Submission #498147

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
498147MukhitaliValley (BOI19_valley)C++17
23 / 100
218 ms37196 KiB
//bit chass 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define x first #define y second #define el "\n" #define ll long long #define pb push_back #define pll pair <ll, ll> #define pii pair <int, int> #define all(x) x.begin(), x.end() #define lcm(x,y) x * y / __gcd(x, y) #define ibase ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0) using namespace std; const int N = 1e5 + 5, inf = 1e9 + 7, M = 2e6, K = 300; const ll MI = 2e18, mm = 1e15 + 5; const double P = 3.14; int n, s, q, e, p, tim = 1, tin[N], tout[N], up[N][20]; ll dist[N], dp[N], mn[N][20]; bool ok, c[N]; vector <pair <int, int>> g[N]; pair <int, int> ed[N]; void dfs(int v, int pr = 0) { tin[v] = tim++; if (c[v]) dp[v] = 0; up[v][0] = pr; for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) up[v][i] = up[up[v][i - 1]][i - 1]; for (auto to : g[v]) { if (to.x != pr) { dist[to.x] = dist[v] + to.y; dfs(to.x, v); dp[v] = min(dp[to.x] + to.y, dp[v]); } } tout[v] = tim++; } void dfs2(int v, int pr) { mn[v][0] = dp[pr] - dist[pr]; for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) mn[v][i] = min(mn[up[v][i - 1]][i - 1], mn[v][i - 1]); for (pii to : g[v]) if (to.x != pr) dfs2(to.x, v); } bool upper(int x, int y) { return (tin[x] < tin[y] && tout[y] < tout[x]); } void solve() { cin >> n >> s >> q >> e; for (int i = 1, x, y, w; i < n; i++) { cin >> x >> y >> w; g[x].pb({y, w}); g[y].pb({x, w}); ed[i] = {x, y}; dp[i] = dp[i + 1] = mm; } for (int i = 1, x; i <= s; i++) { cin >> x; c[x] = 1; } dfs(e); dfs2(e, 0); while (q--) { int i, r, v; cin >> i >> r; pii x = ed[i]; if (tin[x.x] <= tin[x.y]) v = x.y; else v = x.x; // cout << v << el; if (tin[v] <= tin[r] && tout[r] <= tout[v]) { if (v == r) { if (dp[v] == mm) cout << "oo" << el; else cout << dp[v] << el; continue; } ll ans = mm, rr = r; for (int i = 19; i >= 0; i--) { if (up[r][i] != 0 && !upper(up[r][i], v)) ans = min(mn[r][i], ans), r = up[r][i]; } ans = min(ans, mn[r][0]); if (ans + dist[v] >= mm && dp[rr] == mm) cout << "oo" << el; else cout << min(ans + dist[rr], dp[rr]) << el; } else { cout << "escaped" << el; } } } int main() { ibase; int T = 1; // cin >> T; for (int i = 1; i <= T; i++) { // cout << "Case " << i << ": "; solve(); cout << el; } }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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