Submission #578439

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
578439 2022-06-16T22:48:19 Z lobo_prix Schools (IZhO13_school) C++17
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
//[Author]   tuxedcat
//[Date]     2022.06.17
//[File]     src/main.cpp
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define _EXT_ENC_FILEBUF_H 1
#include <bits/extc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define int i64
#define FP_EPS 1e-11
#define COUT_FP 11
using f64=double; //long double(살짝느림),__float128(매우느림)
#define CPP20 1
#define DBG_SETW 3
#define endl '\n' //remove it when interactive

#define fi first
#define se second
#define mkp make_pair
#define mkt make_tuple
#define lb lower_bound
#define ub upper_bound
#define bs binary_search
#define itos to_string
#define head(x) (x.begin())
#define tail(x) prev(x.end())
#define dbg(...) void(0)
#define dbgif(...) void(0)
#define dbg1(...) void(0)
#define dbg1if(...) void(0)
using i64=long long;using u64=unsigned long long;using u32=unsigned;
using pint=pair<int,int>;using tint=tuple<int,int,int>;
template<class T>using Str=basic_string<T>;
template<class T,class CMP=less<>>using PQ=std::priority_queue<T,vector<T>,CMP>;

#if CPP20
template<class T>concept Printable=requires(T x){cout<<x<<endl;};
template<class T>concept NotPrintable=not Printable<T>;
template<class T>concept Iterable=requires(T x){x.begin();x.end();begin(x);end(x);};
//functions before include <arr.h>

#if !(CPP20)
	#define countl_zero(x) __builtin_clzll(x)
	#define popcount(x) __builtin_popcountll(x)
	#define bit_ceil(x) 1<<clg2(x)
#if CPP20
	#define sz ssize
	template<class T>int sz(const T& x){return x.size();}
int fdiv(int a,int b){if(b<0)a=-a,b=-b;return (a>0)?a/b:(a-b+1)/b;}
int cdiv(int a,int b){if(b<0)a=-a,b=-b;return (a>0)?(a+b-1)/b:a/b;}
i64 flg2(u64 x){return 63-countl_zero(x);}
i64 clg2(u64 x){return x-1==0?0:64-countl_zero(x-1);}
int fsqrt(i64 n) {i64 i=1;while(i*i<=n)i++;return i-1;}
int csqrt(i64 n) {i64 i=1;while(i*i<n)i++;return i;}
template<class T>T sq(T x){return x*x;}
template<class T>constexpr T inf(){return numeric_limits<T>::max()/2;}
template<class T> [[deprecated("use optional")]] constexpr T nan(){return inf<T>()+1;}
#if CPP20
template<typename T> concept MemberInf=requires(T t){t.inf();};
template<typename T> concept MemberNan=requires(T t){t.nan();};
template<MemberInf T>T inf(){return T().inf();}
template<MemberNan T> [[deprecated("use optional")]] T nan(){return T().nan();}

//IO & misc
template<class...A>void print(A...a){((cout<<a),...);}
template<class...A>void println(A...a){((cout<<a),...,(cout<<endl));}
template<class T,class U>bool assmin(T& a,U&& b){return a>b?a=b,true:false;}
template<class T,class U>bool assmax(T& a,U&& b){return a<b?a=b,true:false;}
void MUST(bool expr){
	#include <csignal>
#define ARG(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define func(RetT,fname,...) function<RetT(__VA_ARGS__)> fname=[&](__VA_ARGS__)->RetT
#define lam(expr,...) [&](__VA_ARGS__){return expr;}
#define lamp(expr,...) [](__VA_ARGS__){return expr;}

template<class T, class P=vector<T>>
struct Arr:public P{
	explicit Arr(signed n):P(n){}
	explicit Arr(signed n,T init):P(n,init){}
	Arr(auto its, auto ite):P(its,ite){}
	inline T& operator[](signed i){
		int n=sz(*this);
		if(i<0)i+=n,dbg1("Neg Index Found");
		if(i>=n)i-=n,dbg1("Over Index Found");
		return P::operator[](i);
	const T& operator[](signed i)const{	
		int n=sz(*this);
		if(i<0)i+=n,dbg1("Neg Index Found");
		if(i>=n)i-=n,dbg1("Over Index Found");
		return P::operator[](i);
	T& at(signed i){return *this[i];}
	const T& at(signed i)const{return *this[i];}
template<class... A> auto ARR(auto n,A&&... a)
{if constexpr(!sizeof...(a)) return n; else return Arr(n,ARR(a...));}

// const f64 pi=numbers::pi_v<f64>,eps=FP_EPS;
const f64 pi=acos(-1),eps=FP_EPS;
const int dir[4][2]={{1,0},{0,1},{-1,0},{0,-1}};
//functions after include <arr.h>

template<class T>int argmin(const Arr<T>& a){return min_element(a.begin(),a.end())-a.begin();}
template<class T>int argmax(const Arr<T>& a){return max_element(a.begin(),a.end())-a.begin();}
Arr<int> permuinv(const Arr<int>& a){Arr<int> r(sz(a));for(int i=0;i<sz(a);i++)r[a[i]]=i;return r;}
template<class T>map<T,Arr<int>> classify(const Arr<T>& a){
	map<T,Arr<int>> r;
	for(int i=0;i<sz(a);i++)
	return r;
#if CPP20
template<class T=int> requires (!Iterable<T>) T input(){T x;cin>>x;return x;}
template<class T> requires Iterable<T> T input(){
	T a;
		i=input<typename remove_reference<decltype(i)>::type>();
	return a;
template<class T=int,int n>std::array<T,n> input(){
	std::array<T,n> a;
	return a;
template<class T=Arr<int>> requires Iterable<T> T input(int n){
	T a(n);
		i=input<typename remove_reference<decltype(i)>::type>();
	return a;

#if !(DEBUG)
auto __PR1=(ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0));
auto& __PR2=(cout<<fixed<<setprecision(COUT_FP));

//usecase: BOJ5896
template<class T, class CMP, class ...Rest> struct Ordering{
	static const int cmpcnt=1+sizeof...(Rest);
	multiset<T,CMP> a;
	Ordering<T,Rest...> b;
	Ordering(CMP cmp, Rest... rest):a(cmp),b(rest...){}
	int size()const{return a.size();}
	void add(const T& x){a.insert(x);b.add(x);}
	void del(const T& x){a.erase(a.find(x));b.del(x);}
	T front(int idx, int cur=0){return cur==idx?*head(a):b.front(idx,cur+1);}
	T back(int idx, int cur=0){return cur==idx?*tail(a):b.back(idx,cur+1);}
	optional<T> lb(int idx, const T& x, int cur=0){
		return it==a.end()?optional<T>():*it;
	optional<T> ub(int idx, const T& x, int cur=0){
			return b.ub(idx,x,cur+1);
		auto it=a.ub(x);
		return it==a.end()?optional<T>():*it;
	auto cmptor(int idx,int cur=0){
		return cur==idx
			?function<T(const T&,const T&)>(a.key_comp())
template<class T, class CMP> struct Ordering<T,CMP>{
	multiset<T,CMP> a;
	Ordering(CMP cmp):a(cmp){}
	void add(const T& x){a.insert(x);}
	void del(const T& x){a.erase(a.find(x));}
	T front(int idx, int cur=0){return *head(a);}
	T back(int idx, int cur=0){return *tail(a);}
	optional<T> lb(int idx, const T& x, int cur=0){
		return it==a.end()?optional<T>():*it;
	optional<T> ub(int idx, const T& x, int cur=0){
		auto it=a.ub(x);
		return it==a.end()?optional<T>():*it;
	auto cmptor(int idx,int cur=0){return a.key_comp();}

void solve(){
	int n,m,s; cin>>n>>m>>s;
	auto arr=input<Arr<array<int,2>>>(n);
		sort(arr.begin(),arr.end(),lam(x[0]>y[0],auto x,auto y));
		int res=0;
		for(int i=0;i<m;i++)res+=arr[i][0];
		sort(arr.begin(),arr.end(),lam(x[1]>y[1],auto x,auto y));
		int res=0;
		for(int i=0;i<s;i++)res+=arr[i][1];

	auto cmp0=lam(arr[x][0]<arr[y][0],int x,int y);
	auto cmp1=lam(arr[x][1]<arr[y][1],int x,int y);
	auto cmp01=lam(arr[x][0]-arr[x][1]<arr[y][0]-arr[y][1],int x,int y);
	auto cmp10=lam(arr[x][1]-arr[x][0]<arr[y][1]-arr[y][0],int x,int y);
	sort(arr.begin(),arr.end(),lam(x[0]>y[0],auto x,auto y));

	//일단 a먼저 선택한 이후 b를 선택하자.
	//각 선택마다 풋옵션을 가짐
	//a에서 i를 포기(풋옵션 행사)하면 b에서 arr[i][1]의 콜옵션이 생김
	//위의 초기값에서 i를 추가한다고 하자. 일단 a로 내림차순이니 a에 추가해보는건 갯수제약을 빼면 최적을 유지한다.
	//제약을 무시하고 뭔가 일단 해보는건 뭔가 dual simplex의 프로세스와 비슷한 느낌이 드는데 연관성이 있을듯.
	//이제 갯수문제를 해소하기 위해 a집합중에 b-a가 제일 큰걸 선택해 b로 옮겨준다. b-a가 제일큰걸 선택하는 이유: a는 어떤b집합이던 지금 상태가 최적(a오름차순으로 처리중)이므로, 다음상태로 (갯수제약을 1만큼 넘는) b집합의 최적의 a는 이전와 동일하게 유지되므로, 결과는 b-a만큼 늘어남.
	//이제 b의 갯수제약을 맞추기 위해 b집합에서 제일 별로인걸 제거한다
	Ordering<int,decltype(cmp10)> a(cmp10);
	Ordering<int,decltype(cmp01),decltype(cmp1)> b(cmp01,cmp1);
	// dbg(arr);
	int cnt=0;
	for(int i=0;i<m;i++) a.add(i),cnt+=arr[i][0];
	for(int i=m;i<m+s;i++) b.add(i),cnt+=arr[i][1];
	//a에 들어간에 b로 가는게 더 이득일동안 스왑해야할듯.
	//a to b = b-a
	//b to a = a-b
	//위 두 metric으로 각 집합에서 뽑은게 이득일동안 교환시켜주는것 필요
	auto optimize=[&](){
		for(int ai=a.back(0),bi=b.back(0);
	int ans=cnt;
	for(int i=m+s;i<n;i++){
		int j=a.back(0); a.del(j);

		int k=b.front(1); b.del(k);

signed main(){
	// for(int ti=1,t=input();ti<=t;ti++)
	// 	cout<<"Case #"<<ti<<": ",

Compilation message

school.cpp:40:18: error: 'concept' does not name a type
   40 | template<class T>concept Printable=requires(T x){cout<<x<<endl;};
      |                  ^~~~~~~
school.cpp:40:18: note: 'concept' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp:41:18: error: 'concept' does not name a type
   41 | template<class T>concept NotPrintable=not Printable<T>;
      |                  ^~~~~~~
school.cpp:41:18: note: 'concept' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp:42:18: error: 'concept' does not name a type
   42 | template<class T>concept Iterable=requires(T x){x.begin();x.end();begin(x);end(x);};
      |                  ^~~~~~~
school.cpp:42:18: note: 'concept' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp: In function 'i64 flg2(u64)':
school.cpp:59:27: error: 'countl_zero' was not declared in this scope
   59 | i64 flg2(u64 x){return 63-countl_zero(x);}
      |                           ^~~~~~~~~~~
school.cpp: In function 'i64 clg2(u64)':
school.cpp:60:36: error: 'countl_zero' was not declared in this scope
   60 | i64 clg2(u64 x){return x-1==0?0:64-countl_zero(x-1);}
      |                                    ^~~~~~~~~~~
school.cpp: At global scope:
school.cpp:67:22: error: 'concept' does not name a type
   67 | template<typename T> concept MemberInf=requires(T t){t.inf();};
      |                      ^~~~~~~
school.cpp:67:22: note: 'concept' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp:68:22: error: 'concept' does not name a type
   68 | template<typename T> concept MemberNan=requires(T t){t.nan();};
      |                      ^~~~~~~
school.cpp:68:22: note: 'concept' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp:69:10: error: 'MemberInf' has not been declared
   69 | template<MemberInf T>T inf(){return T().inf();}
      |          ^~~~~~~~~
school.cpp:69:22: error: 'T' does not name a type
   69 | template<MemberInf T>T inf(){return T().inf();}
      |                      ^
school.cpp:70:10: error: 'MemberNan' has not been declared
   70 | template<MemberNan T> [[deprecated("use optional")]] T nan(){return T().nan();}
      |          ^~~~~~~~~
school.cpp:70:54: error: 'T' does not name a type
   70 | template<MemberNan T> [[deprecated("use optional")]] T nan(){return T().nan();}
      |                                                      ^
school.cpp:96:6: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-fconcepts-ts'
   96 |  Arr(auto its, auto ite):P(its,ite){}
      |      ^~~~
school.cpp:96:16: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-fconcepts-ts'
   96 |  Arr(auto its, auto ite):P(its,ite){}
      |                ^~~~
school.cpp:112:31: warning: use of 'auto' in parameter declaration only available with '-fconcepts-ts'
  112 | template<class... A> auto ARR(auto n,A&&... a)
      |                               ^~~~
school.cpp: In function 'Arr<long long int> permuinv(const Arr<long long int>&)':
school.cpp:53:13: error: 'ssize' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'dysize'?
   53 |  #define sz ssize
      |             ^~~~~
school.cpp:123:49: note: in expansion of macro 'sz'
  123 | Arr<int> permuinv(const Arr<int>& a){Arr<int> r(sz(a));for(int i=0;i<sz(a);i++)r[a[i]]=i;return r;}
      |                                                 ^~
school.cpp: At global scope:
school.cpp:131:32: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
  131 | template<class T=int> requires (!Iterable<T>) T input(){T x;cin>>x;return x;}
      |                                ^
school.cpp:132:19: error: 'requires' does not name a type
  132 | template<class T> requires Iterable<T> T input(){
      |                   ^~~~~~~~
school.cpp:132:19: note: 'requires' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp:144:28: error: 'requires' does not name a type
  144 | template<class T=Arr<int>> requires Iterable<T> T input(int n){
      |                            ^~~~~~~~
school.cpp:144:28: note: 'requires' only available with '-std=c++2a' or '-fconcepts'
school.cpp: In function 'void solve()':
school.cpp:208:37: error: no matching function for call to 'input<Arr<std::array<long long int, 2>, std::vector<std::array<long long int, 2>, std::allocator<std::array<long long int, 2> > > > >(i64&)'
  208 |  auto arr=input<Arr<array<int,2>>>(n);
      |                                     ^
school.cpp:138:44: note: candidate: 'template<class T, long long int n> std::array<T, n> input()'
  138 | template<class T=int,int n>std::array<T,n> input(){
      |                                            ^~~~~
school.cpp:138:44: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
school.cpp:208:37: note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 1 provided
  208 |  auto arr=input<Arr<array<int,2>>>(n);
      |                                     ^
school.cpp: In instantiation of 'const T& Arr<T, P>::operator[](int) const [with T = long long int; P = std::vector<long long int, std::allocator<long long int> >]':
school.cpp:123:85:   required from here
school.cpp:104:11: error: 'ssize' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'size'?
  104 |   int n=sz(*this);
      |           ^
school.cpp: In instantiation of 'T& Arr<T, P>::operator[](int) [with T = long long int; P = std::vector<long long int, std::allocator<long long int> >]':
school.cpp:123:86:   required from here
school.cpp:98:11: error: 'ssize' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'size'?
   98 |   int n=sz(*this);
      |           ^
In file included from /usr/include/c++/10/map:60,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/10/bits/stdc++.h:81,
                 from school.cpp:6:
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h: In instantiation of 'static const _Key& std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_S_key(std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_Const_Link_type) [with _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_Const_Link_type = const std::_Rb_tree_node<long long int>*]':
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:2132:44:   required from 'std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*> std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_get_insert_equal_pos(const key_type&) [with _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::key_type = long long int]'
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:2181:4:   required from 'std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_insert_equal(_Arg&&) [with _Arg = const long long int&; _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator = std::_Rb_tree<long long int, long long int, std::_Identity<long long int>, solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>, std::allocator<long long int> >::iterator]'
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_multiset.h:503:36:   required from 'std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::insert(const value_type&) [with _Key = long long int; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator = std::_Rb_tree<long long int, long long int, std::_Identity<long long int>, solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>, std::allocator<long long int> >::const_iterator; std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::value_type = long long int]'
school.cpp:191:31:   required from 'void Ordering<T, CMP>::add(const T&) [with T = long long int; CMP = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>]'
school.cpp:241:30:   required from here
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:772:16: error: static assertion failed: comparison object must be invocable with two arguments of key type
  772 |  static_assert(__is_invocable<_Compare&, const _Key&, const _Key&>{},
      |                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h: In instantiation of 'static const _Key& std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_S_key(std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_Const_Link_type) [with _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_Const_Link_type = const std::_Rb_tree_node<long long int>*]':
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:2132:44:   required from 'std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*> std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_get_insert_equal_pos(const key_type&) [with _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::key_type = long long int]'
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:2181:4:   required from 'std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_insert_equal(_Arg&&) [with _Arg = const long long int&; _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator = std::_Rb_tree<long long int, long long int, std::_Identity<long long int>, solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>, std::allocator<long long int> >::iterator]'
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_multiset.h:503:36:   required from 'std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::insert(const value_type&) [with _Key = long long int; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator = std::_Rb_tree<long long int, long long int, std::_Identity<long long int>, solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>, std::allocator<long long int> >::const_iterator; std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::value_type = long long int]'
school.cpp:166:31:   required from 'void Ordering<T, CMP, Rest>::add(const T&) [with T = long long int; CMP = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; Rest = {solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>}]'
school.cpp:242:32:   required from here
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:772:16: error: static assertion failed: comparison object must be invocable with two arguments of key type
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h: In instantiation of 'static const _Key& std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_S_key(std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_Const_Link_type) [with _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_Const_Link_type = const std::_Rb_tree_node<long long int>*]':
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:2132:44:   required from 'std::pair<std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*> std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_get_insert_equal_pos(const key_type&) [with _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::key_type = long long int]'
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:2181:4:   required from 'std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::_M_insert_equal(_Arg&&) [with _Arg = const long long int&; _Key = long long int; _Val = long long int; _KeyOfValue = std::_Identity<long long int>; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator = std::_Rb_tree<long long int, long long int, std::_Identity<long long int>, solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>, std::allocator<long long int> >::iterator]'
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_multiset.h:503:36:   required from 'std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::insert(const value_type&) [with _Key = long long int; _Compare = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; _Alloc = std::allocator<long long int>; std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::iterator = std::_Rb_tree<long long int, long long int, std::_Identity<long long int>, solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>, std::allocator<long long int> >::const_iterator; std::multiset<_Key, _Compare, _Alloc>::value_type = long long int]'
school.cpp:191:31:   required from 'void Ordering<T, CMP>::add(const T&) [with T = long long int; CMP = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>]'
school.cpp:166:40:   required from 'void Ordering<T, CMP, Rest>::add(const T&) [with T = long long int; CMP = solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>; Rest = {solve()::<lambda(i64, i64)>}]'
school.cpp:242:32:   required from here
/usr/include/c++/10/bits/stl_tree.h:772:16: error: static assertion failed: comparison object must be invocable with two arguments of key type