Submission #480197

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
480197 2021-10-15T08:27:25 Z deuslovelt 빨간 직사각형 (kriii3_QQ) C++17
0 / 20
4 ms 460 KB

#define TLE
#ifdef TLE
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdint.h>

#define ci(t) cin>>t
#define co(t) cout<<t
#define LL long long
#define ld long double
#define fa(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<b;++i)
#define fd(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i>b;--i)
#define setp tuple<LL,LL,LL>
#define setl pair<LL,LL>
#define seti pair<int,int>
#define VL vector<LL>
#define VI vector<int>
#define eps 0.000000001

using namespace std;

LL gcd(LL a, LL b)
	if (!(a && b)) return max(a, b);
	return a % b ? gcd(b, a % b) : b;

#define ce(t) cerr<<t
#define AT cerr << "\n=================ANS=================\n"
#define AE cerr << "\n=====================================\n"
#define DB(a) cerr << __LINE__ << ": " << #a << " = " << (a) << endl;
#define __builtin_popcount __popcnt
#define __builtin_popcountll __popcnt64
#define LLL LL
#include <intrin.h>
#define AT
#define AE
#define ce(t)
#define DB(a)
#define LLL __int128


pair <int, int> vu[9] = { {0,1},{1,0},{-1,0} ,{0,-1},{1,1}, {1,-1} , {-1,1},{-1,-1},{0,0} }; //RDLU EWSN
//mt19937 rng((unsigned int)chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

template<typename T, typename U> void ckmax(T& a, U b) { a = a < b ? b : a; }
template<typename T, typename U> void ckmin(T& a, U b) { a = a > b ? b : a; }
struct gcmp { bool operator()(LL a, LL b) { return a < b; } bool operator()(setl& a, setl& b) { return a.second < b.second; } };
struct lcmp { bool operator()(LL a, LL b) { return a > b; } bool operator()(setl& a, setl& b) { return a.second > b.second; } };

const int max_v = 3e3 + 7;
const int max_k = 5e2 + 7;
const int bsz = 27;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const LL LNF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
const LL mod = 1e9 + 7;//998244353;// 
template<typename T, typename U> void MOD(T& a, U b) { a += b; if (a >= mod) a -= mod; };

bitset<max_v> arr[max_v];
struct node
	LL dv;
	LL lv;
	LL rv;
	int sz;

node seg[max_v << 1];

inline char gc() { // like getchar()
	static char buf[1 << 16];
	static size_t bc, be;
	if (bc >= be) {
		buf[0] = 0, bc = 0;
		be = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin);
	return buf[bc++]; // returns 0 on EOF

int main()
	freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
	ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);

	int h,w; ci(h>>w);
	fa(i, 0, h)
		fa(j, 0, w) arr[i][j] = gc() == 'R';

	LL ans = 0;

	int sz = 1;
	while (sz < w) sz <<= 1;	
	auto merge = [&](node& l, node& r, node& ret)
		ret.dv = l.dv + r.dv + l.rv *; = ( == ? + :;
		ret.rv = (r.rv == ? r.rv + l.rv : r.rv); = +;

	auto update = [&](int i, int v)
		//ce("upd " << i << " " << v << "\n");
		for (seg[i += sz] = { v,v,v,1 }; i >>= 1;) merge(seg[i << 1], seg[i << 1 | 1], seg[i]);

	auto pp = [&](node & T,int idx)
		co(idx<< " : ");
		co(T.dv << " " << << " " << T.rv << " " << << "\n");
	auto ffd = [&](bitset<max_v> & bit)
		fa(i, 0, max_v) if (bit[i]) return i;
	auto upd = [&](bitset<max_v> bit)
		for (int i = bit._Find_first(); i < bit.size(); i = bit._Find_next(i)) update(i, 0);

	auto build = [&](bitset<max_v>& bit)
		fa(i, 0, w) seg[i + sz] = { bit[i],bit[i],bit[i],1 };
		fd(i, sz - 1, 0) merge(seg[i << 1], seg[i << 1 | 1], seg[i]);

	fa(i, 0, h)
		bitset<max_v> cur = arr[i];		
		ans += seg[1].dv;

		//co(i << " " << i << " " << seg[1].dv << "\n");

		fa(j, i + 1, h)
			upd((cur & arr[j]) ^ cur);
			ans += seg[1].dv;			
			cur &= arr[j];
			//co(i << " " << j << " " << seg[1].dv << "\n");

	return 0;

Compilation message

qq.cpp: In lambda function:
qq.cpp:151:37: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: 'int' and 'std::size_t' {aka 'long unsigned int'} [-Wsign-compare]
  151 |   for (int i = bit._Find_first(); i < bit.size(); i = bit._Find_next(i)) update(i, 0);
      |                                   ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~
qq.cpp: In function 'int main()':
qq.cpp:136:7: warning: variable 'pp' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  136 |  auto pp = [&](node & T,int idx)
      |       ^~
qq.cpp:144:7: warning: variable 'ffd' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  144 |  auto ffd = [&](bitset<max_v> & bit)
      |       ^~~
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 1 ms 332 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 4 ms 460 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -