제출 #111210

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
111210oToToTPalembang Bridges (APIO15_bridge)C++14
63 / 100
351 ms22968 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using lld = int64_t; #define int lld int k, n; lld ans; vector< pair< int, int > > seg; vector< int > pos; void init() { cin >> k >> n; seg.reserve( n ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++ i ) { string P; int S; string Q; int T; cin >> P >> S >> Q >> T; ans += ( P == Q ? abs( S - T ) : 1 ); if ( P != Q ) seg.push_back( minmax( S, T ) ); } pos.reserve( seg.size() << 1 ); for ( auto [ L, R ] : seg ) pos.push_back( L ), pos.push_back( R ); } struct Data{ lld val; int P, Q; priority_queue< pair< int, size_t > > LPRQ, PLR, LRQ, PLQR, PQLR; vector< size_t > LRPQ; lld sLRPQ, sLPRQ, sPLR, sLRQ, sPLQR, sPQLR; Data() : val( 0 ), sLRPQ( 0 ), sLPRQ( 0 ), sPLR( 0 ), sLRQ( 0 ), sPLQR ( 0 ), sPQLR( 0 ) {} void calcVal() { val = 0; val += sPQLR - ( ( lld ) 2 ) * Q * PQLR.size(); val += sPLQR; val += ( ( lld ) 2 ) * Q * LRQ.size() - sLRQ; val += sPLR - ( ( lld ) 2 ) * P * PLR.size(); val += sLPRQ; val += ( ( lld ) 2 ) * P * LRPQ.size() - sLRPQ; } void build() { P = pos[ 0 ], Q = pos[ 0 ]; for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < seg.size() ; ++ i ) { PQLR.push( { -seg[ i ].first, i } ); sPQLR += seg[ i ].first + seg[ i ].second; } calcVal(); } void adjustPQLR() { while ( not PQLR.empty() ) { if ( -PQLR.top().first >= Q ) break; size_t idx = PQLR.top().second; PQLR.pop(); sPQLR -= seg[ idx ].first + seg[ idx ].second; PLQR.push( { -seg[ idx ].second, idx } ); sPLQR += seg[ idx ].second - seg[ idx ].first; } } void adjustPLQR() { while ( not PLQR.empty() ) { if ( -PLQR.top().first >= Q ) break; size_t idx = PLQR.top().second; PLQR.pop(); sPLQR -= seg[ idx ].second - seg[ idx ].first; LRQ.push( { - seg[ idx ].first - seg[ idx ].second, idx } ); sLRQ += seg[ idx ].first + seg[ idx ].second; } } void adjustLRQ() { while ( not LRQ.empty() ) { if ( -LRQ.top().first >= ( P + Q ) ) break; size_t idx = LRQ.top().second; LRQ.pop(); sLRQ -= seg[ idx ].first + seg[ idx ].second; PLR.push( { -seg[ idx ].first, idx } ); sPLR += seg[ idx ].first + seg[ idx ].second; } } void adjustPLR() { while ( not PLR.empty() ) { if ( -PLR.top().first >= P ) break; size_t idx = PLR.top().second; PLR.pop(); sPLR -= seg[ idx ].first + seg[ idx ].second; LPRQ.push( { -seg[ idx ].second, idx } ); sLPRQ += seg[ idx ].second - seg[ idx ].first; } } void adjustLPRQ() { while ( not LPRQ.empty() ) { if ( -LPRQ.top().first >= P ) break; size_t idx = LPRQ.top().second; LPRQ.pop(); sLPRQ -= seg[ idx ].second - seg[ idx ].first; LRPQ.push_back( idx ); sLRPQ += seg[ idx ].first + seg[ idx ].second; } } void addP( int x ) { P = x; adjustLRQ(); adjustPLR(); adjustLPRQ(); calcVal(); } void addQ( int x ) { Q = x; adjustPQLR(); adjustPLQR(); adjustLRQ(); adjustPLR(); adjustLPRQ(); calcVal(); } } cur, nxt; function< void() > solve[] = { [] () { nth_element( pos.begin(), next( pos.begin(), pos.size() >> 1 ), pos.end() ); for ( int x : pos ) ans += abs( x - *next( pos.begin(), pos.size() >> 1 ) ); }, [] () { sort( pos.begin(), pos.end() ); pos.resize( distance( pos.begin(), unique( pos.begin(), pos.end() ) ) ); if ( pos.size() < 2 ) { solve[ 0 ](); return; } lld dlt = numeric_limits< lld >::max(); cur.build(); nxt.build(); cur.addQ( pos[ 0 ] ); nxt.addQ( pos[ 1 ] ); size_t Q = 0; for ( size_t P = 0 ; P < pos.size() ; ++ P ) { while ( Q < P ) { cur.addQ( pos[ ++ Q ] ); if ( Q + 1 < pos.size() ) nxt.addQ( pos[ Q + 1 ] ); } cur.addP( pos[ P ] ); nxt.addP( pos[ P ] ); while ( Q + 1 < pos.size() and cur.val >= nxt.val ) { cur.addQ( pos[ ++ Q ] ); if ( Q + 1 < pos.size() ) nxt.addQ( pos[ Q + 1 ] ); } dlt = min( dlt, cur.val ); } ans += dlt; } }; int32_t main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio( false ); cin.tie( nullptr ); init(); solve[ k - 1 ](); cout << ans << '\n'; return 0; }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

bridge.cpp: In function 'void init()':
bridge.cpp:22:13: warning: decomposition declaration only available with -std=c++1z or -std=gnu++1z
  for ( auto [ L, R ] : seg )
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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