Submission #1002170

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
1002170 2024-06-19T10:39:47 Z Huseyn123 Dabbeh (INOI20_dabbeh) C++17
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")  #pragma GCC target("avx2,bmi,bmi2,lzcnt,popcnt")//#define int ll#define MAX 1000001#define INF INT_MAX#define MOD 1000000007#define mp make_pair#define mt make_tuple#define pb push_back#define ins insert#define ff first#define ss second #define all(a) a.begin(),a.end()#define lb(a,b) lower_bound(all(a),b)#define ub(a,b) upper_bound(all(a),b)#define sortv(a) sort(all(a))#define outputar(a,b){\    for(int i=0;i<b;i++){\        cout << a[i] << " ";\    }\    cout << endl;\}#define outputvec(a){\    for(auto x:a){\        cout << (int)x << " ";\    }\    cout << endl;\}#define reset(a,n,v){\    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){\        a[i]=v;\    }\}using namespace std;typedef long long ll;typedef unsigned long long ull;typedef tuple<ll,ll,ll> tll;typedef pair<ll,ll> pll;typedef pair<int,int> pii;typedef double db;typedef long double ldb;inline void USACO(string filename){  freopen((filename+".in").c_str(),"r",stdin);  freopen((filename+".out").c_str(),"w",stdout);}int n,q,t=1,m,k,x,y,z,x2,y2,z2,d[MAX],e[MAX];long long a[MAX],b[MAX];mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());string s[MAX],str[MAX];//int e[1001][1001];string s1,s2,s3;const int mod = 998244353;int dx[4]={0,1,0,-1};int dy[4]={1,0,-1,0};int B1=133,B2=135,M1=1e9+7,M2=1e9+9; long long pow1[MAX],pow2[MAX];int cost[501][501],can[501][501];int get_hash_1(int l,int r){    long long h=a[r];    if(l!=0){        h-=a[l-1];    }    if(h<0){        h+=M1;    }    h*=pow1[l];    h%=M1;    return h;}int get_hash_2(int l,int r){    long long h=b[r];    if(l!=0){        h-=b[l-1];    }    if(h<0){        h+=M2;    }    h*=pow2[l];    h%=M2;    return h;}int N=500000;vector<vector<int>> sp(20,vector<int>(300001));struct segtree{    int size;    vector<ll> maximum;    void build(vector<int> &a,int x,int lx,int rx){        if(rx-lx==1){            if(lx<(int)a.size()){                maximum[x]=a[lx];            }            return;        }        int m=(lx+rx)/2;        build(a,2*x+1,lx,m);        build(a,2*x+2,m,rx);        maximum[x]=max(maximum[2*x+1],maximum[2*x+2]);    }    void build(vector<int> &a){        build(a,0,0,size);    }    void init(int n){        size=1;        while(size<n){            size*=2;        }        maximum.assign(2*size,-INF);    }    ll get_min(int l,int r,int x,int lx,int rx){        if(lx>=r || rx<=l){            return -INF;        }        if(lx>=l && rx<=r){            return maximum[x];        }        ll s1,s2;        int m=(lx+rx)/2;        s1=get_min(l,r,2*x+1,lx,m);        s2=get_min(l,r,2*x+2,m,rx);        return max(s1,s2);    }    ll get_min(int l,int r){        return get_min(l,r,0,0,size);    }    void set(int i,int v,int x,int lx,int rx){        if(rx-lx==1){            maximum[x]=v;            return;        }        int m=(lx+rx)/2;        if(i<m){            set(i,v,2*x+1,lx,m);        }        else{            set(i,v,2*x+2,m,rx);        }        maximum[x]=max(maximum[2*x+1],maximum[2*x+2]);    }    void set(int i,int v){        set(i,v,0,0,size);    }};segtree st[20];void solve(){    cin >> n >> q;    long long p1,p2;    p1=p2=1;    pow1[0]=pow2[0]=1;    for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){        p1=p1*B1;        p2=p2*B2;        p1%=M1;         p2%=M2;        pow1[i]=p1;        pow2[i]=p2;    }    unordered_map<array<ll,3>,ll> c;    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){        cin >> s[i];        k=(int)s[i].size();        long long h1,h2;        h1=h2=0;        for(int j=0;j<k;j++){            h1+=(s[i][j]*pow1[N-j])%M1;            h1%=M1;             h2+=(s[i][j]*pow2[N-j])%M2;            h2%=M2;            c[{h1,h2,j+1}]++;        }    }    cin >> s1;     m=(int)s1.size();     long long h1,h2;     h1=h2=0;    for(int j=0;j<m;j++){        h1+=(s1[j]*pow1[N-j])%M1;        h1%=M1;         h2+=(s1[j]*pow2[N-j])%M2;        h2%=M2;        a[j]=h1;         b[j]=h2;    }    for(int j=0;j<m;j++){        int l,r;         l=j;        r=m-1;        while(l<r){            int mid=(l+r+1)/2;             if(c[{get_hash_1(j,mid),get_hash_2(j,mid),mid-j+1}]){                l=mid;            }            else{                r=mid-1;            }        }        if(c[{get_hash_1(j,l),get_hash_2(j,l),l-j+1}]){            d[j]=l;        }        else{            d[j]=-1;        }        sp[0][j]=d[j];    }    st[0].init(m);     st[0].build(sp[0]);    for(int i=1;i<20;i++){        for(int j=0;j<m;j++){            if(sp[i-1][j]==-1){                sp[i][j]=-1;                continue;            }            sp[i][j]=st[i-1].get_min(j,min(m,sp[i-1][j]+2));        }        st[i].init(m);        st[i].build(sp[i]);    }     for(int i=0;i<q;i++){        cin >> x >> y;        y--;        int x1=x;        int res=0;        bool ok=false,ok1=false;        if(sp[19][x]<y){            ok1=true;        }        for(int j=19;j>=0;j--){            if(!ok){                //cout << x1 << " " << j << " " << sp[j][x] << "\n";                if(sp[j][x]<y){                    res+=(1<<j);                    x=sp[j][x];                    ok=true;                }            }            else{                int h1=st[j].get_min(x1,min(m,x+2));                //cout << x1 << " zor" << y  << " " << h1 << "\n";                if(h1<y){                    res+=(1<<j);                    x=h1;                }            }        }        if(ok1){            res=-2;        }        cout << res+1 << "\n";    }}signed main(){    ios::sync_with_stdio(0);    cin.tie(0);    cout.tie(0);    //freopen("input13.txt","r",stdin);    //cin >> t;    ll cnt1=1;    while(t--){        solve();        cnt1++;     }}

Compilation message

Main.cpp:1:25: warning: extra tokens at end of #include directive
    1 | #include <bits/stdc++.h>#pragma GCC optimize("O3,unroll-loops")  #pragma GCC target("avx2,bmi,bmi2,lzcnt,popcnt")//#define int ll#define MAX 1000001#define INF INT_MAX#define MOD 1000000007#define mp make_pair#define mt make_tuple#define pb push_back#define ins insert#define ff first#define ss second #define all(a) a.begin(),a.end()#define lb(a,b) lower_bound(all(a),b)#define ub(a,b) upper_bound(all(a),b)#define sortv(a) sort(all(a))#define outputar(a,b){\    for(int i=0;i<b;i++){\        cout << a[i] << " ";\    }\    cout << endl;\}#define outputvec(a){\    for(auto x:a){\        cout << (int)x << " ";\    }\    cout << endl;\}#define reset(a,n,v){\    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){\        a[i]=v;\    }\}using namespace std;typedef long long ll;typedef unsigned long long ull;typedef tuple<ll,ll,ll> tll;typedef pair<ll,ll> pll;typedef pair<int,int> pii;typedef double db;typedef long double ldb;inline void USACO(string filename){  freopen((filename+".in").c_str(),"r",stdin);  freopen((filename+".out").c_str(),"w",stdout);}int n,q,t=1,m,k,x,y,z,x2,y2,z2,d[MAX],e[MAX];long long a[MAX],b[MAX];mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());string s[MAX],str[MAX];//int e[1001][1001];string s1,s2,s3;const int mod = 998244353;int dx[4]={0,1,0,-1};int dy[4]={1,0,-1,0};int B1=133,B2=135,M1=1e9+7,M2=1e9+9; long long pow1[MAX],pow2[MAX];int cost[501][501],can[501][501];int get_hash_1(int l,int r){    long long h=a[r];    if(l!=0){        h-=a[l-1];    }    if(h<0){        h+=M1;    }    h*=pow1[l];    h%=M1;    return h;}int get_hash_2(int l,int r){    long long h=b[r];    if(l!=0){        h-=b[l-1];    }    if(h<0){        h+=M2;    }    h*=pow2[l];    h%=M2;    return h;}int N=500000;vector<vector<int>> sp(20,vector<int>(300001));struct segtree{    int size;    vector<ll> maximum;    void build(vector<int> &a,int x,int lx,int rx){        if(rx-lx==1){            if(lx<(int)a.size()){                maximum[x]=a[lx];            }            return;        }        int m=(lx+rx)/2;        build(a,2*x+1,lx,m);        build(a,2*x+2,m,rx);        maximum[x]=max(maximum[2*x+1],maximum[2*x+2]);    }    void build(vector<int> &a){        build(a,0,0,size);    }    void init(int n){        size=1;        while(size<n){            size*=2;        }        maximum.assign(2*size,-INF);    }    ll get_min(int l,int r,int x,int lx,int rx){        if(lx>=r || rx<=l){            return -INF;        }        if(lx>=l && rx<=r){            return maximum[x];        }        ll s1,s2;        int m=(lx+rx)/2;        s1=get_min(l,r,2*x+1,lx,m);        s2=get_min(l,r,2*x+2,m,rx);        return max(s1,s2);    }    ll get_min(int l,int r){        return get_min(l,r,0,0,size);    }    void set(int i,int v,int x,int lx,int rx){        if(rx-lx==1){            maximum[x]=v;            return;        }        int m=(lx+rx)/2;        if(i<m){            set(i,v,2*x+1,lx,m);        }        else{            set(i,v,2*x+2,m,rx);        }        maximum[x]=max(maximum[2*x+1],maximum[2*x+2]);    }    void set(int i,int v){        set(i,v,0,0,size);    }};segtree st[20];void solve(){    cin >> n >> q;    long long p1,p2;    p1=p2=1;    pow1[0]=pow2[0]=1;    for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){        p1=p1*B1;        p2=p2*B2;        p1%=M1;         p2%=M2;        pow1[i]=p1;        pow2[i]=p2;    }    unordered_map<array<ll,3>,ll> c;    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){        cin >> s[i];        k=(int)s[i].size();        long long h1,h2;        h1=h2=0;        for(int j=0;j<k;j++){            h1+=(s[i][j]*pow1[N-j])%M1;            h1%=M1;             h2+=(s[i][j]*pow2[N-j])%M2;            h2%=M2;            c[{h1,h2,j+1}]++;        }    }    cin >> s1;     m=(int)s1.size();     long long h1,h2;     h1=h2=0;    for(int j=0;j<m;j++){        h1+=(s1[j]*pow1[N-j])%M1;        h1%=M1;         h2+=(s1[j]*pow2[N-j])%M2;        h2%=M2;        a[j]=h1;         b[j]=h2;    }    for(int j=0;j<m;j++){        int l,r;         l=j;        r=m-1;        while(l<r){            int mid=(l+r+1)/2;             if(c[{get_hash_1(j,mid),get_hash_2(j,mid),mid-j+1}]){                l=mid;            }            else{                r=mid-1;            }        }        if(c[{get_hash_1(j,l),get_hash_2(j,l),l-j+1}]){            d[j]=l;        }        else{            d[j]=-1;        }        sp[0][j]=d[j];    }    st[0].init(m);     st[0].build(sp[0]);    for(int i=1;i<20;i++){        for(int j=0;j<m;j++){            if(sp[i-1][j]==-1){                sp[i][j]=-1;                continue;            }            sp[i][j]=st[i-1].get_min(j,min(m,sp[i-1][j]+2));        }        st[i].init(m);        st[i].build(sp[i]);    }     for(int i=0;i<q;i++){        cin >> x >> y;        y--;        int x1=x;        int res=0;        bool ok=false,ok1=false;        if(sp[19][x]<y){            ok1=true;        }        for(int j=19;j>=0;j--){            if(!ok){                //cout << x1 << " " << j << " " << sp[j][x] << "\n";                if(sp[j][x]<y){                    res+=(1<<j);                    x=sp[j][x];                    ok=true;                }            }            else{                int h1=st[j].get_min(x1,min(m,x+2));                //cout << x1 << " zor" << y  << " " << h1 << "\n";                if(h1<y){                    res+=(1<<j);                    x=h1;                }            }        }        if(ok1){            res=-2;        }        cout << res+1 << "\n";    }}signed main(){    ios::sync_with_stdio(0);    cin.tie(0);    cout.tie(0);    //freopen("input13.txt","r",stdin);    //cin >> t;    ll cnt1=1;    while(t--){        solve();        cnt1++;     }}
      |                         ^
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crt1.o: in function `_start':
(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status