Submission #891229

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
891229ZaniteBulldozer (JOI17_bulldozer)C++17
100 / 100
996 ms81076 KiB
// When we're in drama, // there's that person over there // polishing their skill. // 抗えぬ運命と決まっているのなら // 私はあなたの為に生きたい // 誰かの為に生きてこその人生 // 輝を増すこと知っているから #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> // Pragmas // #pragma GCC optimize("Ofast") // #pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops") // #pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native") // Namespaces using namespace std; using namespace __gnu_pbds; // Data types using si = short int; using ll = long long; using ull = unsigned long long; using lll = __int128; using ld = long double; // Pairs using pii = pair<int, int>; using psi = pair<si, si>; using pll = pair<ll, ll>; using plll = pair<lll, lll>; using pld = pair<ld, ld>; #define fi first #define se second // PBDS template<typename Z> using ordered_set = tree<Z, null_type, less<Z>, rb_tree_tag, tree_order_statistics_node_update>; // Various outputs template<typename Y, typename Z> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const pair<Y, Z> &p) { return os << "(" << << ", " << << ")"; } template<typename RZ> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const tuple<RZ, RZ> &r) { os << "{"; bool _first = 1; for (RZ i = get<0>(r); i != get<1>(r); i++) { if (!_first) os << ", "; os << *i; _first = 0; } return os << "}"; } template<typename Z> ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const vector<Z> &v) { return os << make_tuple(v.begin(), v.end()); } // Quick macro functions #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x)) #define debug(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << '\n' #define debugV(v, x) cout << #v << "[" << (x) << "] = " << (v[x]) << '\n' #define rrebug(x) cerr << #x << " = " << (x) << '\n' #define rrebugV(v, x) cerr << #v << "[" << (x) << "] = " << (v[x]) << '\n' #define All(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define Sort(x) sort(All(x)) #define Reverse(x) reverse(All(x)) #define Uniqueify(x) Sort(x); x.erase(unique(All(x)), x.end()) #define RandomSeed chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count() #define MultipleTestcases int _tc; cin >> _tc; for (int _cur_tc = 1; _cur_tc <= _tc; _cur_tc++) // Check min and max template<typename Z> bool chmin(Z &a, Z b) {return (b < a) ? a = b, true : false;} template<typename Z> bool chmax(Z &a, Z b) {return (b > a) ? a = b, true : false;} // Modular arithmetic template<int MOD> class ModInt { public: int v; ModInt() : v(0) {} ModInt(long long _v) { v = int((-MOD < _v && _v < MOD) ? (_v) : (_v % MOD)); if (v < 0) v += MOD; } friend bool operator==(const ModInt &a, const ModInt &b) {return a.v == b.v;} friend bool operator!=(const ModInt &a, const ModInt &b) {return a.v != b.v;} friend bool operator< (const ModInt &a, const ModInt &b) {return a.v < b.v;} friend bool operator<=(const ModInt &a, const ModInt &b) {return a.v <= b.v;} friend bool operator> (const ModInt &a, const ModInt &b) {return a.v > b.v;} friend bool operator>=(const ModInt &a, const ModInt &b) {return a.v >= b.v;} ModInt &operator+=(const ModInt &a) {if ((v += a.v) >= MOD) v -= MOD; return *this;} ModInt &operator-=(const ModInt &a) {if ((v -= a.v) < 0) v += MOD; return *this;} ModInt &operator*=(const ModInt &a) {v = 1ll * v * a.v % MOD; return *this;} ModInt &operator/=(const ModInt &a) {return (*this) *= inverse(a);} friend ModInt pow(ModInt a, long long x) { ModInt res = 1; for (; x; x /= 2, a *= a) if (x & 1) res *= a; return res; } friend ModInt inverse(ModInt a) {return pow(a, MOD - 2);} ModInt operator+ () const {return ModInt( v);} ModInt operator- () const {return ModInt(-v);} ModInt operator++() const {return *this += 1;} ModInt operator--() const {return *this -= 1;} friend ModInt operator+(ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a += b;} friend ModInt operator-(ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a -= b;} friend ModInt operator*(ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a *= b;} friend ModInt operator/(ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a /= b;} friend istream &operator>>(istream &is, ModInt &v) {return is >> v.v;} friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const ModInt &v) {return os << v.v;} }; const int ModA = 998244353; const int ModC = 1e9 + 7; using MintA = ModInt<ModA>; using MintC = ModInt<ModC>; // Other constants const ll INF = 1e18; const ll iINF = 1e9; const ld EPS = 1e-9; const ld iEPS = 1e-6; template<typename Z> bool geomAbs(Z x) { if (x < EPS) return x; return x; } template<typename Z> bool geomBetween(Z x, Z l, Z r) { // l <= x <= r if (l > r) swap(l, r); return (l <= x + EPS) && (x <= r + EPS); } template<typename Z> bool geomEqual(Z a, Z b) { return geomBetween(a, b, b); } // Point template<typename Z> struct Point { Z x, y; Point(Z x = 0, Z y = 0) : x(x), y(y) {} bool operator<(const Point<Z> &other) const { if (x < other.x + EPS) return true; if (x + EPS > other.x) return false; return y < other.y + EPS; } bool operator==(const Point &other) const { return geomEqual(x, other.x) && geomEqual(y, other.y); } friend istream& operator>>(istream &is, Point<Z> &P) { return is >> P.x >> P.y; } }; template<typename Z> struct Line { Z a, b, c; Line(Z a = 0, Z b = 0, Z c = 0) : a(a), b(b), c(c) {} Line(Point<Z> P1, Point<Z> P2) { if (P1 < P2) swap(P1, P2); if (geomEqual(P1.x, P2.x)) { a = 1; b = 0; c = -P1.x; } else { a = -(P1.y - P2.y) / (P1.x - P2.x); b = 1; c = -(a * P1.x) - P1.y; } } Line(Point<Z> P, Z slope) { a = -slope; b = 1; c = -(a * P.x) - P.y; } bool operator==(const Line &other) const { return geomEqual(a, other.a) && geomEqual(b, other.b) && geomEqual(c, other.c); } ld slope() { return -((ld)a / (ld)b); } }; struct Segtree { struct Elm { ll pf, sf, mx, sum; Elm() { pf = sf = mx = -INF; sum = 0; } Elm(ll val) { pf = sf = mx = max(val, 0ll); sum = val; } }; Elm DEFAULT = Elm(); #define m ((l+r) >> 1) #define lc (pos << 1) #define rc (lc | 1) int sz; vector<Elm> seg; Segtree(int sz) : sz(sz) {seg.assign((sz << 2) + 1, DEFAULT);} void updateNode(int pos, ll val) { seg[pos] = Elm(val); } Elm merge(Elm a, Elm b) { Elm nw = Elm(); = max({-INF,, a.sum +}); nw.sf = max({-INF, b.sf, b.sum + a.sf}); = max({-INF,,, a.sf +}); nw.sum = a.sum + b.sum; return nw; } void update(int pos, int l, int r, int idx, ll val) { if (l == r) { updateNode(pos, val); return; } if (idx <= m) {update(lc, l, m, idx, val);} else {update(rc, m+1, r, idx, val);} seg[pos] = merge(seg[lc], seg[rc]); } void update(int idx, ll val) {update(1, 1, sz, idx, val);} Elm query(int pos, int l, int r, int ql, int qr) { if (l > r || ql > qr || ql > r || l > qr) {return DEFAULT;} if (ql <= l && r <= qr) {return seg[pos];} return merge(query(lc, l, m, ql, qr), query(rc, m+1, r, ql, qr)); } Elm query(int ql, int qr) {return query(1, 1, sz, ql, qr);} #undef m #undef lc #undef rc }; bool _less(ld x, ld y) {return x - y < -EPS;} bool _greater(ld x, ld y) {return x - y > EPS;} using TempPoint = tuple<ll, ll, ll>; // {x, y, w} const ld ld_infinity = (ld)1 / (ld)0; const int maxN = 2'023; int N; TempPoint TP[maxN]; pll P[maxN]; ll W[maxN]; ld C[maxN][maxN]; vector<pii> pairs; int pos[maxN]; ld getLineC(pll a, pll b) { if ( == { return; } else { ld d = -(ld)( - / (ld)( -; ld c = -d * (ld)( - (ld); return c; } } int compareSlope(pii a, pii b) { pll A1 = P[], A2 = P[]; pll B1 = P[], B2 = P[]; bool a_inf = ( ==; bool b_inf = ( ==; if (a_inf && b_inf) return 0; if (a_inf) return -1; if (b_inf) return 1; // (A2.y - A1.y) / (A1.x - A2.x) - (B2.y - B1.y) / (B1.x - B2.x) // -> (A2.y - A1.y)(B1.x - B2.x) - (B2.y - B1.y)(A1.x - A2.x) ll cur = ( - * ( - - ( - * ( -; if (cur < 0) return -1; if (cur > 0) return 1; return 0; } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cin >> N; for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { auto &[x, y, w] = TP[i]; cin >> x >> y >> w; } sort(TP + 1, TP + N + 1); for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { auto &[x, y, w] = TP[i]; P[i] = {x, y}; W[i] = w; } for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (int j = i; j <= N; j++) { C[i][j] = getLineC(P[i], P[j]); pairs.push_back({i, j}); } } sort(All(pairs), [&](const pii &a, const pii &b){ auto &[ai, aj] = a; auto &[bi, bj] = b; int cs = compareSlope(a, b); if (cs == -1) return true; if (cs == 1) return false; if (_less(C[ai][aj], C[bi][bj])) return true; if (_greater(C[ai][aj], C[bi][bj])) return false; if (ai < bi) return true; if (ai > bi) return false; return aj < bj; }); Segtree S(N); for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { pos[i] = i; S.update(i, W[i]); } ll ans = S.query(1, N).mx; int P = pairs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < P; i++) { auto &[ci, cj] = pairs[i]; swap(pos[ci], pos[cj]); S.update(pos[ci], W[ci]); S.update(pos[cj], W[cj]); bool process = true; if (i < P-1) { if (compareSlope(pairs[i], pairs[i+1]) != -1) { process = false; } } if (process) { chmax(ans, S.query(1, N).mx); } } cout << ans << "\n"; } // あなたの傍に居させて... // dibisakan
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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