제출 #1086180

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
1086180t9unkubj수확 (JOI20_harvest)C++17
컴파일 에러
0 ms0 KiB
#ifdef t9unkubj #include"template.h" //#include"template_no_debug.h" #else #undef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG #pragma GCC optimize("O3") #define dbg(...) 199958 using namespace std; #include<bits/stdc++.h> using uint=unsigned; using ll=long long; using ull=unsigned long long; using ld=long double; using pii=pair<int,int>; using pll=pair<ll,ll>; template<class T>using vc=vector<T>; template<class T>using vvc=vc<vc<T>>; template<class T>using vvvc=vvc<vc<T>>; using vi=vc<int>; using vvi=vc<vi>; using vvvi=vc<vvi>; using vl=vc<ll>; using vvl=vc<vl>; using vvvl=vc<vvl>; template<class T>using smpq=priority_queue<T,vector<T>,greater<T>>; template<class T>using bipq=priority_queue<T>; #define rep(i,n) for(ll i=0;i<(ll)(n);i++) #define REP(i,j,n) for(ll i=(j);i<(ll)(n);i++) #define DREP(i,n,m) for(ll i=(n);i>=(m);i--) #define drep(i,n) for(ll i=((n)-1);i>=0;i--) #define all(x) x.begin(),x.end() #define rall(x) x.rbegin(),x.rend() #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define fi first #define se second #define is insert #define bg begin() #define ed end() void scan(int&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(ll&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(string&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(char&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(uint&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(ull&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(bool&a) { cin >> a; } void scan(ld&a){ cin>> a;} template<class T> void scan(vector<T>&a) { for(auto&x:a) scan(x); } void read() {} template<class Head, class... Tail> void read(Head&head, Tail&... tail) { scan(head); read(tail...); } #define INT(...) int __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define LL(...) ll __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define ULL(...) ull __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define STR(...) string __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define CHR(...) char __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define DBL(...) double __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define LD(...) ld __VA_ARGS__; read(__VA_ARGS__); #define VC(type, name, ...) vector<type> name(__VA_ARGS__); read(name); #define VVC(type, name, size, ...) vector<vector<type>> name(size, vector<type>(__VA_ARGS__)); read(name); void print(int a) { cout << a; } void print(ll a) { cout << a; } void print(string a) { cout << a; } void print(char a) { cout << a; } void print(uint a) { cout << a; } void print(bool a) { cout << a; } void print(ull a) { cout << a; } void print(double a) { cout << a; } void print(ld a){ cout<< a; } template<class T> void print(vector<T>a) { for(int i=0;i<(int)a.size();i++){if(i)cout<<" ";print(a[i]);}cout<<endl;} void PRT() { cout <<endl; return ; } template<class T> void PRT(T a) { print(a); cout <<endl; return; } template<class Head, class... Tail> void PRT(Head head, Tail ... tail) { print(head); cout << " "; PRT(tail...); return; } template<class T,class F> bool chmin(T &x, F y){ if(x>y){ x=y; return true; } return false; } template<class T, class F> bool chmax(T &x, F y){ if(x<y){ x=y; return true; } return false; } void YesNo(bool b){ cout<<(b?"Yes":"No")<<endl; } void Yes(){ cout<<"Yes"<<endl; } void No(){ cout<<"No"<<endl; } template<class T> int popcount(T n){ return __builtin_popcountll(n); } template<class T> T sum(vc<T>&a){ return accumulate(all(a),T(0)); } template<class T> T max(vc<T>&a){ return *max_element(all(a)); } template<class T> T min(vc<T>&a){ return *min_element(all(a)); } template<class T> void unique(vc<T>&a){ a.erase(unique(all(a)),a.end()); } vvi readgraph(int n,int m,int off = -1){ vvi g(n); rep(i, m){ int u,v; cin>>u>>v; u+=off,v+=off; g[u].push_back(v); g[v].push_back(u); } return g; } vvi readtree(int n,int off=-1){ return readgraph(n,n-1,off); } template<class T> vc<T> presum(vc<T> &a){ vc<T> ret(a.size()+1); rep(i,a.size())ret[i+1]=ret[i]+a[i]; return ret; } template<class T, class F> vc<T> &operator+=(vc<T> &a,F b){ for (auto&v:a)v += b; return a; } template<class T, class F> vc<T> &operator-=(vc<T>&a,F b){ for (auto&v:a)v-=b; return a; } template<class T, class F> vc<T> &operator*=(vc<T>&a,F b){ for (auto&v:a)v*=b; return a; } #endif double pass_time=0; //k以下のnum struct range_tree_get_num{ int n; struct S{ vc<ll>seq; vc<ll>pre; void build(const vc<ll>&c){ seq=c; pre=presum(pre); } int size(){ return seq.size(); } }; vector<S>node; range_tree_get_num(){} range_tree_get_num(int N){ int log=0; while((1<<log)<=N)log++; n=1<<log; node=vector<S>(n*2); } S merge(S&a,S&b){ S c; int l=0,r=0; while(l<(int)a.size()||r<(int)b.size()){ if(l==(int)a.size())c.seq.push_back(b.seq[r++]); else if(r==(int)b.size())c.seq.push_back(a.seq[l++]); else if(a.seq[l]<=b.seq[r])c.seq.push_back(a.seq[l++]); else c.seq.push_back(b.seq[r++]); } c.build(c.seq); return c; } void set(int i,vl t){ S c; c.build({t}); node[i+n]=c; } void build(){ for(int i=node.size();i;i--){ int a=i*2,b=i*2+1; if(b<(int)node.size()){ node[i]=merge(node[a],node[b]); } } } ll op(ll l,S&c){ return upper_bound(all(c.seq),l)-c.seq.bg; } ll prod(int l,int r,ll x){ l+=n,r+=n; ll res=0; while(l<r){ if(l&1)res+=op(x,node[l++]); if(r&1)res+=op(x,node[--r]); l>>=1,r>>=1; } return res; } }; struct range_tree_sum{ int n; struct S{ vc<ll>seq; vc<ll>pre; void build(const vc<ll>&c){ seq=c; pre=presum(seq); } int size(){ return seq.size(); } }; vector<S>node; range_tree_sum(){} range_tree_sum(int N){ int log=0; while((1<<log)<=N)log++; n=1<<log; node=vector<S>(n*2); } S merge(S&a,S&b){ S c; int l=0,r=0; while(l<(int)a.size()||r<(int)b.size()){ if(l==(int)a.size())c.seq.push_back(b.seq[r++]); else if(r==(int)b.size())c.seq.push_back(a.seq[l++]); else if(a.seq[l]<=b.seq[r])c.seq.push_back(a.seq[l++]); else c.seq.push_back(b.seq[r++]); } c.build(c.seq); return c; } void set(int i,vl t){ S c; c.build({t}); node[i+n]=c; } void build(){ for(int i=node.size();i;i--){ int a=i*2,b=i*2+1; if(b<(int)node.size()){ node[i]=merge(node[a],node[b]); } } } ll op2(ll l,S&c){ return upper_bound(all(c.seq),l)-c.seq.bg; } ll counter(int l,int r,ll x){ l+=n,r+=n; ll res=0; while(l<r){ if(l&1)res+=op2(x,node[l++]); if(r&1)res+=op2(x,node[--r]); l>>=1,r>>=1; } return res; } ll op(ll l,S&c){ auto itr=upper_bound(all(c.seq),l)-c.seq.bg; return c.pre[itr]; } ll prod(int l,int r,ll x){ l+=n,r+=n; ll res=0; while(l<r){ if(l&1)res+=op(x,node[l++]); if(r&1)res+=op(x,node[--r]); l>>=1,r>>=1; } return res; } }; template<class T,auto op,int extra> struct base_dsu{ vector<int>par; vector<T>data; base_dsu(int n):par(n,-1){ static_assert(!extra,"e is needed"); } base_dsu(int n,T e):par(n,-1),data(n,e){} T& operator[](int i){ static_assert(extra,"No data"); return data[leader(i)]; } int root(int x){ if(par[x]<0)return x; else return par[x]=root(par[x]); } bool same(int x,int y){ return root(x)==root(y); } bool merge(int x,int y){ x=root(x); y=root(y); if(x==y)return false; if(par[x]>par[y])swap(x,y); par[x]+=par[y]; par[y]=x; if(extra){ data[x]=op(data[y],data[x]); } return true; } int size(int x){ return -par[root(x)]; } int leader(int x){ return root(x); } }; int tf323(int a,int b){return a;} using dsu=base_dsu<int,tf323,0>; template<class T,auto op> using extra_dsu=base_dsu<T,op,1>; void solve(){ LL(n,m,l,c); VC(ll,a,n); VC(ll,b,m); a-=1,b-=1; vc<pll> to(n); dbg(c%l); //graphを作る { auto A=a; for(auto&x:a)A.pb(x+l); rep(i,n){ ll nxt=a[i]-c+l*2e9; auto itr=upper_bound(all(A),nxt%l)-1-A.bg; if(itr<0)itr+=n; itr%=n; to[i].se=c+abs(a[itr]-(nxt%l)); to[i].fi=itr; assert(to[i].fi>=0); dbg(to[i]); } } //初期にいる場所とコスト vvl gs(n); { vc<array<ll,3>>events; rep(i,n){ events.pb({a[i],i,0}); events.pb({a[i]+l,i,0}); } rep(i,m){ events.pb({b[i],i,1}); events.pb({b[i]+l,i,1}); } sort(all(events)); ll last=-1; ll pos=-1; vi seen(m); for(auto [x,i,t]:events){ if(t==0){ last=i; pos=x; }else{ if(last==-1)continue; if(seen[i])continue; seen[i]=1; gs[last].pb(abs(x-pos)); } } } rep(i,n)dbg(gs[i]); //rep(i,n)dbg(gs[i]); ///サイクルを作る vi is_cycle(n); extra_dsu<int,[](int a,int b){return max(a,b);}> dsu(n,-1); { rep(i,n){ if(!dsu.merge(i,to[i].fi)){ int now=i; while(!is_cycle[now]){ is_cycle[now]=1; now=to[now].fi; } } } } vvc<pii> inv(n); rep(i,n)inv[to[i].fi].pb({i,to[i].se}); //euler tour vi in(n,-1); vi out(n,-1); int now_time__=0; function<void(int)>dfs=[&](int now){ in[now]=now_time__++; for(auto&[x,w]:inv[now]){ if(in[x]==-1){ dfs(x); } } out[now]=now_time__; }; rep(i,n){ if(in[i]==-1&&is_cycle[i])dfs(i); } //パスを考える rep(i,n){ if(is_cycle[i]){ dsu[i]=i; } } vl md_to_cycle(n,1e18); vl from(n,-1); queue<array<ll,3>>que; rep(i,n){ if(is_cycle[i]){ md_to_cycle[i]=0; que.push({0,i,i}); from[i]=i; } } while(que.size()){ auto [p,q,r]=que.front();que.pop(); for(auto&[x,w]:inv[q]){ if(chmin(md_to_cycle[x],p+w)){ from[x]=r; que.push({md_to_cycle[x],x,r}); } } } dbg(md_to_cycle); vvl cycle_vs(n);//サイクル上のここに来るまでのコスト rep(i,n){ for(auto&x:gs[i]){ dbg(i,x); cycle_vs[from[i]].pb(x+md_to_cycle[i]); } } //全部leaderにそろえる vl md_to_leader(n,1e18); rep(i,n){ if(dsu[i]==i){ md_to_leader[i]=0; que.push({0,i,i}); } } while(que.size()){ auto [p,q,hogehoge]=que.front();que.pop(); for(auto&[x,w]:inv[q]){ if(chmin(md_to_leader[x],p+w)){ que.push({md_to_leader[x],x,hogehoge}); } } } //leaderから出発したき vl md_from_leader(n,1e18); rep(i,n){ if(dsu[i]==i){ md_from_leader[i]=0; que.push({0,i,i}); } } while(que.size()){ auto [p,q,hogehoge]=que.front();que.pop(); { ll x=to[q].fi,w=to[q].se; if(chmin(md_from_leader[x],p+w)){ que.push({md_from_leader[x],x,hogehoge}); } } } dbg(md_from_leader); //1サイクル当たり vl cycle_w(n,c); rep(i,n){ if(is_cycle[i]){ ll x=to[i].fi,y=to[i].se; chmax(cycle_w[dsu[i]],md_from_leader[i]+y); } } dbg(md_to_leader); //まとめる vvl vs_leader(n); rep(i,n){ if(is_cycle[i]){ for(auto&x:cycle_vs[i]){ vs_leader[dsu[i]].pb(x+md_to_leader[i]); } } } dbg(cycle_w); dbg(vs_leader[4]); rep(i,n){ sort(all(vs_leader[i]),[&](auto a,auto b){ return a%cycle_w[i]<b%cycle_w[i]; }); } //部分木に対してクエリ,eulerツアー順,md_to_cycle[i]を足す range_tree_get_num rt(n); rep(i,n){ gs[i]+=md_to_cycle[i]; if(gs[i].size())rt.set(in[i],gs[i]); } rt.build(); using R=range_tree_sum; vc<R>leader_rt_down(n); vc<R>leader_rt_up(n); rep(i,n){ if(dsu[i]!=i)continue; leader_rt_down[i]=leader_rt_up[i]=R(vs_leader[i].size()); rep(j,vs_leader[i].size())leader_rt_down[i].set(j,{vs_leader[i][j]/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}),leader_rt_up[i].set(j,{(vs_leader[i][j]+cycle_w[dsu[i]]-1)/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}); leader_rt_down[i].build(); leader_rt_up[i].build(); } //cycleをseg木に並べる vi in_cycle(n,-1); vi left(n,1e9); int now_time=0; rep(i,n){ if(dsu[i]==i){ int now=i; do{ in_cycle[now]=now_time++; chmin(left[i],now_time); now=to[now].fi; }while(now!=i); } } dbg(in_cycle); dbg(vs_leader[4]); range_tree_get_num rt3(n); rep(i,n){ if(is_cycle[i]){ dbg(cycle_vs[i]); cycle_vs[i]+=md_to_leader[i]; if(cycle_vs[i].size())rt3.set(in_cycle[i],cycle_vs[i]); cycle_vs[i]+=-md_to_leader[i]; } } rt3.build(); INT(q); dbg(in,out); while(q--){ LL(x,t); --x; if(is_cycle[x]){ ll r=dsu[x]; ll L=cycle_w[r]; ll ans=0; //[0,ac]がt未満のあまり t-=md_from_leader[x]; ll ac=-1,wa=vs_leader[r].size(); while(wa-ac>1){ ll wj=ac+wa>>1; if(vs_leader[r][wj]%L<=t%L){ ac=wj; }else{ wa=wj; } } //t/L以下のsum,そのままできる //ans+=(ac+1)*(t/L+1)-(leader_rt_down[r].prod(0,ac+1,t/L)); ans+=leader_rt_down[r].counter(0,ac+1,t/L)*(t/L+1)-(leader_rt_down[r].prod(0,ac+1,t/L)); //[ac+1,をみる int sz=vs_leader[r].size(); //ans+=(sz-(ac+1)+1)*((t+L-1)/L+1)-(leader_rt_up[r].prod(ac+1,sz,(t+L-1)/L)); ans+=leader_rt_up[r].counter(ac+1,sz,t/L)*(t/L+1)-(leader_rt_up[r].prod(ac+1,sz,t/L)); //ans+=leader_rt_up[r].counter(ac+1,sz,(t+L-1)/L)*((t+L-1)/L+1)-(leader_rt_up[r].prod(ac+1,sz,(t+L-1)/L)); t+=md_from_leader[x]; //こっちに入っているやつのうちvalidなもの ans+=rt3.prod(left[r],in_cycle[x]+1,t+md_to_leader[x]); //dbg(left[r],in_cycle[x]+1,x,rt3.prod(left[r],in_cycle[x]+1,t+md_to_leader[x])); PRT(ans); }else{ int l=in[x],r=out[x]; auto res=rt.prod(l,r,md_to_cycle[x]+t); PRT(res); } } } signed main(){ #ifdef t9unkubj freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); #endif cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); pass_time=clock(); int t=1; //cin>>t; while(t--)solve(); pass_time=clock()-pass_time; dbg(pass_time/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); }

컴파일 시 표준 에러 (stderr) 메시지

harvest.cpp: In function 'void solve()':
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:349:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  349 |     dbg(c%l);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:362:13: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  362 |             dbg(to[i]);
      |             ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:393:13: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  393 |     rep(i,n)dbg(gs[i]);
      |             ^~~
harvest.cpp:398:19: error: lambda-expression in template-argument only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-std=gnu++2a'
  398 |     extra_dsu<int,[](int a,int b){return max(a,b);}> dsu(n,-1);
      |                   ^
harvest.cpp:398:52: error: template argument 2 is invalid
  398 |     extra_dsu<int,[](int a,int b){return max(a,b);}> dsu(n,-1);
      |                                                    ^
harvest.cpp:398:62: error: expression list treated as compound expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
  398 |     extra_dsu<int,[](int a,int b){return max(a,b);}> dsu(n,-1);
      |                                                              ^
harvest.cpp:398:58: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  398 |     extra_dsu<int,[](int a,int b){return max(a,b);}> dsu(n,-1);
      |                                                          ^
harvest.cpp:401:21: error: request for member 'merge' in 'dsu', which is of non-class type 'int'
  401 |             if(!dsu.merge(i,to[i].fi)){
      |                     ^~~~~
harvest.cpp:432:16: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  432 |             dsu[i]=i;
      |                ^
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:454:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  454 |     dbg(md_to_cycle);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:458:13: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  458 |             dbg(i,x);
      |             ^~~
harvest.cpp:465:15: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  465 |         if(dsu[i]==i){
      |               ^
harvest.cpp:482:15: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  482 |         if(dsu[i]==i){
      |               ^
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:496:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  496 |     dbg(md_from_leader);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:502:30: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  502 |             chmax(cycle_w[dsu[i]],md_from_leader[i]+y);
      |                              ^
harvest.cpp:501:16: warning: unused variable 'x' [-Wunused-variable]
  501 |             ll x=to[i].fi,y=to[i].se;
      |                ^
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:505:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  505 |     dbg(md_to_leader);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:511:30: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  511 |                 vs_leader[dsu[i]].pb(x+md_to_leader[i]);
      |                              ^
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:516:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  516 |     dbg(cycle_w);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:517:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  517 |     dbg(vs_leader[4]);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:534:15: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  534 |         if(dsu[i]!=i)continue;
      |               ^
harvest.cpp:536:87: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  536 |         rep(j,vs_leader[i].size())leader_rt_down[i].set(j,{vs_leader[i][j]/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}),leader_rt_up[i].set(j,{(vs_leader[i][j]+cycle_w[dsu[i]]-1)/cycle_w[dsu[i]]});
      |                                                                                       ^
harvest.cpp:536:92: error: cannot convert '<brace-enclosed initializer list>' to 'vl' {aka 'std::vector<long long int, std::allocator<long long int> >'}
  536 |         rep(j,vs_leader[i].size())leader_rt_down[i].set(j,{vs_leader[i][j]/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}),leader_rt_up[i].set(j,{(vs_leader[i][j]+cycle_w[dsu[i]]-1)/cycle_w[dsu[i]]});
      |                                                                                            ^
harvest.cpp:254:20: note:   initializing argument 2 of 'void range_tree_sum::set(int, vl)'
  254 |  void set(int i,vl t){
      |                 ~~~^
harvest.cpp:536:145: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  536 |         rep(j,vs_leader[i].size())leader_rt_down[i].set(j,{vs_leader[i][j]/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}),leader_rt_up[i].set(j,{(vs_leader[i][j]+cycle_w[dsu[i]]-1)/cycle_w[dsu[i]]});
      |                                                                                                                                                 ^
harvest.cpp:536:164: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  536 |         rep(j,vs_leader[i].size())leader_rt_down[i].set(j,{vs_leader[i][j]/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}),leader_rt_up[i].set(j,{(vs_leader[i][j]+cycle_w[dsu[i]]-1)/cycle_w[dsu[i]]});
      |                                                                                                                                                                    ^
harvest.cpp:536:169: error: cannot convert '<brace-enclosed initializer list>' to 'vl' {aka 'std::vector<long long int, std::allocator<long long int> >'}
  536 |         rep(j,vs_leader[i].size())leader_rt_down[i].set(j,{vs_leader[i][j]/cycle_w[dsu[i]]}),leader_rt_up[i].set(j,{(vs_leader[i][j]+cycle_w[dsu[i]]-1)/cycle_w[dsu[i]]});
      |                                                                                                                                                                         ^
harvest.cpp:254:20: note:   initializing argument 2 of 'void range_tree_sum::set(int, vl)'
  254 |  void set(int i,vl t){
      |                 ~~~^
harvest.cpp:548:15: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  548 |         if(dsu[i]==i){
      |               ^
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:558:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  558 |     dbg(in_cycle);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:559:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  559 |     dbg(vs_leader[4]);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:563:13: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  563 |             dbg(cycle_vs[i]);
      |             ^~~
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:571:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  571 |     dbg(in,out);
      |     ^~~
harvest.cpp:576:21: error: invalid types 'int[ll {aka long long int}]' for array subscript
  576 |             ll r=dsu[x];
      |                     ^
harvest.cpp:583:25: warning: suggest parentheses around '+' inside '>>' [-Wparentheses]
  583 |                 ll wj=ac+wa>>1;
      |                       ~~^~~
harvest.cpp: In function 'int main()':
harvest.cpp:7:18: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
    7 | #define dbg(...) 199958
      |                  ^~~~~~
harvest.cpp:622:5: note: in expansion of macro 'dbg'
  622 |     dbg(pass_time/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
      |     ^~~