Submission #560972

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
560972 2022-05-12T06:28:44 Z Huy Gap (APIO16_gap) C++17
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
#include "gap.h"
#define int long long
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define fi first
#define se second
/*#pragma GCC target ("avx2")
#pragma GCC optimization ("O3")
#pragma GCC optimization ("unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#pragma GCC target("avx,avx2,fma")*/
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ull = unsigned long long;
using ldb = long double;
const int N = (int)5e5;
const int maxN = (int)5e5 + 5;
const int mod = 1e9 + 7;
//const int mod = 998244353;
const ll infty = 1e18;
const ll logn = 18;
const int base = 311;
const int Block_size = 500;
const int ep = 'a';

int cu[] = {0,0,1,-1};
int cv[] = {-1,1,0,0};

int du[] = {-1,-1,+1,1};
int dv[] = {-1,+1,-1,1};

int cled[] = {6,2,5,5,4,5,6,3,7,6};

void InputFile()

void FastInput()

/*void MinMax(int L,int R,int x,int y)

ll findGap(int T, int n)
    if(T == 1)
        ll a[maxN];
        ll L = 0;
        ll R = infty;
        for(int i = 1;i <= (n + 1)/2;i++)
            L = a[i+1];
            R = a[n+i-1]-1;
        ll res = 0;
        for(int i = 2;i <= n;i++)
            res = max(res,a[i]-a[i-1]);
        return res;
    ll res = 0;
    ll mini,maxi;
    MinMax(0,infty, &mini, &maxi);
    ll pre = mini;
    ll h = (maxi - mini + n - 2) / (n - 1);
    ll now = mini + 1;
        ll p, q;
        MinMax(now, now + h - 1, &p, &q);
        res = max(res, p - pre);
        pre = max(pre, q);
        now += h;
        if(q == maxi) break;
    return res;

/*void Read()


void Solve()


void Debug()

signed main()
    //int sub_type;
    //cin >> sub_type;
    int test;
    //cin >> test;
    test = 1;
        //for(int prc = 1; prc <= test; prc++)

Compilation message

gap.cpp: In function 'void InputFile()':
gap.cpp:36:24: error: 'stdin' was not declared in this scope
   36 |     freopen(".inp","r",stdin);
      |                        ^~~~~
gap.cpp:2:1: note: 'stdin' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; did you forget to '#include <cstdio>'?
    1 | #include "gap.h"
  +++ |+#include <cstdio>
    2 | //#include<bits/stdc++.h>
gap.cpp:36:5: error: 'freopen' was not declared in this scope
   36 |     freopen(".inp","r",stdin);
      |     ^~~~~~~
gap.cpp:37:24: error: 'stdout' was not declared in this scope
   37 |     freopen(".out","w",stdout);
      |                        ^~~~~~
gap.cpp:37:24: note: 'stdout' is defined in header '<cstdio>'; did you forget to '#include <cstdio>'?
gap.cpp: In function 'void FastInput()':
gap.cpp:43:5: error: 'ios_base' has not been declared
   43 |     ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
      |     ^~~~~~~~
gap.cpp:44:5: error: 'cin' was not declared in this scope
   44 |     cin.tie(nullptr);
      |     ^~~
gap.cpp:2:1: note: 'std::cin' is defined in header '<iostream>'; did you forget to '#include <iostream>'?
    1 | #include "gap.h"
  +++ |+#include <iostream>
    2 | //#include<bits/stdc++.h>
gap.cpp: In function 'll findGap(long long int, long long int)':
gap.cpp:68:19: error: 'max' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'maxN'?
   68 |             res = max(res,a[i]-a[i-1]);
      |                   ^~~
      |                   maxN
gap.cpp:82:15: error: 'max' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'maxi'?
   82 |         res = max(res, p - pre);
      |               ^~~
      |               maxi