Submission #109080

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
109080ryanseeCircle selection (APIO18_circle_selection)C++14
60 / 100
1453 ms57008 KiB
#pragma GCC target ("avx2") #pragma GCC optimization ("Ofast") #pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops") #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; #define FAST ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); #define LLINF ((long long) 1e18)//1234567890987654321 #define INF 1234567890ll #define pb push_back #define ins insert #define f first #define s second #define db 0 #define EPS (1e-7) //0.0000001 the value #define PI (acos(-1)) #define MAXN (300006) #define MAXK 26 #define MAXX 15000006 #define ll long long int #define ld long double mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); //can be used by calling rng() or shuffle(A, A+n, rng) #define FOR(ii, ss, ee) for(ll ii = ss; ii < ee; ++ii) #define space " " #define cbr cerr << "hi\n" #define mmst(x, v) memset((x), v, sizeof ((x))) #define siz(x) ((ll)x.size()) #define ph push #define btinpct(x) __builtin_popcountll(x) #define p2(x) (1LL<<(x)) #define all(x) (x).begin(), (x).end() #define lbd(x, y) lower_bound(all(x), y) #define ubd(x, y) upper_bound(all(x), y) typedef pair <int, int> pi; typedef pair <ll, pi> spi; typedef pair <pi, pi> dpi; inline ll rand(ll x, ll y) { ++y; return (rng() % (y-x)) + x; } //inclusivesss ll n; bool s2 = 1; pi A[MAXN], C[MAXN]; bool done[MAXN]; int ans[MAXN]; #define sq(x) ((x)*(x)) ld sqr(ll x) { return (x ? sqrtl(x) : 0); } ld mdist(ll a, ll b, ll c, ll d) { return sqr( sq(llabs(a-c)) + sq(llabs(b-d)) ); } vector<pi>in; bool s4 = 1; int R = -1; #define sdb __attribute((optimize("-Ofast"), target("arch=sandybridge"))) ll magic = 5; // odd number pls inline bool sdb inter(int i, int j) { if(done[j]) return 1; if(mdist(C[i].f, C[i].s, C[j].f, C[j].s) <= (ld)A[i].f + (ld) A[j].f) { // assert(i < j); done[j] = 1; ans[j] = i; return 1; } else return 0; } struct custom_hash { static uint64_t splitmix64(uint64_t x) { // x += 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15; x = (x ^ (x >> 30)) * 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9; x = (x ^ (x >> 27)) * 0x94d049bb133111eb; return x ^ (x >> 31); } size_t operator()(uint64_t x) const { static const uint64_t FIXED_RANDOM = chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count(); return splitmix64(x + FIXED_RANDOM); } }; unordered_map <int, int, custom_hash> mp; vector <int> d; vector<pi>ind[MAXN],tmp[MAXN]; int latest = 0; void sdb split() { FOR(i,0,latest+1) tmp[i].clear(); ll new_R = R/2; // if(new_R%2)new_R++; ll co = 1; mp.clear(); FOR(i,1,latest+1) { if(ind[i].empty()) { assert(0); continue; } assert(co < MAXN); if(ind[i].size()==1) { if(mp[C[ind[i][0].s].f/new_R] == 0) mp[C[ind[i][0].s].f/new_R] = co++; tmp[mp[C[ind[i][0].s].f/new_R]].pb(ind[i][0]); } else { ll one = LLINF; ll two = 0; for(auto j : ind[i]) two = max(two, C[j.s].f/new_R); for(auto j : ind[i]) one = min(one, C[j.s].f/new_R); ll three = -LLINF; for(auto j : ind[i]) three = ((C[j.s].f/new_R) != one && (C[j.s].f/new_R) != two) ? C[j.s].f/new_R : three; // if(three != -LLINF) { // for(auto j : ind[i]) { // cer // ll cmp = C[j.s].f/new_R; // if(one == cmp || two == cmp || three == cmp); // else { // cout << "BRUHHH\n"; // exit(0); // } // } // } // cerr << "1,2,3: " << one << ' ' << two << ' ' << three << '\n'; if(one == two) { // 1 assert(three==-LLINF); if(mp[one]==0)mp[one] = co ++; } else if(three == -LLINF) { // 2 if(mp[one]==0)mp[one] = co ++; if(mp[two]==0)mp[two] = co++; } else { // 3 swap(two,three); if(mp[one]==0)mp[one] = co ++; if(mp[two]==0)mp[two] = co ++; if(mp[three]==0)mp[three] = co ++; } assert(co+3 < MAXN); for(auto j : ind[i]) { // cerr << C[j.s].f << ' ' << new_R << ' ' << C[j.s].f/new_R << ' ' << C[j.s].f/R << '\n'; tmp[mp[C[j.s].f/new_R]].pb(j); } // cerr << '\n' << '\n'; } } R=new_R; latest = co-1; assert(co < MAXN); FOR(i,0,latest+1) ind[i]=tmp[i]; // ll p = -LLINF; // FOR(i,1,latest+1) { // assert(ind[i].size()); // ll hmm = C[ind[i][0].s].f/R; // for(auto j : ind[i]) if(hmm != C[j.s].f/R) assert(0); // assert(hmm >= p); // p = hmm; // } } void sdb st4() { FOR(i,0,n) { d.pb(C[i].f/R); } sort(all(d)); d.resize(unique(all(d))-d.begin()); ll co = 1; for(auto i : d) mp[i] = co++; FOR(i,0,n) { ind[mp[C[i].f/R]].pb(pi(C[i].s,i)); latest = max(latest, mp[C[i].f/R]); } // FOR(i,1,latest+1) sort(all(ind[i])); int p[n+5]; for(ll i=0;i<n;i++) p[i]=i; sort(p,p+n,[](ll x, ll y){if(A[x].f==A[y].f)return A[x].s<A[y].s; else return A[x].f>A[y].f;}); // assert(ind[0].empty()); FOR(iii,0,n) { ll i = p[iii]; // cerr << i+1 << ' '; if(done[i]) continue; done[i] = 1; ans[i] = i; if(A[i].f < R/2) { split(); } ll x = mp[C[i].f/R], y = C[i].s; ll ii = i; FOR(i,x-magic/2,x+magic/2+1) { if(i <= 0||i>latest)continue; // ll d = llabs(x-i) * R + R; // auto lower = ind[i].lower_bound(pi(sqr((4ll*sq(R))-sq(d))-y, 0)); // auto upper = (ind[i].upper_bound(pi(sqr((4ll*sq(R))-sq(d))+y, LLINF))); // if(upper != ind[i].end() && pi(lower->f,lower->s) > pi(upper->f,upper->s)) continue; // if(lower == ind[i].end()) continue; for(auto j = ind[i].begin(); j != ind[i].end();j++) { if(inter(ii,j->s)) {} } } } FOR(i,0,n) assert(done[i]); FOR(i,0,n) cout << ans[i] + 1 << ' '; } /* for when u need negative numbers too */ inline int sdb ri() { bool neg = false; int res = 0; char c = getchar_unlocked(); while (true) { if (c=='-') break; if ('0'<=c && c<='9') break; c = getchar_unlocked(); } if (c=='-') neg = true; else res = c-'0'; while (true) { c = getchar_unlocked(); if (c<'0' || c>'9') break; res = (res<<1) + (res<<3) + (c-'0'); } if (neg) return -res; return res; } void st3() { vector<ll>inter(n,0); vector<bool>re(n,0); set <pi> ms; vector <pi> events; FOR(i,0,n) events.pb(pi(C[i].s-A[i].f,i)), events.pb(pi(C[i].s+A[i].f,-i-1)); sort(all(events), [] (pi x, pi y) { if(x.f != y.f) return x.f < y.f; else return x.s > y.s; } ); for(auto j : events) { ll i = j.s; if(i>=0) { ll r = A[i].f; ll x = C[i].f; bool in = 1; pi near = pi(LLINF, LLINF); if(!ms.empty()) { // pi near = LLINF; auto itr = ms.lower_bound(pi(x,0)); if(itr != ms.end()) near = min(near, pi(mdist(C[itr->s].f,C[itr->s].s, C[i].f, C[i].s)-(ld)A[itr->s].f, itr->s)); if(itr != ms.begin()) { --itr; near = min(near, pi(mdist(C[itr->s].f,C[itr->s].s, C[i].f, C[i].s)-(ld)A[itr->s].f, itr->s)); } assert(near.f != LLINF); if(near.f-EPS <= (ld)r) in = 0; } if(in) { ms.ins(pi(x,i)); re[i] = 1; } else { re[i] = 0; assert(re[near.s]); assert((ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f, near.s))!=ms.end())); // assert(ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f+A[near.s].f, near.s))!=ms.end()); ms.erase(ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f, near.s))); // ms.erase(ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f+A[near.s].f, near.s))); re[near.s] = 0; inter[i] = near.s; inter[near.s] = i; } } else { i = -i-1; if(re[i] == 0) continue; ll r = A[i].f; ll x = C[i].f; ms.erase(ms.find(pi(x,i))); // bool in = 1; pi near = pi(LLINF, LLINF); // if(!ms.empty()) { // // pi near = LLINF; // auto itr = ms.lower_bound(pi(x,0)); // if(itr != ms.end()) near = min(near, pi(mdist(C[itr->s].f,C[itr->s].s, C[i].f, C[i].s)-(ld)A[itr->s].f, itr->s)); // if(itr != ms.begin()) { --itr; near = min(near, pi(mdist(C[itr->s].f,C[itr->s].s, C[i].f, C[i].s)-(ld)A[itr->s].f, itr->s)); } // assert(near.f != LLINF); // if(near.f-EPS <= (ld)r) in = 0; // } // if(!in) { // re[i] = 0; assert(re[near.s]); // assert((ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f, near.s))!=ms.end())); // // assert(ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f+A[near.s].f, near.s))!=ms.end()); // ms.erase(ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f, near.s))); // // ms.erase(ms.find(pi(C[near.s].f+A[near.s].f, near.s))); // re[near.s] = 0; // inter[i] = near.s; // inter[near.s] = i; // } auto itr = ms.lower_bound(pi(x,0)); if(itr != ms.end()) assert(itr->f > x); if(itr != ms.begin() && itr != ms.end()) { ll a = prev(itr)->s, b = itr->s; if(mdist(C[a].f,C[a].s,C[b].f,C[b].s) <= (ld)A[a].f + (ld)A[b].f){ re[a] = re[b] = 0; inter[a] = b; inter[b] = a; itr=ms.erase(prev(itr)); ms.erase(itr); } } } } FOR(i,0,n) ans[i] = i; FOR(i,0,n) if(!re[i]&&(A[inter[i]].f>A[i].f||(A[inter[i]].f==A[i].f&&inter[i]<i))) { ans[i] = inter[i]; } FOR(i,0,n) cout << ans[i]+1 << ' '; cout<<'\n'; } int sdb main() { // freopen("int","r",stdin); // freopen("out","w",stdout); FAST //cin >> n; n=ri(); FOR(i,0,n) { C[i].f=ri();C[i].s=ri();A[i].f=ri();// cin >> C[i].f >> C[i].s >> A[i].f; if(0)in.pb(pi(C[i].f,A[i].f)); C[i].f+=1e9; if(C[i].s) s2 = 0; A[i].s = i; if(R == -1) R = A[i].f; if(R != A[i].f) s4 = 0; R=max(R,A[i].f); } // if(R%2)R++; // if(st1() != st2()) { // cerr << n << '\n'; // for(auto i : in) cerr << i.f << ' ' << i.s << '\n'; // assert(0); // } // assert(st1() == st2()); if(s4||n<=2e5)st4(); else st3(); } // 1 10 1 4 5 6 7 8 4 10 6 // 1 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 4 2 6 /* 3 5 0 3 10 0 2 20 0 8 4 1 0 3 10 0 5 15 0 1 20 0 10 8 1 4 14 12 6 10 0 6 14 0 9 6 3 2 0 0 * 11 9 9 2 13 2 1 11 8 2 3 3 2 3 12 1 12 14 1 9 8 5 2 8 2 5 2 1 14 4 2 14 14 1 */

Compilation message (stderr)

circle_selection.cpp:2:0: warning: ignoring #pragma GCC optimization [-Wunknown-pragmas]
 #pragma GCC optimization ("Ofast")
circle_selection.cpp:3:0: warning: ignoring #pragma GCC optimization [-Wunknown-pragmas]
 #pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops")
circle_selection.cpp: In function 'void st4()':
circle_selection.cpp:156:24: warning: unused variable 'y' [-Wunused-variable]
   ll x = mp[C[i].f/R], y = C[i].s;
circle_selection.cpp: In function 'void st3()':
circle_selection.cpp:224:7: warning: unused variable 'r' [-Wunused-variable]
    ll r = A[i].f; ll x = C[i].f;
circle_selection.cpp:23:25: warning: this 'for' clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
 #define FOR(ii, ss, ee) for(ll ii = ss; ii < ee; ++ii)
circle_selection.cpp:261:2: note: in expansion of macro 'FOR'
  FOR(i,0,n) cout << ans[i]+1 << ' '; cout<<'\n';
circle_selection.cpp:261:38: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the 'for'
  FOR(i,0,n) cout << ans[i]+1 << ' '; cout<<'\n';
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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