) ret=__gcd(ret, left->query(li, min(ri, tm), lj, rj, tl, tm)); if (right and max(li, tm+1)<=ri) ret=__gcd(ret, right->query(max(li, tm+1), ri, lj, rj, tm+1, tr)); return ret; } } }; mNode * root; ll csz, rsz; void init(int R, int C){ rsz=R; csz=C; root = new mNode(csz); } void update(int i, int j, ll x){ root->update(0, rsz-1, i, j, x); } ll query(int li, int ri, int lj, int rj){ return root->query(li, ri, lj, rj, 0, rsz-1); } } DS; void init(int R, int C) { DS.init(R, C); // cout << "Init" << endl; } void update(int P, int Q, long long K) { // cout << "Updating " << P << "-" << Q << "-" << K << endl; DS.update(P, Q, K); // cout << "Updated " << P << "-" << Q << "-" << K << endl; } long long calculate(int P, int Q, int U, int V) { /* ... */ ll res= DS.query(P, U, Q, V); // cout << "Queried" << endl; return res; // return 0; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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