Submission #70743

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
70743someone_aaCommuter Pass (JOI18_commuter_pass)C++17
15 / 100
2056 ms263168 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair using namespace std; const int maxn = 100100; ll dist[maxn][4], n, m, s, t, u, v; ll dp[maxn][2]; bool visited[maxn]; vector<pair<int,int> > g[maxn]; /* dist[i][0] - dist to i from u dist[i][1] - dist to i from v dist[i][2] - dist to i from s dist[i][3] - dist to i from t */ void dijkstra(int start, int x) { memset(visited,false,sizeof(visited)); for(int i=0;i<=n;i++) { dist[i][x] = 10000000LL * INT_MAX; } dist[start][x] = 0LL; //visited[start] = true; priority_queue<pair<int,int>, vector<pair<int,int> >, greater<pair<int,int> > > pq; pq.push(mp(0, start)); while(!pq.empty()) { int curr =; pq.pop(); if(visited[curr]) continue; visited[curr] = true; for(auto i:g[curr]) { if(dist[curr][x] + i.second < dist[i.first][x] && !visited[i.first]) { dist[i.first][x] = dist[curr][x] + i.second; pq.push(mp(dist[i.first][x], i.first)); } } } } void get_dp(int start, int x) { memset(visited,false,sizeof(visited)); for(int i=0;i<=n;i++) { dp[i][x] = dist[i][1]; } priority_queue<pair<int,int>, vector<pair<int,int> >, greater<pair<int,int> > > pq; pq.push(mp(0, start)); int fx, sx, ffx; if(x == 0) { fx = 2; sx = 3; ffx = t; } else { fx = 3; sx = 2; ffx = s; } while(!pq.empty()) { int curr =; pq.pop(); visited[curr] = true; for(auto i:g[curr]) { // check if this edge lies on some shortest path from s to v if(dist[curr][fx] + dist[i.first][sx] + i.second == dist[ffx][fx] && !visited[i.first]) { dp[i.first][x] = min(dp[curr][x], dp[i.first][x]); pq.push(mp(dist[i.first][fx], i.first)); } } } } int main() { cin>>n>>m; cin>>s>>t; cin>>u>>v; int x, y, z; for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { cin>>x>>y>>z; g[x].pb(mp(y,z)); g[y].pb(mp(x,z)); } dijkstra(u, 0); dijkstra(v, 1); dijkstra(s, 2); dijkstra(t, 3); get_dp(s, 0); get_dp(t, 1); ll result = LLONG_MAX; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { result = min(result, dist[i][0] + min(dp[i][0], dp[i][1])); } cout<<result; return 0; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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