Submission #644532

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
644532 2022-09-24T20:45:51 Z loggerr Permutation Recovery (info1cup17_permutation) C++14
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#pragma GCC target("avx,avx2,fma")
#pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops")

#include "bits/stdc++.h"

using namespace std;
using ll = __int128_t;
using pii = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<ll, ll>;
using ld = long double;
using str = string;
const ld eps = 1e-8;

#define int long long
#define vc vector
#define mp make_pair
#define all(c) (c).begin(), (c).end()
#define rall(c) (c).rbegin(), (c).rend()
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define pb push_back
#define forn(id, num) for (int id = 0; id < num; ++id)
#define sz(arr) (int)arr.size()

#ifdef LOCAL
#define debug(x) cerr << #x << ": " << x << endl;
#define debug(x)

template<typename T, typename Y>
istream& operator>>(istream &other, std::pair<T, Y> &v_) {
    other >> v_.first >> v_.second; return other;
template<typename T, typename Y>
ostream& operator<<(ostream &other, const std::pair<T, Y> v_) {
    other << v_.first << ' ' <<  v_.second; return other;
template<typename T>
istream& operator>>(istream &other, vector<T> &v_) {
    for (T &x : v_) other >> x; return other;
template<typename T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream &other, const vector<T> v_) {
    for (T &x : v_) other << x << ' '; return other;

template<typename T>
bool inmin(T& _x, T _y) {return _y < _x ? (_x = _y, true) : false;}
template<typename T>
bool inmax(T& _x, T _y) {return _y > _x ? (_x = _y, true) : false;}

mt19937_64 rnd(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
inline void solve();

signed main() {
    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
#ifdef LOCAL
    freopen("/Users/alexsus/Desktop/solve/read.txt", "r", stdin);
    //cout << fixed << setprecision(10);
    ll tt;
    tt = 1;
    //cin >> tt;
    for (int i = 0; i < tt; ++i) {
    return 0;

const ll Mod = 1e9 + 7;

class big_integer {
    // основание системы счисления (1 000 000 000)
    static const int BASE = 1e18;

    // внутреннее хранилище числа
    std::vector<int> _digits;

    // знак числа
    bool _is_negative;

    void _remove_leading_zeros();
    void _shift_right();

    // класс-исключение, бросаемое при делении на ноль
    class divide_by_zero: public std::exception {  };

    big_integer(signed char);
    big_integer(unsigned char);
    big_integer(signed short);
    big_integer(unsigned short);
    big_integer(signed int);
    big_integer(unsigned int);
    big_integer(signed long);
    big_integer(unsigned long);
    big_integer(signed long long);
    big_integer(unsigned long long);

    friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream&, const big_integer&);
    operator std::string() const;
    const big_integer operator +() const;
    const big_integer operator -() const;
    const big_integer operator ++();
    const big_integer operator ++(int);
    const big_integer operator --();
    const big_integer operator --(int);
    friend bool operator ==(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    friend bool operator <(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    friend bool operator !=(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    friend bool operator <=(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    friend bool operator >(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    friend bool operator >=(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    friend const big_integer operator +(big_integer, const big_integer&);
    big_integer& operator +=(const big_integer&);
    friend const big_integer operator -(big_integer, const big_integer&);
    big_integer& operator -=(const big_integer&);
    friend const big_integer operator *(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    big_integer& operator *=(const big_integer&);
    friend const big_integer operator /(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    big_integer& operator /=(const big_integer&);
    friend const big_integer operator %(const big_integer&, const big_integer&);
    big_integer& operator %=(const big_integer&);

    bool odd() const;
    bool even() const;
    const big_integer pow(big_integer) const;

// создает длинное целое число со значением 0
big_integer::big_integer() {
    this->_is_negative = false;

// создает длинное целое число из C++-строки
big_integer::big_integer(std::string str) {
    if (str.length() == 0) {
        this->_is_negative = false;
    else {
        if (str[0] == '-') {
            str = str.substr(1);
            this->_is_negative = true;
        else {
            this->_is_negative = false;

        for (long long i = str.length(); i > 0; i -= 9) {
            if (i < 9)
                this->_digits.push_back(atoi(str.substr(0, i).c_str()));
                this->_digits.push_back(atoi(str.substr(i - 9, 9).c_str()));


// удаляет ведущие нули
void big_integer::_remove_leading_zeros() {
    while (this->_digits.size() > 1 && this->_digits.back() == 0) {

    if (this->_digits.size() == 1 && this->_digits[0] == 0) this->_is_negative = false;

// печатает число в поток вывода
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const big_integer& bi) {
    if (bi._digits.empty()) os << 0;
    else {
        if (bi._is_negative) os << '-';
        os << bi._digits.back();
        char old_fill = os.fill('0');
        for (long long i = static_cast<long long>(bi._digits.size()) - 2; i >= 0; --i) os << std::setw(9) << bi._digits[i];

    return os;

// сравнивает два числа на равенство
bool operator ==(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    if (left._is_negative != right._is_negative) return false;
    if (left._digits.empty()) {
        if (right._digits.empty() || (right._digits.size() == 1 && right._digits[0] == 0)) return true;
        else return false;

    if (right._digits.empty()) {
        if (left._digits.size() == 1 && left._digits[0] == 0) return true;
        else return false;

    if (left._digits.size() != right._digits.size()) return false;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < left._digits.size(); ++i) if (left._digits[i] != right._digits[i]) return false;

    return true;

// возвращает копию переданного числа
const big_integer big_integer::operator +() const {
    return big_integer(*this);

// возвращает переданное число с другим знаком
const big_integer big_integer::operator -() const {
    big_integer copy(*this);
    copy._is_negative = !copy._is_negative;
    return copy;

// проверяет, является ли левый операнд меньше правого
bool operator <(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    if (left == right) return false;
    if (left._is_negative) {
        if (right._is_negative) return ((-right) < (-left));
        else return true;
    else if (right._is_negative) return false;
    else {
        if (left._digits.size() != right._digits.size()) {
            return left._digits.size() < right._digits.size();
        else {
            for (long long i = left._digits.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                if (left._digits[i] != right._digits[i]) return left._digits[i] < right._digits[i];

            return false;

// сравнивает два числа на неравенство
bool operator !=(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    return !(left == right);

// проверяет, является ли левый операнд меньше либо равен правого
bool operator <=(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    return (left < right || left == right);

// проверяет, является ли левый операнд больше правого
bool operator >(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    return !(left <= right);

// проверяет, является ли левый операнд больше либо равен правого
bool operator >=(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    return !(left < right);

// складывает два числа
const big_integer operator +(big_integer left, const big_integer& right) {
    if (left._is_negative) {
        if (right._is_negative) return -(-left + (-right));
        else return right - (-left);
    else if (right._is_negative) return left - (-right);
    int carry = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < std::max(left._digits.size(), right._digits.size()) || carry != 0; ++i) {
        if (i == left._digits.size()) left._digits.push_back(0);
        left._digits[i] += carry + (i < right._digits.size() ? right._digits[i] : 0);
        carry = left._digits[i] >= big_integer::BASE;
        if (carry != 0) left._digits[i] -= big_integer::BASE;

    return left;

// прибавляет к текущему числу новое
big_integer& big_integer::operator +=(const big_integer& value) {
    return *this = (*this + value);

// префиксный инкремент
const big_integer big_integer::operator++() {
    return (*this += 1);

// преобразует число к строке
big_integer::operator std::string() const {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << *this;
    return ss.str();

// преобразует signed char к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
    if (c < 0) this->_is_negative = true;
    else this->_is_negative = false;

// преобразует unsigned char к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
    this->_is_negative = false;

// преобразует signed short к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
    if (s < 0) this->_is_negative = true;
    else this->_is_negative = false;

// преобразует unsigned short к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
    this->_is_negative = false;

// преобразует signed int к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
    if (i < 0) this->_is_negative = true;
    else this->_is_negative = false;
    this->_digits.push_back(std::abs(i) % big_integer::BASE);
    i /= big_integer::BASE;
    if (i != 0) this->_digits.push_back(std::abs(i));

// преобразует unsigned int к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
    this->_digits.push_back(i % big_integer::BASE);
    i /= big_integer::BASE;
    if (i != 0) this->_digits.push_back(i);

// преобразует signed long к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
    if (l < 0) this->_is_negative = true;
    else this->_is_negative = false;
    this->_digits.push_back(std::abs(l) % big_integer::BASE);
    l /= big_integer::BASE;
    if (l != 0) this->_digits.push_back(std::abs(l));

// преобразует unsigned long к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
    this->_digits.push_back(l % big_integer::BASE);
    l /= big_integer::BASE;
    if (l != 0) this->_digits.push_back(l);

// преобразует signed long long к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(signed long long l) {
    if (l < 0) { this->_is_negative = true; l = -l; }
    else this->_is_negative = false;
    do {
        this->_digits.push_back(l % big_integer::BASE);
        l /= big_integer::BASE;
    } while (l != 0);

// преобразует unsigned long long к big_integer
big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long long l) {
    this->_is_negative = false;
    do {
        this->_digits.push_back(l % big_integer::BASE);
        l /= big_integer::BASE;
    } while (l != 0);

// постфиксный инкремент
const big_integer big_integer::operator ++(int) {
    *this += 1;
    return *this - 1;

// префиксный декремент
const big_integer big_integer::operator --() {
    return *this -= 1;

// постфиксный декремент
const big_integer big_integer::operator --(int) {
    *this -= 1;
    return *this + 1;

// вычитает два числа
const big_integer operator -(big_integer left, const big_integer& right) {
    if (right._is_negative) return left + (-right);
    else if (left._is_negative) return -(-left + right);
    else if (left < right) return -(right - left);
    int carry = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < right._digits.size() || carry != 0; ++i) {
        left._digits[i] -= carry + (i < right._digits.size() ? right._digits[i] : 0);
        carry = left._digits[i] < 0;
        if (carry != 0) left._digits[i] += big_integer::BASE;

    return left;

// вычитает из текущего числа новое
big_integer& big_integer::operator -=(const big_integer& value) {
    return *this = (*this - value);

// перемножает два числа
const big_integer operator *(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    big_integer result;
    result._digits.resize(left._digits.size() + right._digits.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < left._digits.size(); ++i) {
        int carry = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < right._digits.size() || carry != 0; ++j) {
            long long cur = result._digits[i + j] +
                            left._digits[i] * 1LL * (j < right._digits.size() ? right._digits[j] : 0) + carry;
            result._digits[i + j] = static_cast<int>(cur % big_integer::BASE);
            carry = static_cast<int>(cur / big_integer::BASE);

    result._is_negative = left._is_negative != right._is_negative;
    return result;

// домножает текущее число на указанное
big_integer& big_integer::operator *=(const big_integer& value) {
    return *this = (*this * value);

// сдвигает все разряды на 1 вправо (домножает на BASE)
void big_integer::_shift_right() {
    if (this->_digits.size() == 0) {
    this->_digits.push_back(this->_digits[this->_digits.size() - 1]);
    for (size_t i = this->_digits.size() - 2; i > 0; --i) this->_digits[i] = this->_digits[i - 1];
    this->_digits[0] = 0;

// делит два числа
const big_integer operator /(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    if (right == 0) throw big_integer::divide_by_zero();
    big_integer b = right;
    b._is_negative = false;
    big_integer result, current;
    for (long long i = static_cast<long long>(left._digits.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        current._digits[0] = left._digits[i];
        int x = 0, l = 0, r = big_integer::BASE;
        while (l <= r) {
            int m = (l + r) / 2;
            big_integer t = b * m;
            if (t <= current) {
                x = m;
                l = m + 1;
            else r = m - 1;

        result._digits[i] = x;
        current = current - b * x;

    result._is_negative = left._is_negative != right._is_negative;
    return result;

// делит текущее число на указанное
big_integer& big_integer::operator /=(const big_integer& value) {
    return *this = (*this / value);

// возвращает остаток от деления двух чисел
const big_integer operator %(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
    big_integer result = left - (left / right) * right;
    if (result._is_negative) result += right;
    return result;

// присваивает текущему числу остаток от деления на другое число
big_integer& big_integer::operator %=(const big_integer& value) {
    return *this = (*this % value);

// проверяет, является ли текущее число нечетным
bool big_integer::odd() const {
    if (this->_digits.size() == 0) return false;
    return this->_digits[0] & 1;

// проверяет, является ли текущее число четным
bool big_integer::even() const {
    return !this->odd();

// возводит текущее число в указанную степень
const big_integer big_integer::pow(big_integer n) const {
    big_integer a(*this), result(1);
    while (n != 0) {
        if (n.odd()) result *= a;
        a *= a;
        n /= 2;

    return result;

struct node {
    node *l, *r;
    ll y;
    int id, c;
    big_integer val, sm;
    node (int _id, big_integer _val) {
        y = rnd() % Mod;
        l = r = nullptr;
        c = 1;
        id = _id, val = _val, sm = _val;

int get_c(node *x) {
    if (x == nullptr) return 0;
    return x->c;

big_integer get_sm(node *x) {
    if (x == nullptr) return 0;
    return x->sm;

void upd(node * x) {
    if (x == nullptr) return;
    x->c = 1 + get_c(x->l) + get_c(x->r);
    x->sm = x->val + get_sm(x->l) + get_sm(x->r);

int get_x(node *x) {
    return get_c(x->l);

pair<node *, node *> split(node *t, int key) {
    if (!t) return {nullptr, nullptr};
    if (get_x(t) <= key) {
        pair<node *, node *> res = split(t->r, key - get_x(t) - 1);
        t->r = res.ff;
        return {t,};
    } else {
        pair<node *, node *> res = split(t->l, key);
        t->l =;
        return {res.ff, t};

node *merge(node *tl, node *tr) {
    if (!tl) return tr;
    if (!tr) return tl;
    if (tl->y >= tr->y) {
        tl->r = merge(tl->r, tr);
        return tl;
    } else {
        tr->l = merge(tl, tr->l);
        return tr;

int find_order(node *t, big_integer value, int &pos) {
    if (t == nullptr) return pos;
    if (get_sm(t->l) + t->val < value) {
        pos += get_c(t->l) + 1;
        value -= get_sm(t->l) + t->val;
        return find_order(t->r, value, pos);
    } else {
        return find_order(t->l, value, pos);

vector<int> p;
int last;

void order(node *t) {
    if (t == nullptr) return;
    p[t->id] = last++;

inline void solve() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<big_integer> pref(n);
    forn(i, n) {
        str s;
        cin >> s;
        pref[i] = big_integer(s);
    vector<big_integer> dp(n);
    dp[0] = pref[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
        dp[i] = pref[i] - pref[i - 1];
    node *root = new node(0, dp[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
        int pf = 0;
        int pos = find_order(root, dp[i], pf);
        node *next = new node(i, dp[i]);
        auto [l, r] = split(root, pos - 1);
        root = merge(l, merge(next, r));
    last = 0;
    forn(i, n) {
        cout << p[i] + 1 << ' ';
    cout << '\n';

Compilation message

permutation.cpp:3: warning: ignoring '#pragma GCC optimization' [-Wunknown-pragmas]
    3 | #pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops")
permutation.cpp: In function 'std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, std::vector<_Tp>&)':
permutation.cpp:42:5: warning: this 'for' clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
   42 |     for (T &x : v_) other >> x; return other;
      |     ^~~
permutation.cpp:42:33: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the 'for'
   42 |     for (T &x : v_) other >> x; return other;
      |                                 ^~~~~~
permutation.cpp: In function 'std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, std::vector<_Tp>)':
permutation.cpp:46:5: warning: this 'for' clause does not guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
   46 |     for (T &x : v_) other << x << ' '; return other;
      |     ^~~
permutation.cpp:46:40: note: ...this statement, but the latter is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the 'for'
   46 |     for (T &x : v_) other << x << ' '; return other;
      |                                        ^~~~~~
permutation.cpp: At global scope:
permutation.cpp:102:5: error: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)' cannot be overloaded with 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  102 |     big_integer(signed long long);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:98:5: note: previous declaration 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
   98 |     big_integer(signed int);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:103:5: error: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)' cannot be overloaded with 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  103 |     big_integer(unsigned long long);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:99:5: note: previous declaration 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
   99 |     big_integer(unsigned int);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:110:23: error: postfix 'const big_integer big_integer::operator++(long long int)' must have 'int' as its argument
  110 |     const big_integer operator ++(int);
      |                       ^~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:112:23: error: postfix 'const big_integer big_integer::operator--(long long int)' must have 'int' as its argument
  112 |     const big_integer operator --(int);
      |                       ^~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp: In member function 'const big_integer big_integer::operator++()':
permutation.cpp:286:22: error: conversion from 'int' to 'const big_integer' is ambiguous
  286 |     return (*this += 1);
      |                      ^
permutation.cpp:101:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  101 |     big_integer(unsigned long);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:100:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  100 |     big_integer(signed long);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:99:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
   99 |     big_integer(unsigned int);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:98:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
   98 |     big_integer(signed int);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:97:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
   97 |     big_integer(unsigned short);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:96:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
   96 |     big_integer(signed short);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:95:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
   95 |     big_integer(unsigned char);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:94:5: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
   94 |     big_integer(signed char);
      |     ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:280:58: note:   initializing argument 1 of 'big_integer& big_integer::operator+=(const big_integer&)'
  280 | big_integer& big_integer::operator +=(const big_integer& value) {
      |                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
permutation.cpp: At global scope:
permutation.cpp:355:1: error: redefinition of 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  355 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)' previously defined here
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:365:1: error: redefinition of 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  365 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)' previously defined here
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:374:19: error: postfix 'const big_integer big_integer::operator++(long long int)' must have 'int' as its argument
  374 | const big_integer big_integer::operator ++(int) {
      |                   ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp: In member function 'const big_integer big_integer::operator--()':
permutation.cpp:381:21: error: conversion from 'int' to 'const big_integer' is ambiguous
  381 |     return *this -= 1;
      |                     ^
permutation.cpp:348:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  348 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:339:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  339 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:317:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
  317 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:310:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
  310 | big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:304:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
  304 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:297:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
  297 | big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:122:30: note:   initializing argument 1 of 'big_integer& big_integer::operator-=(const big_integer&)'
  122 |     big_integer& operator -=(const big_integer&);
      |                              ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp: At global scope:
permutation.cpp:385:19: error: postfix 'const big_integer big_integer::operator--(long long int)' must have 'int' as its argument
  385 | const big_integer big_integer::operator --(int) {
      |                   ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp: In function 'const big_integer operator/(const big_integer&, const big_integer&)':
permutation.cpp:448:18: error: conversion from 'int' to 'const big_integer' is ambiguous
  448 |     if (right == 0) throw big_integer::divide_by_zero();
      |                  ^
permutation.cpp:348:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  348 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:339:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  339 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:317:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
  317 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:310:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
  310 | big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:304:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
  304 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:297:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
  297 | big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:189:62: note:   initializing argument 2 of 'bool operator==(const big_integer&, const big_integer&)'
  189 | bool operator ==(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
      |                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
permutation.cpp: In member function 'const big_integer big_integer::pow(big_integer) const':
permutation.cpp:507:35: error: call of overloaded 'big_integer(int)' is ambiguous
  507 |     big_integer a(*this), result(1);
      |                                   ^
permutation.cpp:348:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  348 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:339:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  339 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:317:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
  317 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:310:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
  310 | big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:304:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
  304 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:297:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
  297 | big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:75:7: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(const big_integer&)'
   75 | class big_integer {
      |       ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:75:7: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(big_integer&&)'
permutation.cpp:508:17: error: conversion from 'int' to 'const big_integer' is ambiguous
  508 |     while (n != 0) {
      |                 ^
permutation.cpp:348:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  348 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:339:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  339 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:317:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
  317 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:310:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
  310 | big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:304:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
  304 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:297:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
  297 | big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:242:62: note:   initializing argument 2 of 'bool operator!=(const big_integer&, const big_integer&)'
  242 | bool operator !=(const big_integer& left, const big_integer& right) {
      |                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
permutation.cpp:511:14: error: conversion from 'int' to 'const big_integer' is ambiguous
  511 |         n /= 2;
      |              ^
permutation.cpp:348:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  348 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:339:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  339 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:317:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
  317 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:310:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
  310 | big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:304:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
  304 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:297:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
  297 | big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:478:58: note:   initializing argument 1 of 'big_integer& big_integer::operator/=(const big_integer&)'
  478 | big_integer& big_integer::operator /=(const big_integer& value) {
      |                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
permutation.cpp: In function 'big_integer get_sm(node*)':
permutation.cpp:536:30: error: conversion from 'int' to 'big_integer' is ambiguous
  536 |     if (x == nullptr) return 0;
      |                              ^
permutation.cpp:348:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long unsigned int)'
  348 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:339:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long int)'
  339 | big_integer::big_integer(signed long l) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:332:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long unsigned int)'
  332 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:323:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(long long int)'
  323 | big_integer::big_integer(signed int i) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:317:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short unsigned int)'
  317 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:310:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(short int)'
  310 | big_integer::big_integer(signed short s) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:304:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char)'
  304 | big_integer::big_integer(unsigned char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp:297:1: note: candidate: 'big_integer::big_integer(signed char)'
  297 | big_integer::big_integer(signed char c) {
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~
permutation.cpp: In function 'void solve()':
permutation.cpp:619:14: warning: structured bindings only available with '-std=c++17' or '-std=gnu++17'
  619 |         auto [l, r] = split(root, pos - 1);
      |              ^