답안 #60144

# 제출 시각 아이디 문제 언어 결과 실행 시간 메모리
60144 2018-07-23T17:52:36 Z egorlifar Homecoming (BOI18_homecoming) C++17
컴파일 오류
0 ms 0 KB
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <numeric>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <deque>
#include "homecoming.h"
using namespace std;
template<typename T1, typename T2>inline void chkmin(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x > y) x = y; }
template<typename T1, typename T2>inline void chkmax(T1 &x, T2 y) { if (x < y) x = y; } 
template<typename T, typename U> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const pair<T, U> &_p) { _out << _p.first << ' ' << _p.second; return _out; }
template<typename T, typename U> inline istream &operator>> (istream &_in, pair<T, U> &_p) { _in >> _p.first >> _p.second; return _in; }
template<typename T> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const vector<T> &_v) { if (_v.empty()) { return _out; } _out << _v.front(); for (auto _it = ++_v.begin(); _it != _v.end(); ++_it) { _out << ' ' << *_it; } return _out; }
template<typename T> inline istream &operator>> (istream &_in, vector<T> &_v) { for (auto &_i : _v) { _in >> _i; } return _in; }
template<typename T> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const set<T> &_s) { if (_s.empty()) { return _out; } _out << *_s.begin(); for (auto _it = ++_s.begin(); _it != _s.end(); ++_it) { _out << ' ' << *_it; } return _out; }
template<typename T> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const multiset<T> &_s) { if (_s.empty()) { return _out; } _out << *_s.begin(); for (auto _it = ++_s.begin(); _it != _s.end(); ++_it) { _out << ' ' << *_it; } return _out; }
template<typename T> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const unordered_set<T> &_s) { if (_s.empty()) { return _out; } _out << *_s.begin(); for (auto _it = ++_s.begin(); _it != _s.end(); ++_it) { _out << ' ' << *_it; } return _out; }
template<typename T> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const unordered_multiset<T> &_s) { if (_s.empty()) { return _out; } _out << *_s.begin(); for (auto _it = ++_s.begin(); _it != _s.end(); ++_it) { _out << ' ' << *_it; } return _out; }
template<typename T, typename U> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const map<T, U> &_m) { if (_m.empty()) { return _out; } _out << '(' << _m.begin()->first << ": " << _m.begin()->second << ')'; for (auto _it = ++_m.begin(); _it != _m.end(); ++_it) { _out << ", (" << _it->first << ": " << _it->second << ')'; } return _out; }
template<typename T, typename U> inline ostream &operator<< (ostream &_out, const unordered_map<T, U> &_m) { if (_m.empty()) { return _out; } _out << '(' << _m.begin()->first << ": " << _m.begin()->second << ')'; for (auto _it = ++_m.begin(); _it != _m.end(); ++_it) { _out << ", (" << _it->first << ": " << _it->second << ')'; } return _out; }
#define sz(c) (int)(c).size()
#define all(c) (c).begin(), (c).end()
#define rall(c) (c).rbegin(), (c).rend()
#define left left228
#define right right228
#define next next228
#define rank rank228
#define prev prev228
#define y1 y1228                                                         
#define read(FILENAME) freopen((FILENAME + ".in").c_str(), "r", stdin)
#define write(FILENAME) freopen((FILENAME + ".out").c_str(), "w", stdout)
#define files(FILENAME) read(FILENAME), write(FILENAME)
#define pb push_back
const string FILENAME = "input";
const int MAXN = 2000228;
using int64 = long long;

struct Flow {
    int64 from, to, limit;
    Flow() = default;
    Flow(int64 from_, int64 to_, int64 limit_)
        : from(from_), to(to_), limit(limit_) {}

int64 solve(int n, int k, int* a_, int* b_) {
    vector<int64> a(n), b(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        a[i] = a_[i];
        b[i] = b_[i];
    int64 result = accumulate(all(a), 0LL);
    deque<Flow> flows;
    int64 start_layer = 0, end_layer = accumulate(b.begin(), b.begin() + k, 0LL);
    int64 pushed_front = 0, cycle_layer = 0;
    function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
        int64 from = start_layer;
        if (not flows.empty() and from <= flows.back().to) {
            from = flows.back().to + 1;
        if (mx > end_layer - from) {
            mx = end_layer - from;
        if (mx <= 0) {
            return 0;
        flows.emplace_back(from, from + mx - 1, end_layer);
        return mx;
    function<int64(int64)> PushFront = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
        if (mx == 0) {
            return 0;
        int64 r = pushed_front + mx - 1;
        int64 mn_move = 1LL << 62, sum_used = 0;
        while (not flows.empty() and flows.front().from <= r) {
            int64 dif = min(r - flows.front().from + 1,
            flows.front().limit - flows.front().to - 1);
            mx -= r - flows.front().from + 1 - dif;
            r = flows.front().to + dif;
            chkmin(mn_move, flows.front().limit - r - 1);
            sum_used += flows.front().to - flows.front().from + 1;
        if (sum_used != 0) {
            flows.emplace_front(pushed_front + mx, pushed_front + mx + sum_used - 1, pushed_front + mx + sum_used + mn_move);
        return mx;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        int64 pushed = PushBack(a[i]);
        a[i] -= pushed;
        result -= pushed;
        if (i + k > n) {
            cycle_layer  += b[(i + k - 1) % n];
            pushed_front += PushFront(min(a[i], cycle_layer - pushed_front));
        start_layer += b[i];
        if (i + k < n) {
            end_layer += b[i + k];
    result -= pushed_front;
    return result;

Compilation message

homecoming.cpp: In function 'int64 solve(int, int, int*, int*)':
homecoming.cpp:91:5: error: 'function' was not declared in this scope
     function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:91:5: note: suggested alternative: 'union'
     function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:91:19: error: expected primary-expression before '(' token
     function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:91:25: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
     function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:91:28: error: 'PushBack' was not declared in this scope
     function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:91:28: note: suggested alternative: 'obstack'
     function<int64(int64)> PushBack = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:106:19: error: expected primary-expression before '(' token
     function<int64(int64)> PushFront = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:106:25: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
     function<int64(int64)> PushFront = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:106:28: error: 'PushFront' was not declared in this scope
     function<int64(int64)> PushFront = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {
homecoming.cpp:106:28: note: suggested alternative: 'ushort'
     function<int64(int64)> PushFront = [&](int64 mx) -> int64 {