Submission #935469

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
935469 2024-02-29T07:30:25 Z qwe1rt1yuiop1 Advertisement 2 (JOI23_ho_t2) C++14
0 / 100
0 ms 600 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using pii = pair<int, int>;

vector<int> seg[2], vec[2];

void build(int id, int x, int l, int r)
    if (l + 1 == r)
        seg[id][x] = l;
    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    build(id, x << 1, l, mid), build(id, x << 1 | 1, mid, r);
    if (vec[id][seg[id][x << 1]] <= vec[id][seg[id][x << 1 | 1]])
        seg[id][x] = seg[id][x << 1];
        seg[id][x] = seg[id][x << 1 | 1];
int qry(int id, int x, int l, int r, int ql, int qr)
    // cerr << "ok6\n";
    // cerr << id << ' ' << x << ' ' <<  l << ' ' << ql << ' ' << qr << '\n';
    if (ql <= l && r <= qr)
        return seg[id][x];
    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    if (qr <= mid)
        return qry(id, x << 1, l, mid, ql, qr);
    if (ql >= mid)
        return qry(id, x << 1 | 1, mid, r, ql, qr);
    int retl = qry(id, x << 1, l, mid, ql, qr), retr = qry(id, x << 1 | 1, mid, r, ql, qr);
    if (vec[id][retl] <= vec[id][retr])
        return retl;
    return retr;
void upd(int id, int x, int l, int r, int idx)
    if (l + 1 == r)
        seg[id][x] = l;
    int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
    if (idx < mid)
        upd(id, x << 1, l, mid, idx);
        upd(id, x << 1 | 1, mid, r, idx);
    if (vec[id][seg[id][x << 1]] <= vec[id][seg[id][x << 1 | 1]])
        seg[id][x] = seg[id][x << 1];
        seg[id][x] = seg[id][x << 1 | 1];

void solve()
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<pii> v(n);
    for (auto &[e, x] : v)
        cin >> x >> e;
    sort(v.begin(), v.end());
    reverse(v.begin(), v.end());

    vector<int> tmp;
    for (auto [e, x] : v)
    sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
    tmp.resize(unique(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()) - tmp.begin());

    int c = tmp.size();

    vec[0].assign(c, INT_MAX), vec[1] = vec[0];
    vector<set<pii>> st[2];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    st[1] = st[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        auto [e, x] = v[i];
        int id = lower_bound(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), x) - tmp.begin();
        vec[0][id] = min(vec[0][id], e + x);
        st[0][id].emplace(e + x, i);
        vec[1][id] = min(vec[1][id], e - x);
        st[1][id].emplace(e - x, i);
    seg[0].assign(c * 4 + 10, 0), seg[1] = seg[0];
    for (int i : {0, 1})
        build(i, 1, 0, c);

    vector<int> flag(n, 0);
    int ans = 0;

    for (int iii = 0; iii < n; ++iii)
        if (flag[iii])
        auto [e, x] = v[iii];
        int xx = lower_bound(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), x) - tmp.begin();
        flag[iii] = 1;
        st[0][xx].erase({e + x, iii});
        st[1][xx].erase({e - x, iii});
        for (int i : {0, 1})
            int val = INT_MAX;
            if (!st[i][xx].empty())
                val = st[i][xx].begin()->first;
            vec[i][xx] = INT_MAX, upd(i, 1, 0, c, xx);
        // cerr << "ok1 " << iii << '\n';
        while (1)
            int id = qry(0, 1, 0, c, xx, c);
            if (vec[0][id] > e + x)
            auto [val, iiii] = *st[0][id].begin();
            // cerr << "ok3 " << iiii << '\n';
            flag[iiii] = 1;
            auto [eeee, xxxx] = v[iiii];
            st[0][id].erase({eeee + xxxx, iiii});
            st[1][id].erase({eeee - xxxx, iiii});
            for (int i : {0, 1})
                int val = INT_MAX;
                if (!st[i][id].empty())
                    val = st[i][id].begin()->first;
                vec[i][id] = INT_MAX, upd(i, 1, 0, c, id);
        // cerr << "ok2 " << iii << '\n';
        if (xx > 0)
            while (1)
                int id = qry(1, 1, 0, c, 0, xx);
                if (vec[1][id] > e - x)
                auto [val, iiii] = *st[1][id].begin();
                // cerr << "ok4 " << iiii << '\n';
                flag[iiii] = 1;
                auto [eeee, xxxx] = v[iiii];
                st[0][id].erase({eeee + xxxx, iiii});
                st[1][id].erase({eeee - xxxx, iiii});
                for (int i : {0, 1})
                    int val = INT_MAX;
                    if (!st[i][id].empty())
                        val = st[i][id].begin()->first;
                    vec[i][id] = INT_MAX, upd(i, 1, 0, c, id);
    cout << ans << '\n';

4 2
2 3
3 4
6 5

7 10
10 10
7 10


signed main()


    return 0;

Compilation message

Main.cpp: In function 'void solve()':
Main.cpp:60:16: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
   60 |     for (auto &[e, x] : v)
      |                ^
Main.cpp:66:15: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
   66 |     for (auto [e, x] : v)
      |               ^
Main.cpp:81:14: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
   81 |         auto [e, x] = v[i];
      |              ^
Main.cpp:99:14: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
   99 |         auto [e, x] = v[iii];
      |              ^
Main.cpp:107:17: warning: variable 'val' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  107 |             int val = INT_MAX;
      |                 ^~~
Main.cpp:118:18: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
  118 |             auto [val, iiii] = *st[0][id].begin();
      |                  ^
Main.cpp:121:18: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
  121 |             auto [eeee, xxxx] = v[iiii];
      |                  ^
Main.cpp:126:21: warning: variable 'val' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  126 |                 int val = INT_MAX;
      |                     ^~~
Main.cpp:140:22: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
  140 |                 auto [val, iiii] = *st[1][id].begin();
      |                      ^
Main.cpp:143:22: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
  143 |                 auto [eeee, xxxx] = v[iiii];
      |                      ^
Main.cpp:148:25: warning: variable 'val' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  148 |                     int val = INT_MAX;
      |                         ^~~
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 0 ms 344 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 0 ms 600 KB Output is correct
2 Incorrect 0 ms 348 KB Output isn't correct
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 0 ms 600 KB Output is correct
2 Incorrect 0 ms 348 KB Output isn't correct
3 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 0 ms 344 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -