Submission #738083

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
738083 2023-05-08T07:03:19 Z maomao90 Railway Trip 2 (JOI22_ho_t4) C++17
0 / 100
90 ms 11472 KB
// Hallelujah, praise the one who set me free
// Hallelujah, death has lost its grip on me
// You have broken every chain, There's salvation in your name
// Jesus Christ, my living hope
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std;

#define REP(i, s, e) for (int i = (s); i < (e); i++)
#define RREP(i, s, e) for (int i = (s); i >= (e); i--)
template <class T>
inline bool mnto(T& a, T b) {return a > b ? a = b, 1 : 0;}
template <class T>
inline bool mxto(T& a, T b) {return a < b ? a = b, 1: 0;}
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
#define FI first
#define SE second
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
typedef pair<ll, ll> pll;
typedef tuple<int, int, int> iii;
#define ALL(_a) _a.begin(), _a.end()
#define SZ(_a) (int) _a.size()
#define pb push_back
typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<ll> vll;
typedef vector<ii> vii;
typedef vector<iii> viii;

#ifndef DEBUG
#define cerr if (0) cerr

const int INF = 1000000005;
const ll LINF = 1000000000000000005ll;
const int MAXN = 200005;
const int MAXM = 200005;
const int MAXL = 20;

int n, k, m;
ii ab[MAXM];
int q;
int p[MAXL][MAXN];
int mx[MAXN];

int par[MAXN], rnk[MAXN], rt[MAXN];
void init() {
    REP (i, 1, n + 2) {
        par[i] = i;
        rnk[i] = 1;
        rt[i] = i;
int findp(int i) {
    if (par[i] == i) {
        return i;
    return par[i] = findp(par[i]);
bool join(int a, int b) {
    int pa = findp(a), pb = findp(b);
    if (pa == pb) {
        return 0;
    if (rnk[pa] < rnk[pb]) {
        swap(pa, pb);
    if (rnk[pa] == rnk[pb]) {
    par[pb] = pa;
    mxto(rt[pa], rt[pb]);
    return 1;

int main() {
#ifndef DEBUG
    ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0);
    cin >> n >> k >> m;
    REP (i, 0, m) {
        cin >> ab[i].FI >> ab[i].SE;
        assert(ab[i].FI < ab[i].SE);
    sort(ab, ab + m, [&] (ii l, ii r) {
            return l.FI < r.FI;
    REP (i, 1, n + 1) {
        p[0][i] = -1;
    int prv = 0;
    REP (i, 0, m) {
        auto [a, b] = ab[i];
        REP (j, max(prv, a), b + 1) {
            p[0][j] = a;
        mxto(prv, b + 1);
    REP (k, 1, MAXL) {
        REP (i, 1, n + 1) {
            if (p[k - 1][i] == -1) {
                p[k][i] = -1;
            } else {
                p[k][i] = p[k - 1][p[k - 1][i]];
    sort(ab, ab + m, [&] (ii l, ii r) {
            return l.SE > r.SE;
    REP (i, 1, n + 1) {
        mx[i] = i;
    REP (i, 0, m) {
        auto [a, b] = ab[i];
        while (rt[findp(a)] < min(a + k, b)) {
            mx[rt[findp(a)]] = b;
            join(rt[findp(a)], rt[findp(a)] + 1);
    cin >> q;
    while (q--) {
        int s, t; cin >> s >> t;
        assert(s < t);
        int res = 0;
        RREP (k, MAXL - 1, 0) {
            if (p[k][t] != -1 && p[k][t] > s) {
                t = p[k][t];
                res += 1 << k;
        if (mx[s] >= t) {
            cout << res + 1 << '\n';
        } else {
            cout << -1 << '\n';
    return 0;
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Runtime error 1 ms 468 KB Execution killed with signal 6
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Runtime error 1 ms 468 KB Execution killed with signal 6
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Runtime error 1 ms 468 KB Execution killed with signal 6
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Runtime error 1 ms 468 KB Execution killed with signal 6
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 83 ms 11460 KB Output is correct
2 Correct 79 ms 10828 KB Output is correct
3 Correct 65 ms 10380 KB Output is correct
4 Correct 40 ms 10220 KB Output is correct
5 Correct 40 ms 9972 KB Output is correct
6 Correct 39 ms 9940 KB Output is correct
7 Correct 51 ms 10660 KB Output is correct
8 Correct 1 ms 468 KB Output is correct
9 Correct 1 ms 596 KB Output is correct
10 Correct 64 ms 11336 KB Output is correct
11 Correct 88 ms 11428 KB Output is correct
12 Correct 90 ms 11340 KB Output is correct
13 Correct 83 ms 11472 KB Output is correct
14 Correct 1 ms 468 KB Output is correct
15 Incorrect 2 ms 596 KB Output isn't correct
16 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Runtime error 1 ms 468 KB Execution killed with signal 6
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -