# | Time | Username | Problem | Language | Result | Execution time | Memory |
877522 | vjudge1 | Art Collections (BOI22_art) | C++17 | 0 ms | 0 KiB |
This submission is migrated from previous version of oj.uz, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "art.h"
#define pb push_back
#define eb emplace_back
#define sz(x) (int)x.size()
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define uniq(x) x.erase(unique(all(x)), x.end())
#define rall(x) x.rbegin(), x.rend()
//#define int long long
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
using ld = long double;
using pii = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
const int LOG = 20;
const int maxn = 1e5 + 5;
const double eps = 1e-9;
void setIO() {
int dp[251][251];
void solve(int N) {
if(N <= 250) {
memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
vector<int> v;
for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) v.push_back(i);
auto cmp = [&](int a, int b) {
if(dp[a][b] != -1) return dp[a][b];
vector<int> v1 = {a, b}, v2 = {b, a};
for(int i=1; i<=N; i++) {
if(i == a || i == b) continue;
v1.push_back(i); v2.push_back(i);
return dp[a][b] = (publish(v1) < publish(v2));
stable_sort(all(v), comp);
// int32_t main() {
// setIO();
// return 0;
// }