Submission #854429

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
854429Onur_IlgazRace (IOI11_race)C++17
21 / 100
92 ms29328 KiB
#include "race.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define fast cin.tie(0)->sync_with_stdio(0); #define int long long #define inf ((int)1e18) using namespace std; int ans, k; vector <vector<pair<int, int> > > adj; vector <map<int, int> > mp; vector <int> depth, len; void dfs(int node, int ata) { if(adj[node].size() == 1 and adj[node][0].first == ata) { mp[node].insert({0, 0}); return; } // cerr<<"nodeata: "<<node<<" "<<ata<<"\n"; int mx = 0, mxnode = -1, ww = -1; for(auto &[to, w]:adj[node]) { if(to == ata) continue; dfs(to, node); if((int)mp[to].size() > mx) { mxnode = to; mx = (int)mp[to].size(); ww = w; } } mp[node].swap(mp[mxnode]); // do depth and len len[node] = len[mxnode] + ww; depth[node] = depth[mxnode] + 1; mp[node][0 - len[node]] = 0 - depth[node]; if(mp[node].count(k - len[node])) { ans = min(ans, mp[node][k - len[node]] + depth[node]); } for(auto &[to, w]:adj[node]) { if(to == mxnode or to == ata) continue; for(auto it:mp[to]) { int realval = len[to] + it.first + w; int realdepth = depth[to] + it.second + 1; //check if k int need = (k - realval) - len[node]; if(mp[node].count(need)) { // bu yanlışlıkla var olabilir? ans = min(ans, (mp[node][need] + depth[node] + realdepth)); } // add it to map if(mp[node].count(realval - len[node]) ) mp[node].insert({realval - len[node], realdepth - depth[node]}); else mp[node][realval - len[node]] = min(mp[node][realval - len[node]], realdepth - depth[node]); } } } int32_t best_path(int32_t N, int32_t K, int32_t H[][2], int32_t L[]) { ans = inf, k = K; adj.clear(); adj.resize(N + 5); map <int, int> tmp; mp.clear(); mp.assign(N + 5, tmp); depth.clear(); depth.resize(N + 5); len.clear(); len.resize(N + 5); for(int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) { int a = H[i][0], b = H[i][1], w = L[i]; adj[a].push_back({b, w}); adj[b].push_back({a, w}); } dfs(0, -1); return (ans == inf) ? -1 : ans; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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