Submission #964459

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
964459 2024-04-17T00:21:19 Z beaboss Horses (IOI15_horses) C++17
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
// Source:

#include "bits/stdc++.h"

using namespace std;

#define s second
#define f first
#define pb push_back

typedef long long ll;

typedef pair<ll, ll> pii;
typedef vector<pii> vpii;

typedef vector<ll> vi;

#define FOR(i, a, b) for (ll i = (a); i<b; i++)

bool ckmin(ll& a, ll b){ return b < a ? a = b, true : false; }

bool ckmax(ll& a, ll b){ return b > a ? a = b, true : false; }

const ll N = 1e5 + 10;
const ll MOD = 1e9 + 7;
#define lc i << 1
#define rc (i << 1) + 1

ll binpow(ll x, ll n) { // x ^ n
	ll res = 1;
	while (n > 0) {
		if (n & 1) res = (res * x) % MOD;
		x = (x * x) % MOD;
	return res;

struct node {
	ll val, lz;
} st[4 * N];

void down(ll i) {
	if (st[i].lz == 1) return;
	st[lc].lz = st[lc].lz * st[i].lz % MOD;
	st[rc].lz = st[rc].lz * st[i].lz %MOD;
	st[lc].val = st[lc].val * st[i].lz % MOD;
	st[rc].val = st[rc].val * st[i].lz % MOD;
	st[i].lz = 1;


void up(ll i) {
	st[i].val = max(st[lc].val, st[rc].val);

void update(ll ul, ll ur, ll val, ll i = 1, ll l = 0, ll r = N) {
	// cout << l << r << ' ' << st[i].lz << ' ' << val << endl;

	if (r == l) return;
	if (ul <= l && r <= ur) {
		st[i].lz = (st[i].lz*val) % MOD;
		st[i].val = (st[i].val * val) % MOD;
		// cout << l << r <<  ' ' << st[i].lz << ' ' << val  << endl;

	if (l == r-1) return;

	ll m = (l + r) / 2;
	if (ul < m) update(ul, ur, val, lc, l, m);
	if (m  < ur) update(ul, ur, val, rc, m, r);


	// cout << l << r << ' ' << st[i].lz << ' ' << val << endl;

vi fx, fy;
ll nn;
ll init(ll n, vi x, vi y) {
	nn = n;
	fx = x, fy = y;
	FOR(i, 0, 4 * N) {
		st[i].val = st[i].lz = 1;
	FOR(i, 0, n) {
		update(i, n, x[i]);
		// break;
		update(i, i + 1, y[i]);
		// break;


	return st[1].val;

ll updateX(ll pos, ll val) {
	update(pos, nn, binpow(fx[pos], MOD-2));
	update(pos, nn, fx[pos]);
	return st[1].val;

ll updateY(ll pos, ll val) {
	update(pos, pos + 1, binpow(fy[pos], MOD-2));
	update(pos, pos, fy[pos]);
	return st[1].val;

// int main() {
// 	ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
// 	cin.tie(nullptr);

// 	cout << init(3, {2, 1, 3}, {3, 4, 1}) << endl;
// 	cout << updateY(1, 2) << endl;

// }

Compilation message

/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccYSOhgS.o: in function `main':
grader.c:(.text.startup+0xaa): undefined reference to `init(int, int*, int*)'
/usr/bin/ld: grader.c:(.text.startup+0x113): undefined reference to `updateX(int, int)'
/usr/bin/ld: grader.c:(.text.startup+0x16d): undefined reference to `updateY(int, int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status