Submission #950808

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
950808venkateskks2304Sum Zero (RMI20_sumzero)C++14
61 / 100
888 ms40108 KiB
// good problem // given a array and queries (l,r) we need to find the mimimum number of segments to split subarray [l,r] // so that each subsegment has hcf as 1 . // // used array to calculate prime factors of a number // didnt construct the tree and directly found the lift // as the tree when rooted at n+1 for all where numbers of depth i is less than nodes of depth i-1 // so, ansector of a node if always higher than it . // so when constructing lift construct from root (n+1) and decrease to 1 . #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define f first #define s second #define pb push_back typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef set<pii> sii ; typedef vector<int> vi ; typedef multiset<int, greater<int> > msi ; typedef set<int> si ; #define FOR(i,b) for (int i=0; i<b; i++) #define FORB(i,a,b) for (int i=int(a); i<(int)b; i++) #define FOR3(l,w,h) FOR(i,l) FOR(j,w) FOR(k,h) #define FOR2(l,w) FOR(i,l) FOR(j,w) #define inf 1e8 + 1 unordered_map<ll , int> sums ; int main() { // const int N = (int) 2e5 +5 ; int n , q ; cin>>n ; int N = n + 3 ; const int K = 17 ; int arr[N] ; int lift[N][K] ; int zeros[N] ; int par[N] ; memset(zeros,-1,sizeof(zeros)); FOR(i,n) cin>>arr[i] ; cin>>q ; ll sum = 0 ; zeros[0] = -1 ; FOR(i,n) { sum += (ll) arr[i] ; if ( sums.find(sum) != sums.end() ) { zeros[sums[sum] + 1] = i ; } if ( sum == 0 && zeros[0] == -1 ) zeros[0] = i ; sums[sum] = i ; } // FOR(i,n) cout<<zeros[i]<<" " ; // cout<<endl ; int last_zero = -1 ; int n_max = -1 ; for(int i = n-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { if ( last_zero == -1 ) { if ( zeros[i] != -1 ) last_zero = zeros[i] + 1 ; } else { if ( zeros[i] != -1 ) last_zero = min(last_zero, zeros[i] + 1) ; } if ( last_zero != -1 ) n_max = max(n_max,last_zero) ; par[i] = last_zero ; } // FOR(i,n) cout<<par[i]<<" " ; // cout<<endl ; memset(lift,-1,sizeof(lift)); if ( n_max >= 0 ) { FOR (i,K) lift[n_max][i] = -1 ; for ( int i = n_max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { lift[i][0] = par[i] ; // if ( i == 1 ) cout<<endl<<lift[i][0]<<endl ; for ( int j = 1 ; j < K ; j++ ) { if ( lift[i][j-1] == -1 ) lift[i][j] = -1 ; else lift[i][j] = lift[lift[i][j-1]][j-1] ; } } } while ( q-- ) { int l , r ; cin>>l>>r ; l-- ; r-- ; int k = 0 ; if(l > r || l > n-1) { cout << "0\n"; continue; } for ( int i = K-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { // cout<<lift[l][i]<<" "<<l<<" "<<i<<" "<<r<<endl ; if ( l == -1 ) break ; if ( lift[l][i] == -1 ) continue ; if ( lift[l][i] <= r + 1 ) { l = lift[l][i] ; k += (1<<i) ; } } cout<<k<<endl ; } }
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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