Submission #915257

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
915257maroonrkBeech Tree (IOI23_beechtree)C++17
23 / 100
495 ms9400 KiB
#include "beechtree.h" #ifndef LOCAL #pragma GCC optimize ("Ofast") #pragma GCC optimize ("unroll-loops") #endif #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll=long long; //#define int ll #define rng(i,a,b) for(int i=int(a);i<int(b);i++) #define rep(i,b) rng(i,0,b) #define gnr(i,a,b) for(int i=int(b)-1;i>=int(a);i--) #define per(i,b) gnr(i,0,b) #define pb push_back #define eb emplace_back #define a first #define b second #define bg begin() #define ed end() #define all(x),x.ed #define si(x) int(x.size()) #ifdef LOCAL #define dmp(x) cerr<<__LINE__<<" "<<#x<<" "<<x<<endl #else #define dmp(x) void(0) #endif template<class t,class u> bool chmax(t&a,u b){if(a<b){a=b;return true;}else return false;} template<class t,class u> bool chmin(t&a,u b){if(b<a){a=b;return true;}else return false;} template<class t> using vc=vector<t>; template<class t> using vvc=vc<vc<t>>; using pi=pair<int,int>; using vi=vc<int>; template<class t,class u> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const pair<t,u>& p){ return os<<"{"<<p.a<<","<<p.b<<"}"; } template<class t> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const vc<t>& v){ os<<"{"; for(auto e:v)os<<e<<","; return os<<"}"; } #define mp make_pair #define mt make_tuple #define one(x) memset(x,-1,sizeof(x)) #define zero(x) memset(x,0,sizeof(x)) #ifdef LOCAL void dmpr(ostream&os){os<<endl;} template<class T,class... Args> void dmpr(ostream&os,const T&t,const Args&... args){ os<<t<<" "; dmpr(os,args...); } #define dmp2(...) dmpr(cerr,__LINE__,##__VA_ARGS__) #else #define dmp2(...) void(0) #endif using uint=unsigned; using ull=unsigned long long; template<class t,size_t n> ostream& operator<<(ostream&os,const array<t,n>&a){ return os<<vc<t>(all(a)); } template<int i,class T> void print_tuple(ostream&,const T&){ } template<int i,class T,class H,class ...Args> void print_tuple(ostream&os,const T&t){ if(i)os<<","; os<<get<i>(t); print_tuple<i+1,T,Args...>(os,t); } template<class ...Args> ostream& operator<<(ostream&os,const tuple<Args...>&t){ os<<"{"; print_tuple<0,tuple<Args...>,Args...>(os,t); return os<<"}"; } ll read(){ ll i; cin>>i; return i; } vi readvi(int n,int off=0){ vi v(n); rep(i,n)v[i]=read()+off; return v; } pi readpi(int off=0){ int a,b;cin>>a>>b; return pi(a+off,b+off); } template<class t> void print_single(t x,int suc=1){ cout<<x; if(suc==1) cout<<"\n"; if(suc==2) cout<<" "; } template<class t,class u> void print_single(const pair<t,u>&p,int suc=1){ print_single(p.a,2); print_single(p.b,suc); } template<class T> void print_single(const vector<T>&v,int suc=1){ rep(i,v.size()) print_single(v[i],i==int(v.size())-1?suc:2); } template<class T> void print_offset(const vector<T>&v,ll off,int suc=1){ rep(i,v.size()) print_single(v[i]+off,i==int(v.size())-1?suc:2); } template<class T,size_t N> void print_single(const array<T,N>&v,int suc=1){ rep(i,N) print_single(v[i],i==int(N)-1?suc:2); } template<class T> void print(const T&t){ print_single(t); } template<class T,class ...Args> void print(const T&t,const Args&...args){ print_single(t,2); print(args...); } string readString(){ string s; cin>>s; return s; } template<class T> T sq(const T& t){ return t*t; } void YES(bool ex=true){ cout<<"YES\n"; if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } void NO(bool ex=true){ cout<<"NO\n"; if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } void Yes(bool ex=true){ cout<<"Yes\n"; if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } void No(bool ex=true){ cout<<"No\n"; if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } //#define CAPITAL /* void yes(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"YES"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"Yes"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } void no(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"NO"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"No"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif }*/ void possible(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"POSSIBLE"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"Possible"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } void impossible(bool ex=true){ #ifdef CAPITAL cout<<"IMPOSSIBLE"<<"\n"; #else cout<<"Impossible"<<"\n"; #endif if(ex)exit(0); #ifdef LOCAL cout.flush(); #endif } constexpr ll ten(int n){ return n==0?1:ten(n-1)*10; } const ll infLL=LLONG_MAX/3; #ifdef int const int inf=infLL; #else const int inf=INT_MAX/2-100; #endif int topbit(signed t){ return t==0?-1:31-__builtin_clz(t); } int topbit(ll t){ return t==0?-1:63-__builtin_clzll(t); } int topbit(ull t){ return t==0?-1:63-__builtin_clzll(t); } int botbit(signed a){ return a==0?32:__builtin_ctz(a); } int botbit(ll a){ return a==0?64:__builtin_ctzll(a); } int botbit(ull a){ return a==0?64:__builtin_ctzll(a); } int popcount(signed t){ return __builtin_popcount(t); } int popcount(ll t){ return __builtin_popcountll(t); } int popcount(ull t){ return __builtin_popcountll(t); } int bitparity(ll t){ return __builtin_parityll(t); } bool ispow2(int i){ return i&&(i&-i)==i; } ll mask(int i){ return (ll(1)<<i)-1; } ull umask(int i){ return (ull(1)<<i)-1; } ll minp2(ll n){ if(n<=1)return 1; else return ll(1)<<(topbit(n-1)+1); } bool inc(int a,int b,int c){ return a<=b&&b<=c; } template<class t> void mkuni(vc<t>&v){ sort(all(v)); v.erase(unique(all(v)),v.ed); } template<class t> bool isuni(vc<t> v){ int s=si(v); mkuni(v); return s==si(v); } ll rand_int(ll l, ll r) { //[l, r] //#ifdef LOCAL static mt19937_64 gen; /*#else static mt19937_64 gen(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); #endif*/ return uniform_int_distribution<ll>(l, r)(gen); } ll rand_int(ll k){ //[0,k) return rand_int(0,k-1); } template<class t> void myshuffle(vc<t>&a){ rep(i,si(a))swap(a[i],a[rand_int(0,i)]); } template<class t,class u> int lwb(const vc<t>&v,const u&a){ return lower_bound(all(v),a); } template<class t,class u> bool bis(const vc<t>&v,const u&a){ return binary_search(all(v),a); } vvc<int> readGraph(int n,int m){ vvc<int> g(n); rep(i,m){ int a,b; cin>>a>>b; //,b); a--;b--; g[a].pb(b); g[b].pb(a); } return g; } vvc<int> readTree(int n){ return readGraph(n,n-1); } template<class t> vc<t> presum(const vc<t>&a){ vc<t> s(si(a)+1); rep(i,si(a))s[i+1]=s[i]+a[i]; return s; } vc<ll> presum(const vi&a){ vc<ll> s(si(a)+1); rep(i,si(a))s[i+1]=s[i]+a[i]; return s; } //BIT で数列を管理するときに使う (CF850C) template<class t> vc<t> predif(vc<t> a){ gnr(i,1,si(a))a[i]-=a[i-1]; return a; } template<class t> vvc<ll> imos(const vvc<t>&a){ int n=si(a),m=si(a[0]); vvc<ll> b(n+1,vc<ll>(m+1)); rep(i,n)rep(j,m) b[i+1][j+1]=b[i+1][j]+b[i][j+1]-b[i][j]+a[i][j]; return b; } //verify してないや void transvvc(int&n,int&m){ swap(n,m); } template<class t,class... Args> void transvvc(int&n,int&m,vvc<t>&a,Args&...args){ assert(si(a)==n); vvc<t> b(m,vi(n)); rep(i,n){ assert(si(a[i])==m); rep(j,m)b[j][i]=a[i][j]; } a.swap(b); transvvc(n,m,args...); } //CF854E void rotvvc(int&n,int&m){ swap(n,m); } template<class t,class... Args> void rotvvc(int&n,int&m,vvc<t>&a,Args&...args){ assert(si(a)==n); vvc<t> b(m,vi(n)); rep(i,n){ assert(si(a[i])==m); rep(j,m)b[m-1-j][i]=a[i][j]; } a.swap(b); rotvvc(n,m,args...); } //ソートして i 番目が idx[i] //CF850C template<class t> vi sortidx(const vc<t>&a){ int n=si(a); vi idx(n);iota(all(idx),0); sort(all(idx),[&](int i,int j){return a[i]<a[j];}); return idx; } //vs[i]=a[idx[i]] //例えば sortidx で得た idx を使えば単にソート列になって返ってくる //CF850C template<class t> vc<t> a_idx(const vc<t>&a,const vi&idx){ int n=si(a); assert(si(idx)==n); vc<t> vs(n); rep(i,n)vs[i]=a[idx[i]]; return vs; } //CF850C vi invperm(const vi&p){ int n=si(p); vi q(n); rep(i,n)q[p[i]]=i; return q; } template<class t,class s=t> s SUM(const vc<t>&a){ return accumulate(all(a),s(0)); } template<class t,size_t K,class s=t> s SUM(const array<t,K>&a){ return accumulate(all(a),s(0)); } template<class t> t MAX(const vc<t>&a){ return *max_element(all(a)); } template<class t> pair<t,int> MAXi(const vc<t>&a){ auto itr=max_element(all(a)); return mp(*itr,; } template<class A> auto MIN(const A&a){ return *min_element(all(a)); } template<class t> pair<t,int> MINi(const vc<t>&a){ auto itr=min_element(all(a)); return mp(*itr,; } vi vid(int n){ vi res(n);iota(all(res),0); return res; } template<class S> void soin(S&s){ sort(all(s)); } template<class S,class F> void soin(S&s,F&&f){ sort(all(s),forward<F>(f)); } template<class S> S soout(S s){ soin(s); return s; } template<class S> void rein(S&s){ reverse(all(s)); } template<class S> S reout(S s){ rein(s); return s; } template<class t,class u> pair<t,u>&operator+=(pair<t,u>&a,pair<t,u> b){ a.a+=b.a;a.b+=b.b;return a;} template<class t,class u> pair<t,u>&operator-=(pair<t,u>&a,pair<t,u> b){ a.a-=b.a;a.b-=b.b;return a;} template<class t,class u> pair<t,u> operator+(pair<t,u> a,pair<t,u> b){return mp(a.a+b.a,a.b+b.b);} template<class t,class u> pair<t,u> operator-(pair<t,u> a,pair<t,u> b){return mp(a.a-b.a,a.b-b.b);} template<class t,class u> pair<t,u> operator-(pair<t,u> a){return mp(-a.a,-a.b);} template<class t,class u> istream&operator>>(istream&is,pair<t,u>&a){ return is>>a.a>>a.b; } template<class t> t gpp(vc<t>&vs){ assert(si(vs)); t res=move(vs.back()); vs.pop_back(); return res; } template<class t,class u> void pb(vc<t>&a,const vc<u>&b){ a.insert(a.ed,all(b)); } template<class t,class...Args> vc<t> cat(vc<t> a,Args&&...b){ (pb(a,forward<Args>(b)),...); return a; } template<class t,class u> vc<t>& operator+=(vc<t>&a,u x){ for(auto&v:a)v+=x; return a; } template<class t,class u> vc<t> operator+(vc<t> a,u x){ return a+=x; } template<class t> vc<t> operator+(const vc<t>&a,const vc<t>&b){ vc<t> c(max(si(a),si(b))); rep(i,si(a))c[i]+=a[i]; rep(i,si(b))c[i]+=b[i]; return c; } template<class t,class u> vc<t>& operator-=(vc<t>&a,u x){ for(auto&v:a)v-=x; return a; } template<class t,class u> vc<t>& operator-(vc<t> a,u x){ return a-=x; } template<class t,class u> void remval(vc<t>&a,const u&v){ a.erase(remove(all(a),v),a.ed); } //消した要素の個数を返してくれる //UCUP 2-8-F template<class t,class F> int remif(vc<t>&a,F f){ auto itr=remove_if(all(a),f); int res=a.ed-itr; a.erase(itr,a.ed); return res; } template<class VS,class u> void fila(VS&vs,const u&a){ fill(all(vs),a); } template<class t,class u> int findid(const vc<t>&vs,const u&a){ auto itr=find(all(vs),a); if(itr==vs.ed)return -1; else return; } template<class t> void rtt(vc<t>&vs,int i){ rotate(,,vs.ed); } //Montgomery //Ucup1-10 G (モンゴメリじゃないとTLE) struct modinfo{ using u128=__uint128_t; ull n,n2,r,t,e; modinfo(ull nn){ n=nn; assert(n<(1ull<<62)); assert(n%2==1); n2=n*2; r=n&3; rep(_,5)r*=2-n*r; r=-r; assert(r*n==-1ull); t=-ull(n)%n; e=-u128(n)%n; } ull add(ull x,ull y)const{x+=y;return x<n2?x:x-n2;} ull re(u128 x)const{return (x+u128(ull(x)*r)*n)>>64;} ull mult(ull x,ull y)const{return re(u128(x)*y);} ull en(ull x)const{return mult(x,e);} ull de(ull x)const{x=re(x);return x<n?x:x-n;} }; template<modinfo const&ref> struct modular{ static constexpr ull const &mod=ref.n; static constexpr ull const &mod2=ref.n2; ull v; modular(ll vv=0){v=ref.en(vv%(ll)mod+mod);} modular operator-()const{return modular()-*this;} modular&operator+=(const modular&rhs){v=ref.add(v,rhs.v);return *this;} modular&operator-=(const modular&rhs){v=ref.add(v,mod2-rhs.v);return *this;} modular&operator*=(const modular&rhs){v=ref.mult(v,rhs.v);return *this;} modular&operator/=(const modular&rhs){return *this*=rhs.inv();} modular operator+(const modular&rhs)const{return modular(*this)+=rhs;} modular operator-(const modular&rhs)const{return modular(*this)-=rhs;} modular operator*(const modular&rhs)const{return modular(*this)*=rhs;} modular operator/(const modular&rhs)const{return modular(*this)/=rhs;} modular pow(ll n)const{ modular res(1),x(*this); while(n){ if(n&1)res*=x; x*=x; n>>=1; } return res; } modular inv()const{return pow(mod-2);} friend modular operator+(ll x,const modular&y){ return modular(x)+y; } friend modular operator-(ll x,const modular&y){ return modular(x)-y; } friend modular operator*(ll x,const modular&y){ return modular(x)*y; } friend modular operator/(ll x,const modular&y){ return modular(x)/y; } ull val()const{return;} friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&os,const modular&m){ return os<<m.val(); } friend istream& operator>>(istream&is,modular&m){ ll x;is>>x; m=modular(x); return is; } bool operator<(const modular&r)const{return val()<r.val();} bool operator==(const modular&r)const{return val()==r.val();} bool operator!=(const modular&r)const{return val()!=r.val();} explicit operator bool()const{ return val(); } }; template<class mint> ll m2l(mint a){ ull v=a.val(); return v<mint::mod/2?v:ll(v)-ll(mint::mod); } //2^62 未満での最大の素数 const modinfo base(4611686018427387847ll); //modinfo base(1); using mint=modular<base>; bool dbg=false; //内部でグラフをいじるから in,out を使うときは注意 //hei[v] -> heavy edge で潜っていった時,自分含めて何個あるか //pe[v]: v->par[v] の辺の情報 //-有向木のときは上から下の辺を入れてる //-無向木のときは下から上の辺を入れてる //VERIFY: yosupo //CF530F //CodeChef Persistent Oak //AOJ GRL5C template<class E> struct HLD{ vvc<E> g; int n,rt,cnt; vi sub,in,out,par,head,dep,hei,ni; vc<E> pe; int dfs1(int v,int p,int d){ par[v]=p; dep[v]=d; for(auto itr=g[v].bg;itr!=g[v].ed;itr++) if(*itr==p){ pe[v]=*itr; g[v].erase(itr); break; } for(auto&e:g[v]){ pe[e]=e; sub[v]+=dfs1(e,v,d+1); if(sub[g[v][0]]<sub[e]) swap(g[v][0],e); } return sub[v]; } void dfs2(int v,int h){ in[v]=cnt++; head[v]=h; for(int to:g[v]) dfs2(to,to==g[v][0]?h:to); out[v]=cnt; if(si(g[v]))hei[v]=hei[g[v][0]]+1; } HLD(){} HLD(const vvc<E>&gg,int rr):g(gg),n(g.size()),rt(rr),cnt(0), sub(n,1),in(n),out(n),par(n,-1),head(n),dep(n),hei(n,1),ni(n), pe(n){ dfs1(rt,-1,0); dfs2(rt,rt); rep(i,n)ni[in[i]]=i; } int lca(int a,int b){ while(head[a]!=head[b]){ if(dep[head[a]]>dep[head[b]]) swap(a,b); b=par[head[b]]; } if(dep[a]>dep[b]) swap(a,b); return a; } int len(int a,int b){ return dep[a]+dep[b]-dep[lca(a,b)]*2; } bool asde(int a,int b){ return in[a]<=in[b]&&out[b]<=out[a]; } //UCUP 1-22 F int adv(int a,int d){ if(hei[a]<=d)return -1; else return ni[in[a]+d]; } //CF692F int getpar(int v,int len){ assert(dep[v]>=len); int tar=dep[v]-len; while(1){ int h=head[v]; if(dep[h]<=tar){ return ni[in[h]+(tar-dep[h])]; } v=par[h]; } assert(false); } //1st UCUP 13 G int jump(int a,int b,int d){ int c=lca(a,b); if(d<=(dep[a]-dep[c])){ return getpar(a,d); }else{ d=(dep[a]+dep[b]-dep[c]*2)-d; assert(d>=0); return getpar(b,d); } } //XX Opencup GP of Korea //CF625 F //2020 Multi-Uni Contest Day5 G //CF415E //Universal Cup 2023 Stage 1 G vi index; //vs を含む virtual tree を返す //返すのは virtual tree に使われた頂点と,辺の集合 //辺の端点は,virtual tree における番号 //元の木における番号を virtual tree の頂点番号に写すのが,index という変数 //辺は ch->par の順 //virtual tree は行き掛け順で番号がついている //特に,頂点 0 が根になるようにできている //pair<vi,vc<pi>> tree_compress(vi vs){ void tree_compress(vi&vs,vc<pi>&es){ if(si(index)==0)index.resize(n); assert(index.size()); auto comp = [&](int x,int y){ return in[x] < in[y]; }; sort(all(vs),comp); assert(is_sorted(all(vs),comp)); vs.erase(unique(all(vs)),vs.ed); int k = vs.size(); rep(i,k-1){ vs.pb(lca(vs[i],vs[i+1])); } sort(all(vs),comp); vs.erase(unique(all(vs)),vs.ed); k = vs.size(); rep(i,k) index[vs[i]] = i; es.clear(); rng(i,1,k){ int p = lca(vs[i-1],vs[i]); es.eb(i,index[p]); } //return mp(vs,es); } //assume a is desdendant of b //ex=true <=> exclude b template<class F> void subpath_work(int a,int b,bool ex,F f){ while(1){ if(head[a]==head[b]){ f(in[b]+ex,in[a]+1); break; }else{ int h=head[a]; f(in[h],in[a]+1); a=par[h]; } } } //KUPC2021E //パスに対する操作順に注意 //euler-tour 順にしたときの区間に作用していることに注意 //ex=true exclude lca(a,b) (=apply path edges) template<class F> void path_work(int a,int b,bool ex,F f){ int c=lca(a,b); subpath_work(a,c,ex,f); subpath_work(b,c,true,f); } //v->false //-1->true //root-v パス上で f(x)=true となる最も深い頂点を返す //CF857G template<class F> int find_lowest(int v,F f)const{ while(v>=0){ int h=head[v]; if(!f(h)){ v=par[h]; }else{ int l=0,r=dep[v]-dep[h]+1; while(r-l>1){ const int mid=(l+r)/2; if(f(ni[in[h]+mid]))l=mid; else r=mid; } return ni[in[h]+l]; } } return -1; } //-1->false //v->true //root-v パス上で f(x)=true となる最も浅い頂点を返す //Yandex Cup 2023 Semifinal F (TLE...) template<class F> int find_highest(int v,F f)const{ while(1){ int h=head[v]; int p=par[h]; if(p!=-1&&f(p)){ v=p; }else{ int l=-1,r=dep[v]-dep[h]; while(r-l>1){ const int mid=(l+r)/2; if(f(ni[in[h]+mid]))r=mid; else l=mid; } return ni[in[h]+r]; } } assert(false); } }; //N() が単位元 //VERIFY: yosupo //CF407E template<class N> struct segtree{ vc<N> x; int n,s; segtree(){} template<class t> segtree(const vc<t>&a){ n=a.size(); s=1; while(s<n){s*=2;} x.resize(s*2); rep(i,n) x[s+i]=N(a[i]); gnr(i,1,s) x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } //NOT Verified segtree(int nn){ resize(nn); } void resize(int nn){ n=nn; s=1; while(s<n){s*=2;} x.assign(s*2,N()); gnr(i,1,s) x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } template<class t> void load(const vc<t>&a){ n=a.size(); s=1; while(s<n){s*=2;} x.resize(s*2); rep(i,n) x[s+i]=N(a[i]); rng(i,n,s) x[s+i]=N(); gnr(i,1,s) x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } void clear(){ rep(i,n) x[s+i]=N(); gnr(i,1,s) x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } N point_get(int i){ assert(inc(0,i,n-1)); return x[i+s]; } void point_set(int i,const N&t){ assert(inc(0,i,n-1)); i+=s; x[i]=t; while(i>>=1)x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } void point_merge(int i,const N&t){ assert(inc(0,i,n-1)); i+=s; x[i]=N::merge(x[i],t); while(i>>=1)x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } template<class F,class...Args> void point_change(int i,F f,Args&&...args){ assert(inc(0,i,n-1)); i+=s; (x[i].*f)(forward<Args>(args)...); while(i>>=1)x[i]=N::merge(x[i*2],x[i*2+1]); } N composite(int b,int e){ assert(0<=b&&b<=e&&e<=n); N lf,rt; for(int l=b+s,r=e+s;l<r;l>>=1,r>>=1){ if (l&1){ lf=N::merge(lf,x[l]); l++; } if (r&1){ r--; rt=N::merge(x[r],rt); } } return N::merge(lf,rt); } N getall(){ return x[1]; } //UTPC2020E //n 超えるかもしれない template <class F,class... Args> pair<int,N> max_right(int l,F f,Args&&... args){ assert((N().*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)); assert(0<=l&&l<=n); if(l==n)return mp(n,N()); l+=s; N sm; assert((sm.*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)); do { while (l % 2 == 0) l >>= 1; if (!(N::merge(sm,x[l]).*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)){ while (l < s) { l = (2 * l); N tmp=N::merge(sm,x[l]); if ((tmp.*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)) { sm = tmp; l++; } } return mp(l - s,sm); } sm = N::merge(sm, x[l]); l++; } while ((l & -l) != l); return mp(n,sm); } //UTPC2020E template <class F,class... Args> pair<int,N> min_left(int r,F f,Args&&... args){ assert((N().*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)); assert(0<=r&&r<=n); if(r==0)return mp(0,N()); r+=s; N sm; do { r--; while (r > 1 && (r % 2)) r >>= 1; if (!(N::merge(x[r],sm).*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)) { while (r < s) { r = (2 * r + 1); N tmp=N::merge(x[r],sm); if ((tmp.*f)(forward<Args>(args)...)) { sm = tmp; r--; } } return mp(r + 1 - s,sm); } sm = N::merge(x[r], sm); } while ((r & -r) != r); return mp(0,sm); } //行列とか乗せて必要なのはベクトルとの積,みたいなときに使える? //CF Goodbye 2016 E //CF 896 F template<class F,class T,class... Args> T accumulate(int l,int r,F f,T t,Args&&... args) { assert(0<=l&&l<=r&&r<=n); static int buf[2][30]; int cnt[2]{}; for(l+=s,r+=s;l<r;l>>=1,r>>=1){ if(l&1)buf[0][cnt[0]++]=l; if(r&1)buf[1][cnt[1]++]=r-1; l++; } rep(i,cnt[0])t=(x[buf[0][i]].*f)(t,forward<Args>(args)...); per(i,cnt[1])t=(x[buf[1][i]].*f)(t,forward<Args>(args)...); return t; } }; //max版 struct PreMax{ int len,sum,pos,val; PreMax():len(0),sum(0),pos(0),val(0){} PreMax(int v):len(1),sum(v){ single(); } void single(){ if(sum>0){ pos=1; val=sum; }else{ pos=0; val=0; } } static PreMax merge(const PreMax&a,const PreMax&b){ PreMax res; res.len=a.len+b.len; res.sum=a.sum+b.sum; if(a.val>=a.sum+b.val){ res.pos=a.pos; res.val=a.val; }else{ res.pos=a.len+b.pos; res.val=a.sum+b.val; } return res; } void add(int v){ assert(len==1); sum+=v; single(); } }; const mint W=3277392570379474389; struct Z{ int n; segtree<PreMax> seg; vc<set<mint>> buf; map<mint,int> pos; void init(int nn){ n=nn; seg=segtree<PreMax>(vi(n,-1)); buf.resize(n); } void modifyseg(int i){ seg.point_set(i,si(buf[i])-1); } void upd(mint v,int s){ auto itr=pos.find(v); if(itr!=pos.ed){ if(itr->b<=s)return; buf[itr->b].erase(v); modifyseg(itr->b); pos.erase(itr); } pos[v]=s; buf[s].insert(v); modifyseg(s); } void collect(int l,int r,mint c,vc<mint>&ls){ rng(i,l,r)for(auto v:buf[i])ls.pb(c+W*v); } void moveto(Z&z){ for(auto [v,i]:pos)z.upd(v,i); } bool isok(){ return seg.getall().val<=0; } }; struct E{ int to,col; operator int()const{ return to; } }; std::vector<int> beechtree(int n,int,std::vector<int> P,std::vector<int> C){ assert(n<=200); vi ans(n,1); vvc<E> t(n); rng(i,1,n){ t[P[i]].pb({i,C[i]}); } vvc<int> subord(n); vvc<vi> buf(n); rep(root,n){ vi cur; auto dfs=[&](auto self,int v)->void{ subord[root].pb(v); buf[root].pb(cur); for(auto [j,c]:t[v]){ cur.pb(c); self(self,j); cur.pop_back(); } }; dfs(dfs,root); } vi ss(n); rep(i,n)ss[i]=si(subord[i]); per(i,n){ { vi tmp; for(auto [j,c]:t[i]){ ans[i]&=ans[j]; tmp.pb(c); } ans[i]&=isuni(tmp); } if(ans[i]){ map<vi,int> q; for(auto v:subord[i]){ for(auto w:buf[v]){ if(q.find(w)!=q.ed) chmin(q[w],ss[v]); else q[w]=ss[v]; } } vi ls; for(auto [key,val]:q) ls.pb(val); soin(ls); rep(x,si(ls)){ if(ls[x]<=x) ans[i]=0; } } } return ans; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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