제출 #1016178

#제출 시각아이디문제언어결과실행 시간메모리
1016178Unforgettablepl모임들 (IOI18_meetings)C++17
19 / 100
5557 ms249380 KiB
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast","unroll-loops") #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #include "meetings.h" const int SQRT = 50; struct Query{ int L,R,idx; Query(int L,int R,int idx):L(L),R(R),idx(idx){} bool operator<(const Query& other)const{ return L/SQRT == other.L/SQRT ? R<other.R : L<other.L; } }; struct Segtree{ // Range add, range min vector<long long> tree,lazy; int N; Segtree(int N):tree(4*N),lazy(4*N),N(N){} void update(int qL,int qR,int qX,int x,int L,int R){ if(lazy[x]){ tree[x]+=lazy[x]; if(L!=R){ lazy[2*x]+=lazy[x]; lazy[2*x+1]+=lazy[x]; } lazy[x]=0; } if(qR<L or R<qL)return; if(qL<=L and R<=qR){ tree[x]+=qX; if(L!=R){ lazy[2*x]+=qX; lazy[2*x+1]+=qX; } return; } int mid = (L+R)/2; update(qL,qR,qX,2*x,L,mid); update(qL,qR,qX,2*x+1,mid+1,R); tree[x] = min(tree[2*x],tree[2*x+1]); } void update(int qL,int qR,int qX){ update(qL,qR,qX,1,0,N-1); } long long get(int qL,int qR,int x,int L,int R){ if(lazy[x]){ tree[x]+=lazy[x]; if(L!=R){ lazy[2*x]+=lazy[x]; lazy[2*x+1]+=lazy[x]; } lazy[x]=0; } if(qR<L or R<qL)return INT64_MAX; if(qL<=L and R<=qR)return tree[x]; int mid = (L+R)/2; return min(get(qL,qR,2*x,L,mid),get(qL,qR,2*x+1,mid+1,R)); } long long get(int qL,int qR){return get(qL,qR,1,0,N-1);} }; vector<long long> minimum_costs(vector<int> H, vector<int> L, vector<int> R) { int n = H.size(); int q = L.size(); Segtree cost(n); vector<stack<pair<int,int>>> fromleft(n); vector<stack<pair<int,int>>> fromright(n); { // from left calculation stack<pair<int,int>> s; s.emplace(INT32_MAX,-1); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ while(s.top().first<=H[i])s.pop(); s.emplace(H[i],i); fromleft[i] = s; } } { // from right calculation stack<pair<int,int>> s; s.emplace(INT32_MAX,n); for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--){ while(s.top().first<=H[i])s.pop(); s.emplace(H[i],i); fromright[i] = s; } } auto add = [&](int x,int offset){ { // from left calculation stack<pair<int,int>> s = fromleft[x]; while(s.size()>1){ auto [curr,idx] = s.top();s.pop(); cost.update(s.top().second+1,idx,curr*offset); } } { // from right calculation stack<pair<int,int>> s = fromright[x]; s.top().second++; while(s.size()>1){ auto [curr,idx] = s.top();s.pop(); cost.update(idx,s.top().second-1,curr*offset); } } }; int l = 0; int r = -1; vector<long long> ans(q); vector<Query> queries; for(int i=0;i<q;i++)queries.emplace_back(L[i],R[i],i); sort(queries.begin(),queries.end()); for(auto[tarL,tarR,idx]:queries){ while(l<tarL)add(l++,-1); while(tarL<l)add(--l,1); while(r<tarR)add(++r,1); while(tarR<r)add(r--,-1); ans[idx] = cost.get(tarL,tarR); } return ans; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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