제출 #1048786

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
1048786june0501수족관 3 (KOI13_aqua3)C++17
100 / 100
64 ms30160 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> //#pragma GCC target("avx2") //#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops") #define fastIO ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0) #define endl '\n' #define all(v) (v).begin(), (v).end() #define rall(v) (v).rbegin(), (v).rend() using namespace std; using ll [[maybe_unused]] = long long; using ull [[maybe_unused]] = unsigned long long; using lll [[maybe_unused]] = __int128; using lld [[maybe_unused]] = long double; using llld [[maybe_unused]] = __float128; template<typename T> using graph [[maybe_unused]] = vector<vector<pair<int,T>>>; template<typename T> using matrix [[maybe_unused]] = vector<vector<T>>; /** * "Premature optimization is the root of all evil." * <sub> Donald Knuth </sub> */ #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE // Be careful if problem is about strings. /** * Namespace for Fast I/O * * @class@b INPUT * class which can replace the cin * * @class@b OUTPUT * class which can replace the cout * * @Description * These classes use low-level i/o functions (@c fread()/mmap() for input, @c fwrite()/write() for output) * so that they can read or write much faster than cin and cout. <br> * Several macros are defined for convenience of using them. * * @Author <a href="https://blog.naver.com/jinhan814/222266396476">jinhan814</a> * @Date 2021-05-06 */ namespace FastIO { #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd.h> constexpr int SZ = 1 << 20; /* Class INPUT */ class INPUT { private: char* p; bool __END_FLAG__, __GET_LINE_FLAG__; // NOLINT public: explicit operator bool() const { return !__END_FLAG__; } INPUT() { struct stat st; fstat(0, &st); p = (char*)mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 0, 0); } static bool IsBlank(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\n'; } static bool IsEnd(char c) { return c == '\0'; } char _ReadChar() { // NOLINT return *p++; } char ReadChar() { char ret = _ReadChar(); for (; IsBlank(ret); ret = _ReadChar()); return ret; } template<class T> T ReadInt() { T ret = 0; char curr = _ReadChar(); bool minus_flag = false; for (; IsBlank(curr); curr = _ReadChar()); if (curr == '-') minus_flag = true, curr = _ReadChar(); for (; !IsBlank(curr) && !IsEnd(curr); curr = _ReadChar()) ret = 10 * ret + (curr & 15); if (IsEnd(curr)) __END_FLAG__ = true; return minus_flag ? -ret : ret; } std::string ReadString() { std::string ret; char curr = _ReadChar(); for (; IsBlank(curr); curr = _ReadChar()); for (; !IsBlank(curr) && !IsEnd(curr); curr = _ReadChar()) ret += curr; if (IsEnd(curr)) __END_FLAG__ = true; return ret; } double ReadDouble() { std::string ret = ReadString(); return std::stod(ret); } std::string getline() { std::string ret; char curr = _ReadChar(); for (; curr != '\n' && !IsEnd(curr); curr = _ReadChar()) ret += curr; if (__GET_LINE_FLAG__) __END_FLAG__ = true; if (IsEnd(curr)) __GET_LINE_FLAG__ = true; return ret; } friend INPUT &getline(INPUT &in, std::string &s) { s = in.getline(); return in; } } _in; /* End of Class INPUT */ /* Class OUTPUT */ class OUTPUT { private: char writeBuffer[SZ]; int write_idx; public: ~OUTPUT() { Flush(); } explicit operator bool() const { return true; } void Flush() { write(1, writeBuffer, write_idx); write_idx = 0; } void WriteChar(char c) { if (write_idx == SZ) Flush(); writeBuffer[write_idx++] = c; } template<class T> void WriteInt(T n) { int sz = GetSize(n); if (write_idx + sz >= SZ) Flush(); if (n < 0) writeBuffer[write_idx++] = '-', n = -n; for (int i = sz; i-- > 0; n /= 10) writeBuffer[write_idx + i] = n % 10 | 48; write_idx += sz; } void WriteString(const std::string& s) { for (auto &c: s) WriteChar(c); } void WriteDouble(double d) { WriteString(std::to_string(d)); } template<class T> int GetSize(T n) { int ret = 1; for (n = n >= 0 ? n : -n; n >= 10; n /= 10) ret++; return ret; } } _out; /* End of Class OUTPUT */ /* Operators */ INPUT &operator>>(INPUT &in, char &i) { i = in.ReadChar(); return in; } INPUT &operator>>(INPUT &in, std::string &i) { i = in.ReadString(); return in; } template<class T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> * = nullptr> INPUT &operator>>(INPUT &in, T &i) { if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) i = in.ReadDouble(); else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) i = in.ReadInt<T>(); return in; } OUTPUT &operator<<(OUTPUT &out, char i) { out.WriteChar(i); return out; } OUTPUT &operator<<(OUTPUT &out, const std::string &i) { out.WriteString(i); return out; } template<class T, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>> * = nullptr> OUTPUT &operator<<(OUTPUT &out, T i) { if constexpr (std::is_floating_point_v<T>) out.WriteDouble(i); else if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>) out.WriteInt(i); return out; } /* Macros for convenience */ #undef fastIO #define fastIO 1 #define cin _in #define cout _out #define istream INPUT #define ostream OUTPUT }; using namespace FastIO; #endif class RMQ { vector<pair<int,int>> tree; // {val, idx} int size, n; public: RMQ(int sz) : size(1 << int(ceil(log2(sz)) + 1)) { tree.resize(size + 1, {2e9, 0}); n = size >> 1; } void update(int i, int x) { tree[i += n] = {x, i}; for (i >>= 1; i > 0; i >>= 1) tree[i] = min(tree[i << 1], tree[i << 1 | 1]); } pair<int,int> query(int l, int r) { pair<int,int> res = {2e9, 2e9}; for (l += n, r += n; l <= r; l >>= 1, r >>= 1) { if (l & 1) res = min(res, tree[l++]); if (~r & 1) res = min(res, tree[r--]); } return res; } }; int32_t main() { fastIO; int n; cin >> n; vector<pair<int,int>> v(n); vector<int> decompress(n); int max_x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> decompress[max_x] >> v[i].second; v[i].first = max_x; if (i & 1) max_x++; } RMQ segTree(max_x); for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i += 2) { segTree.update(v[i].first, v[i].second); } priority_queue<ll> pq; auto dnc = [&](auto &&self, int s, int e, int h) -> ll { auto [y, mid] = segTree.query(s, e); auto l = decompress[v[s << 1 | 1].first]; auto r = decompress[v[(e + 1) << 1].first]; ll upper_area = ll(r - l) * (y - h); if (s >= e) return upper_area; ll lower_area1 = self(self, s, mid - 1, y); ll lower_area2 = self(self, mid + 1, e, y); pq.emplace(min(lower_area1, lower_area2)); return upper_area + max(lower_area1, lower_area2); }; pq.emplace(dnc(dnc, 0, (n >> 1) - 2, 0)); int k; cin >> k; ll ans = 0; while (!pq.empty() && k--) { ans += pq.top(); pq.pop(); } cout << ans; return 0; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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