# | Time | Username | Problem | Language | Result | Execution time | Memory |
1005261 | vjudge1 | Bit Shift Registers (IOI21_registers) | C++17 | 0 ms | 0 KiB |
This submission is migrated from previous version of oj.uz, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "registers.h"
#define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;
//#define int ll
#define sz(x) ((int)(x).size())
using pii = pair<int,int>;
using tii = tuple<int,int,int>;
const int BSIZE = 2000;
namespace Utils {
vector<bool> tobits(int x) {
vector<bool> val;
if(x == 0) { val.emplace_back(0); return val; }
while(x > 0) {
val.emplace_back(x & 1);
x >>= 1;
return val;
vector<bool> multiply(vector<bool> v, int times) {
vector<bool> R;
while(times) {
if(times & 1)
copy(all(v), back_inserter(R));
times >>= 1;
auto X = v;
copy(all(X), back_inserter(v));
return R;
vector<bool> concat(vector<bool> a, vector<bool> b) { copy(all(b), back_inserter(a)); return a; }
vector<bool> ceil(vector<bool> a) {
a.resize(BSIZE, 0);
return a;
using namespace Utils;
#warning LEFT INSEAMNA CA SE MISCA i --> i - p (adica la stanga)
namespace PulaMea {
void amove(int t, int y) { append_move(t, y); }
void astore(int t, vector<bool> a) { append_store(t, a); }
void aand(int t, int x, int y) { append_and(t, x, y); }
void aor(int t, int x, int y) { append_or(t, x, y); }
void axor(int t, int x, int y) { append_xor(t, x, y); }
void anot(int t, int x) { append_not(t, x); }
void aright(int t, int x, int y) { append_left(t, x, y); }
void aleft(int t, int x, int y) { append_right(t, x, y); }
void asum(int t, int x, int y) { append_add(t, x, y); }
void print(int t) { append_print(t); }
using namespace PulaMea;
#define plus ashgafshasiuhqeuiasf
const int simple = 99;
const int plus = 98;
const int onesingle = 97;
const int onlyplus = 96;
void divide(int n, int k, int q, int space) {
int even = 1, weirdeven = 2, odd = 0, thirdparty = 3, aux = 4;
auto spaces = multiply(tobits(0), space);
astore(simple, ceil(multiply(concat(concat(multiply(tobits(1), k), spaces), concat(multiply(tobits(0), k), spaces)), (BSIZE / (2 * (k + space))))));
aand(even, 0, simple);
aleft(odd, 0, k + space);
aand(odd, odd, simple); // nenecesar
if(n % 2 == 1) {
aand(aux, odd, onesingle);
aright(aux, aux, (k + space + k + space) * (n / 2));
aor(odd, odd, aux);
anot(weirdeven, even);
aand(weirdeven, weirdeven, plus);
asum(thirdparty, odd, weirdeven);
aand(thirdparty, thirdparty, onlyplus);
aleft(thirdparty, thirdparty, k);
for(int i = 1; i < k; i *= 2) {
aright(aux, thirdparty, i);
aor(thirdparty, aux, thirdparty);
aand(aux, thirdparty, odd);
anot(thirdparty, thirdparty);
aand(thirdparty, thirdparty, even);
asum(odd, thirdparty, aux);
if(n == 2) return;
divide(n / 2, k, q, space + k + space);
void construct_instructions(int s, int n, int k, int q) {
int space = 0;
astore(plus, ceil(multiply(concat(concat(multiply(tobits(1), k + 1), spaces), concat(multiply(tobits(0), k - 1), spaces)), (BSIZE / (2 * (k + space))))));
astore(onlyplus, ceil(multiply(concat(concat(multiply(tobits(0), k), tobits(1)), multiply(tobits(0), space * 2 + k - 1)), BSIZE / (2 * (k + space)))));
astore(onesingle, ceil(multiply(tobits(1), k)));
divide(n, k, q, 0);
Istenem! Nu poate fi real.
-- Surse verificate