# | Submission time | Handle | Problem | Language | Result | Execution time | Memory |
1027063 | 2024-07-18T20:07:55 Z | hasan2006 | Ball Machine (BOI13_ballmachine) | C++17 | 1000 ms | 58376 KB |
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define TL ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0); #define rall(s) s.rbegin(),s.rend() #define all(s) s.begin(),s.end() #define pb push_back #define se second #define fi first #define ll long long #define ld long double #define YES cout<<"YES\n" #define Yes cout<<"Yes\n" #define yes cout<<"yes\n" #define NO cout<<"NO\n" #define No cout<<"No\n" #define no cout<<"no\n" const int N = 5e5 + 9 , mod = 1e9 + 7; ll a[N] , b[N] , dp[N] , c[N] , d[N] , p[N][22] , timer = 0; vector<int>v[N]; void dfs(int n){ d[n] = a[n]; for(auto to : v[n]) dfs(to); d[p[n][0]] = min(d[p[n][0]] , d[n]); } set<pair<int,int>>st , ss; void dfs1(int n){ dp[n] = dp[p[n][0]] + 1; vector<pair<int,int>>vc; for(int i =1; i <= 20; i++) p[n][i] = p[p[n][i - 1]][i - 1]; for(auto to : v[n]) vc.pb({d[to] , to}); sort(all(vc)); for(auto to : vc) dfs1(to.se); c[n] = ++timer; st.insert({c[n] , n}); } void solve() { ll n , q , i , j ,l ,r , x , y , s = 0 , f , k , m , mn = 1e18, mx = 0 ; cin>>n>>m; for(i = 1; i <= n; i++){ cin>>p[i][0]; v[p[i][0]].pb(i); if(p[i][0] == 0) x = i; } dfs(x); dfs1(x); while(m--){ cin>>k>>x; if(k == 1){ while(x--){ y = st.begin()->se; st.erase(st.begin()); } cout<<y<<"\n"; }else{ f = x; for(i = 20; i >= 0; i--) if(p[x][i] && st.find({c[p[x][i]] , p[x][i]}) == st.end()) x = p[x][i]; cout<<dp[f] - dp[x]<<"\n"; st.insert({c[x] , x}); } } } int main(){ TL; /*#ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin); freopen("output.txt", "w", stdout); #endif*/ int t = 1; // cin>>t; while(t--) { solve(); } } // Author : حسن
Compilation message
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 16988 KB | Output isn't correct |
2 | Execution timed out | 1101 ms | 35160 KB | Time limit exceeded |
3 | Incorrect | 50 ms | 35156 KB | Output isn't correct |
4 | Execution timed out | 1076 ms | 16988 KB | Time limit exceeded |
5 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 16988 KB | Output isn't correct |
6 | Incorrect | 3 ms | 16988 KB | Output isn't correct |
7 | Execution timed out | 1096 ms | 16988 KB | Time limit exceeded |
8 | Execution timed out | 1055 ms | 16988 KB | Time limit exceeded |
9 | Incorrect | 8 ms | 17244 KB | Output isn't correct |
10 | Execution timed out | 1094 ms | 22532 KB | Time limit exceeded |
11 | Incorrect | 101 ms | 35156 KB | Output isn't correct |
12 | Incorrect | 55 ms | 35252 KB | Output isn't correct |
13 | Incorrect | 78 ms | 35132 KB | Output isn't correct |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
1 | Correct | 36 ms | 25712 KB | Output is correct |
2 | Incorrect | 235 ms | 51064 KB | Output isn't correct |
3 | Incorrect | 59 ms | 43620 KB | Output isn't correct |
4 | Execution timed out | 1061 ms | 28112 KB | Time limit exceeded |
5 | Execution timed out | 1060 ms | 27740 KB | Time limit exceeded |
6 | Incorrect | 130 ms | 28196 KB | Output isn't correct |
7 | Incorrect | 107 ms | 24880 KB | Output isn't correct |
8 | Correct | 34 ms | 25684 KB | Output is correct |
9 | Incorrect | 165 ms | 51028 KB | Output isn't correct |
10 | Incorrect | 225 ms | 51028 KB | Output isn't correct |
11 | Incorrect | 184 ms | 50936 KB | Output isn't correct |
12 | Incorrect | 213 ms | 45664 KB | Output isn't correct |
13 | Correct | 92 ms | 53588 KB | Output is correct |
14 | Incorrect | 59 ms | 43588 KB | Output isn't correct |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 74 ms | 32992 KB | Output isn't correct |
2 | Incorrect | 258 ms | 47948 KB | Output isn't correct |
3 | Correct | 146 ms | 49492 KB | Output is correct |
4 | Incorrect | 114 ms | 43720 KB | Output isn't correct |
5 | Incorrect | 167 ms | 43528 KB | Output isn't correct |
6 | Incorrect | 174 ms | 43704 KB | Output isn't correct |
7 | Incorrect | 171 ms | 41044 KB | Output isn't correct |
8 | Correct | 148 ms | 49552 KB | Output is correct |
9 | Incorrect | 172 ms | 51540 KB | Output isn't correct |
10 | Incorrect | 246 ms | 51028 KB | Output isn't correct |
11 | Incorrect | 251 ms | 51152 KB | Output isn't correct |
12 | Incorrect | 260 ms | 48012 KB | Output isn't correct |
13 | Correct | 235 ms | 58376 KB | Output is correct |
14 | Incorrect | 88 ms | 43844 KB | Output isn't correct |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
1 | Incorrect | 211 ms | 51216 KB | Output isn't correct |
2 | Incorrect | 253 ms | 47956 KB | Output isn't correct |
3 | Correct | 99 ms | 58196 KB | Output is correct |
4 | Incorrect | 213 ms | 51284 KB | Output isn't correct |
5 | Incorrect | 270 ms | 51028 KB | Output isn't correct |
6 | Incorrect | 230 ms | 51044 KB | Output isn't correct |
7 | Incorrect | 260 ms | 47956 KB | Output isn't correct |
8 | Correct | 98 ms | 58196 KB | Output is correct |
9 | Incorrect | 56 ms | 43488 KB | Output isn't correct |