Submission #532662

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
532662 2022-03-03T15:02:00 Z mat50013 Dynamic Diameter (CEOI19_diameter) C++11
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

using ll = long long;
const int NMAX(100005);
vector<pair<int, ll> > G[NMAX];
vector<int> frati[NMAX];
map<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> > > mp;
bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
ll dist[NMAX], maxx[NMAX];

struct SEGTREE
    vector<ll> Arb, lazy;
    vector<int> in, out;
    int cati;
    inline void init(int n)
        cati = n;
        int put = 1;
        while(put <= n)
            put <<= 1;
        put <<= 1;
        Arb.resize(put), in.resize(put), out.resize(put), lazy.resize(put << 1);
    inline void build(int nod, int st, int dr)
        if(st == dr)
            Arb[nod] = dist[st];
        int mij = (st + dr) / 2;
        build(2 * nod, st, mij);
        build(2 * nod + 1, mij + 1, dr);
        Arb[nod] = max(Arb[2 * nod], Arb[2 * nod + 1]);
    inline void push(int nod){
            Arb[nod] += lazy[nod];
            lazy[2 * nod] += lazy[nod];
            lazy[2 * nod + 1] += lazy[nod];
            lazy[nod] = 0;
    inline void update(int nod, int st, int dr, int a, int b, ll val){
        if(a <= st && dr <= b){
            lazy[nod] += val;
        int mij = (st + dr) / 2;
        if(a <= mij)
            update(2 * nod, st, mij, a, b, val);
        if(b > mij)
            update(2 * nod + 1, mij + 1, dr, a, b, val);
        Arb[nod] = max(Arb[2 * nod], Arb[2 * nod + 1]);
    inline ll query(int nod, int st, int dr, int a, int b){
        if(a <= st && dr <= b)
            return Arb[nod];
        int mij = (st + dr) / 2;
        ll rez1 = 0, rez2 = 0;
        if(a <= mij)
            rez1 = query(2 * nod, st, mij, a, b);
        if(b > mij)
            rez2 = query(2 * nod + 1, mij + 1, dr, a, b);
        return max(rez1, rez2);
} interv[NMAX];

inline int getC(int nod)
    viz[nod] = 1;
    sz[nod] = 1;
    int maxx = 0;
    for(auto it: G[nod])
        if(!viz[it.first] && mark[it.first])
            int c = getC(it.first);
            if(c != -1)
                return c;
            sz[nod] += sz[it.first];
            maxx = max(maxx, sz[it.first]);
    maxx = max(maxx, dim - sz[nod]);
    if(maxx <= dim / 2)
        return nod;
    return -1;

inline void DFS(int nod)
    viz[nod] = 1;
    tip[nod] = cnt;
    for(auto it: G[nod])
        if(!viz[it.first] && mark[it.first])

inline void buildTree(int nod, int tata = -1)
    interv[baza].in[id[nod]] = ++mov;
    for(auto it: G[nod])
        if(tata != it.first && mark[it.first])
            mp[ {min(it.first, nod), max(it.first, nod)}].push_back({id[it.first], baza});
            dist[mov + 1] = dist[interv[baza].in[id[nod]]] + it.second;
            buildTree(it.first, nod);
    interv[baza].out[id[nod]] = mov;

inline void centroidDecomp(vector<int> nodes)
    if(nodes.size() == 1)
    int mr = 0;
    for(auto it: nodes)
        mark[it] = 1, sz[it] = tip[it] = 0, viz[it] = 0, id[it] = ++mr;

    dim = nodes.size();
    int cen = getC(nodes[0]);
    baza = cen;
    mov = dist[1] = 0;
    interv[baza].build(1, 1, nodes.size());

    for(auto it: nodes)
        viz[it] = 0;
    viz[cen] = 1;
    cnt = 0;
    for(auto it: G[cen])
        if(!viz[it.first] && mark[it.first])
    vector<vector<int> > nex(cnt + 1);
    for(auto it: nodes)

    for(auto it: nodes)
        mark[it] = 0, sz[it] = tip[it] = 0, viz[it] = 0;
    int nn = cnt;
    for(int i = 1; i <= nn; ++i)

int main()
    cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);

    int n, q;
    ll w;
    cin >> n >> q >> w;

    vector<tuple<int, int, ll> > Muchie;
    for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        int a, b;
        ll c;
        cin >> a >> b >> c;
        Muchie.push_back(make_tuple(min(a, b), max(a, b), c));
        G[a].push_back({b, c});
        G[b].push_back({a, c});

    vector<int> noduri;
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)

    auto calc = [](int i)
        vector<ll> vec;
        for(auto it: frati[i])
            ll val = interv[i].query(1, 1, interv[i].cati, interv[i].in[it], interv[i].out[it]);
        sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), greater<ll>());
        ll maxxx = 0;
        if(vec.size() > 1)
            maxxx = vec[0] + vec[1];
        else maxxx = vec[0];
        return maxxx;

    multiset<ll> s;
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
            maxx[i] = calc(i), s.insert(-maxx[i]);
    ll last = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i <= q; ++i)
        int d;
        ll e;
        cin >> d >> e;
        d = (d + last) % (n - 1);
        e = (e + last) % w;

        int x, y;
        ll c;
        tie(x, y, c) = Muchie[d];
        for(auto it: mp[ {x, y}]){
            interv[it.second].update(1, 1, interv[it.second].cati, interv[it.second].in[it.first], interv[it.second].out[it.first], e - c);
            maxx[it.second] = calc(it.second);
        Muchie[d] = make_tuple(x, y, e);
        cout << -*s.begin() << '\n';
        last = -*s.begin();
    return 0;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

using ll = long long;
const int NMAX(100005);
vector<pair<int, ll> > G[NMAX];
vector<int> frati[NMAX];
map<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> > > mp;
bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
ll dist[NMAX], maxx[NMAX];

struct SEGTREE
    vector<ll> Arb, lazy;
    vector<int> in, out;
    int cati;
    inline void init(int n)
        cati = n;
        int put = 1;
        while(put <= n)
            put <<= 1;
        put <<= 1;
        Arb.resize(put), in.resize(put), out.resize(put), lazy.resize(put << 1);
    inline void build(int nod, int st, int dr)
        if(st == dr)
            Arb[nod] = dist[st];
        int mij = (st + dr) / 2;
        build(2 * nod, st, mij);
        build(2 * nod + 1, mij + 1, dr);
        Arb[nod] = max(Arb[2 * nod], Arb[2 * nod + 1]);
    inline void push(int nod){
            Arb[nod] += lazy[nod];
            lazy[2 * nod] += lazy[nod];
            lazy[2 * nod + 1] += lazy[nod];
            lazy[nod] = 0;
    inline void update(int nod, int st, int dr, int a, int b, ll val){
        if(a <= st && dr <= b){
            lazy[nod] += val;
        int mij = (st + dr) / 2;
        if(a <= mij)
            update(2 * nod, st, mij, a, b, val);
        if(b > mij)
            update(2 * nod + 1, mij + 1, dr, a, b, val);
        Arb[nod] = max(Arb[2 * nod], Arb[2 * nod + 1]);
    inline ll query(int nod, int st, int dr, int a, int b){
        if(a <= st && dr <= b)
            return Arb[nod];
        int mij = (st + dr) / 2;
        ll rez1 = 0, rez2 = 0;
        if(a <= mij)
            rez1 = query(2 * nod, st, mij, a, b);
        if(b > mij)
            rez2 = query(2 * nod + 1, mij + 1, dr, a, b);
        return max(rez1, rez2);
} interv[NMAX];

inline int getC(int nod)
    viz[nod] = 1;
    sz[nod] = 1;
    int maxx = 0;
    for(auto it: G[nod])
        if(!viz[it.first] && mark[it.first])
            int c = getC(it.first);
            if(c != -1)
                return c;
            sz[nod] += sz[it.first];
            maxx = max(maxx, sz[it.first]);
    maxx = max(maxx, dim - sz[nod]);
    if(maxx <= dim / 2)
        return nod;
    return -1;

inline void DFS(int nod)
    viz[nod] = 1;
    tip[nod] = cnt;
    for(auto it: G[nod])
        if(!viz[it.first] && mark[it.first])

inline void buildTree(int nod, int tata = -1)
    interv[baza].in[id[nod]] = ++mov;
    for(auto it: G[nod])
        if(tata != it.first && mark[it.first])
            mp[ {min(it.first, nod), max(it.first, nod)}].push_back({id[it.first], baza});
            dist[mov + 1] = dist[interv[baza].in[id[nod]]] + it.second;
            buildTree(it.first, nod);
    interv[baza].out[id[nod]] = mov;

inline void centroidDecomp(vector<int> nodes)
    if(nodes.size() == 1)
    int mr = 0;
    for(auto it: nodes)
        mark[it] = 1, sz[it] = tip[it] = 0, viz[it] = 0, id[it] = ++mr;

    dim = nodes.size();
    int cen = getC(nodes[0]);
    baza = cen;
    mov = dist[1] = 0;
    interv[baza].build(1, 1, nodes.size());

    for(auto it: nodes)
        viz[it] = 0;
    viz[cen] = 1;
    cnt = 0;
    for(auto it: G[cen])
        if(!viz[it.first] && mark[it.first])
    vector<vector<int> > nex(cnt + 1);
    for(auto it: nodes)

    for(auto it: nodes)
        mark[it] = 0, sz[it] = tip[it] = 0, viz[it] = 0;
    int nn = cnt;
    for(int i = 1; i <= nn; ++i)

int main()
    cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);

    int n, q;
    ll w;
    cin >> n >> q >> w;

    vector<tuple<int, int, ll> > Muchie;
    for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
        int a, b;
        ll c;
        cin >> a >> b >> c;
        Muchie.push_back(make_tuple(min(a, b), max(a, b), c));
        G[a].push_back({b, c});
        G[b].push_back({a, c});

    vector<int> noduri;
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)

    auto calc = [](int i)
        vector<ll> vec;
        for(auto it: frati[i])
            ll val = interv[i].query(1, 1, interv[i].cati, interv[i].in[it], interv[i].out[it]);
        sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), greater<ll>());
        ll maxxx = 0;
        if(vec.size() > 1)
            maxxx = vec[0] + vec[1];
        else maxxx = vec[0];
        return maxxx;

    multiset<ll> s;
    for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
            maxx[i] = calc(i), s.insert(-maxx[i]);
    ll last = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i <= q; ++i)
        int d;
        ll e;
        cin >> d >> e;
        d = (d + last) % (n - 1);
        e = (e + last) % w;

        int x, y;
        ll c;
        tie(x, y, c) = Muchie[d];
        for(auto it: mp[ {x, y}]){
            interv[it.second].update(1, 1, interv[it.second].cati, interv[it.second].in[it.first], interv[it.second].out[it.first], e - c);
            maxx[it.second] = calc(it.second);
        Muchie[d] = make_tuple(x, y, e);
        cout << -*s.begin() << '\n';
        last = -*s.begin();
    return 0;

Compilation message

diameter.cpp:230:11: error: redefinition of 'const int NMAX'
  230 | const int NMAX(100005);
      |           ^~~~
diameter.cpp:6:11: note: 'const int NMAX' previously defined here
    6 | const int NMAX(100005);
      |           ^~~~
diameter.cpp:231:24: error: redefinition of 'std::vector<std::pair<int, long long int> > G [100005]'
  231 | vector<pair<int, ll> > G[NMAX];
      |                        ^
diameter.cpp:7:24: note: 'std::vector<std::pair<int, long long int> > G [100005]' previously declared here
    7 | vector<pair<int, ll> > G[NMAX];
      |                        ^
diameter.cpp:232:13: error: redefinition of 'std::vector<int> frati [100005]'
  232 | vector<int> frati[NMAX];
      |             ^~~~~
diameter.cpp:8:13: note: 'std::vector<int> frati [100005]' previously declared here
    8 | vector<int> frati[NMAX];
      |             ^~~~~
diameter.cpp:233:47: error: redefinition of 'std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > > mp'
  233 | map<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> > > mp;
      |                                               ^~
diameter.cpp:9:47: note: 'std::map<std::pair<int, int>, std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > > mp' previously declared here
    9 | map<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int> > > mp;
      |                                               ^~
diameter.cpp:234:6: error: redefinition of 'bool dead [100005]'
  234 | bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
      |      ^~~~
diameter.cpp:10:6: note: 'bool dead [100005]' previously declared here
   10 | bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
      |      ^~~~
diameter.cpp:234:18: error: redefinition of 'bool mark [100005]'
  234 | bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
      |                  ^~~~
diameter.cpp:10:18: note: 'bool mark [100005]' previously declared here
   10 | bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
      |                  ^~~~
diameter.cpp:234:30: error: redefinition of 'bool viz [100005]'
  234 | bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
      |                              ^~~
diameter.cpp:10:30: note: 'bool viz [100005]' previously declared here
   10 | bool dead[NMAX], mark[NMAX], viz[NMAX];
      |                              ^~~
diameter.cpp:235:5: error: redefinition of 'int pas'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |     ^~~
diameter.cpp:11:5: note: 'int pas' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |     ^~~
diameter.cpp:235:10: error: redefinition of 'int dim'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |          ^~~
diameter.cpp:11:10: note: 'int dim' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |          ^~~
diameter.cpp:235:15: error: redefinition of 'int sz [100005]'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |               ^~
diameter.cpp:11:15: note: 'int sz [100005]' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |               ^~
diameter.cpp:235:25: error: redefinition of 'int tip [100005]'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                         ^~~
diameter.cpp:11:25: note: 'int tip [100005]' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                         ^~~
diameter.cpp:235:36: error: redefinition of 'int cnt'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                    ^~~
diameter.cpp:11:36: note: 'int cnt' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                    ^~~
diameter.cpp:235:41: error: redefinition of 'int baza'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                         ^~~~
diameter.cpp:11:41: note: 'int baza' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                         ^~~~
diameter.cpp:235:47: error: redefinition of 'int mov'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                               ^~~
diameter.cpp:11:47: note: 'int mov' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                               ^~~
diameter.cpp:235:52: error: redefinition of 'int id [100005]'
  235 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                                    ^~
diameter.cpp:11:52: note: 'int id [100005]' previously declared here
   11 | int pas, dim, sz[NMAX], tip[NMAX], cnt, baza, mov, id[NMAX];
      |                                                    ^~
diameter.cpp:236:4: error: redefinition of 'll dist [100005]'
  236 | ll dist[NMAX], maxx[NMAX];
      |    ^~~~
diameter.cpp:12:4: note: 'll dist [100005]' previously declared here
   12 | ll dist[NMAX], maxx[NMAX];
      |    ^~~~
diameter.cpp:236:16: error: redefinition of 'll maxx [100005]'
  236 | ll dist[NMAX], maxx[NMAX];
      |                ^~~~
diameter.cpp:12:16: note: 'll maxx [100005]' previously declared here
   12 | ll dist[NMAX], maxx[NMAX];
      |                ^~~~
diameter.cpp:238:8: error: redefinition of 'struct SEGTREE'
  238 | struct SEGTREE
      |        ^~~~~~~
diameter.cpp:14:8: note: previous definition of 'struct SEGTREE'
   14 | struct SEGTREE
      |        ^~~~~~~
diameter.cpp:298:3: error: conflicting declaration 'int interv [100005]'
  298 | } interv[NMAX];
      |   ^~~~~~
diameter.cpp:74:3: note: previous declaration as 'SEGTREE interv [100005]'
   74 | } interv[NMAX];
      |   ^~~~~~
diameter.cpp:300:12: error: redefinition of 'int getC(int)'
  300 | inline int getC(int nod)
      |            ^~~~
diameter.cpp:76:12: note: 'int getC(int)' previously defined here
   76 | inline int getC(int nod)
      |            ^~~~
diameter.cpp:320:13: error: redefinition of 'void DFS(int)'
  320 | inline void DFS(int nod)
      |             ^~~
diameter.cpp:96:13: note: 'void DFS(int)' previously defined here
   96 | inline void DFS(int nod)
      |             ^~~
diameter.cpp:329:13: error: redefinition of 'void buildTree(int, int)'
  329 | inline void buildTree(int nod, int tata = -1)
      |             ^~~~~~~~~
diameter.cpp:105:13: note: 'void buildTree(int, int)' previously defined here
  105 | inline void buildTree(int nod, int tata = -1)
      |             ^~~~~~~~~
diameter.cpp:342:13: error: redefinition of 'void centroidDecomp(std::vector<int>)'
  342 | inline void centroidDecomp(vector<int> nodes)
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
diameter.cpp:118:13: note: 'void centroidDecomp(std::vector<int>)' previously defined here
  118 | inline void centroidDecomp(vector<int> nodes)
      |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
diameter.cpp:380:5: error: redefinition of 'int main()'
  380 | int main()
      |     ^~~~
diameter.cpp:156:5: note: 'int main()' previously defined here
  156 | int main()
      |     ^~~~