Submission #438655

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
438655CyanForcesFountain Parks (IOI21_parks)C++17
5 / 100
3590 ms160900 KiB
#include "parks.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < (b); ++i) #define all(x) begin(x), end(x) #define sz(x) (int)(x).size() #define debug(...) //ignore typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef vector<int> vi; typedef long double ld; #undef assert #define assert(...) // ignore const int inf = 1e9; namespace LCT { /** * Description: Link-Cut Tree with possibility to augment. * \texttt{sz} is for path queries; * \texttt{sub}, \texttt{vsub} are for subtree queries. \texttt{x->access()} * brings \texttt{x} to the top of splay tree and propagates it (\textbf{call it!}); * the left subtree will be * the path from \texttt{x} to the root and the right subtree will be empty. * Then $\texttt{sub} = $ size of connected component * and $\texttt{vsub} = $ number of nodes below \texttt{x}. * \texttt{x->makeRoot()} ``rotates'' the tree so that \texttt{x} is root. * Use \texttt{x->makeRoot(), y->access(), y->sum} for path queries. * Time: O(\log N) * Usage: vector<sn> lct; rep(i,0,n) lct[i]=new snode(i); link(lct[0],lct[2],1); cut(lct[2],lct[0]); * Author: benq * Source: Dhruv Rohatgi, Eric Zhang, Benq * * * Status: tested on problems... */ typedef struct snode* sn; struct snode { //////// VARIABLES sn p, c[2]; // parent, children bool flip = 0; // subtree flipped or not int val = -1; //int sz; // value in node, # nodes in current splay tree //int sub, vsub = 0; // vsub stores sum of virtual children int max_val = -1; snode(int _val) : val(_val) { p = c[0] = c[1] = NULL; calc(); } //friend int getSz(sn x) { return x?x->sz:0; } friend int get_max_val(sn x) { return x?x->max_val:-1; } //friend int getSub(sn x) { return x?x->sub:0; } void prop() { // lazy prop if (!flip) return; swap(c[0],c[1]); flip = 0; rep(i,0,2) if (c[i]) c[i]->flip ^= 1; } void calc() { // recalc vals rep(i,0,2) if (c[i]) c[i]->prop(); //sz = 1+getSz(c[0])+getSz(c[1]); //sub = 1+getSub(c[0])+getSub(c[1])+vsub; max_val = max({val, get_max_val(c[0]), get_max_val(c[1])}); } void set(int v) { access(); val = v; calc(); } // ============ SPLAY TREE OPERATIONS ============== int dir() { if (!p) return -2; rep(i,0,2) if (p->c[i] == this) return i; return -1; // p is path-parent pointer, not same splaytree } bool isRoot() { return dir() < 0; } // of splaytree friend void setLink(sn x, sn y, int d) { if (y) y->p = x; if (d >= 0) x->c[d] = y; } void rot() { // assume p and p->p propagated assert(!isRoot()); int x = dir(); sn pa = p; setLink(pa->p, this, pa->dir()); setLink(pa, c[x^1], x); setLink(this, pa, x^1); pa->calc(); } void splay() { while (!isRoot() && !p->isRoot()) { p->p->prop(), p->prop(), prop(); dir() == p->dir() ? p->rot() : rot(); rot(); } if (!isRoot()) p->prop(), prop(), rot(); prop(); calc(); } //sn fbo(int b) { // (optional) find by order // prop(); int z = getSz(c[0]); // of splay tree // if (b == z) { splay(); return this; } // return b < z ? c[0]->fbo(b) : c[1] -> fbo(b-z-1); //} // ============ BASE OPERATIONS ============== void access() { // bring this to top of splaytree, propagate for (sn v = this, pre = NULL; v; v = v->p) { v->splay(); // now switch virtual children //if (pre) v->vsub -= pre->sub; //if (v->c[1]) v->vsub += v->c[1]->sub; v->c[1] = pre; v->calc(); pre = v; } splay(); assert(!c[1]); // right subtree is empty } void makeRoot() { // make root of real tree access(); flip ^= 1; access(); assert(!c[0] && !c[1]); } // ===================== QUERIES ===================== friend bool connected(sn x, sn y) { return lca(x,y); } friend sn lca(sn x, sn y) { if (x == y) return x; x->access(), y->access(); if (!x->p) return NULL; x->splay(); return x->p?:x; } //int distRoot() { access(); return getSz(c[0]); } //sn getRoot() { // get (real tree) root of component // access(); sn a = this; // while (a->c[0]) a = a->c[0], a->prop(); // a->access(); return a; //} //sn getPar(int b) { // get b-th parent on path to root // access(); b = getSz(c[0])-b; assert(b >= 0); // return fbo(b); // can also get min, max on path to root... //} // ================= MODIFICATIONS ===================== friend void link(sn x, sn y, bool force = 1) { assert(!connected(x,y)); // when force = 0, if (force) y->makeRoot(); // assumes y has no parent else { y->access(); assert(!y->c[0]); } x->access(); setLink(y,x,0); y->calc(); } friend void cut(sn y) { // cut from parent y->access(); assert(y->c[0]); y->c[0]->p = NULL; y->c[0] = NULL; y->calc(); } friend void cut(sn x, sn y) { // if x, y adj in tree x->makeRoot(); y->access(); assert(y->c[0] == x && !x->c[0] && !x->c[1]); cut(y); } }; } int n = 0; // number of ground elements struct PartitionMatroid { // partition matroid vi cols; vector<vi> has_col; vi used_col; vi used; PartitionMatroid(vi c) : used(n) { cols = c; int mx = 0; for(int c : cols) mx = max(mx,c); has_col.resize(mx+1); used_col.resize(mx+1); rep(i,0,n) has_col[c[i]].emplace_back(i); } void add(int i) { //assert(!used[i]); assert(unused_cols.count(cols[i])); used_col[cols[i]] = 1; used[i] = 1; } void rem(int i) { //assert(used[i]); assert(!unused_cols.count(cols[i])); used_col[cols[i]] = 0; used[i] = 0; } int is_free(int b) { return !used_col[cols[b]]; } vi find_exchangeAB(int a) { // if we remove a, which b can we add? assert(used[a]); vi res; for(int b : has_col[cols[a]]) if(b != a) { assert(!used[b]); res.emplace_back(b); } return res; } }; struct GraphicMatroid { vi u, v; // (u[i], v[i]) are the edges int m; // # graph nodes; vi bad, used; vector<LCT::sn> lct; vector<LCT::sn> lct_ed; vi activated; GraphicMatroid(vi a, vi b, int m) : u(a), v(b), m(m), bad(n), used(n) { lct.resize(m); lct_ed.resize(n); rep(i,0,m) lct[i] = new LCT::snode(-1); rep(i,0,n) lct_ed[i] = new LCT::snode(-1); } void add(int i) { assert(!used[i]); used[i] = 1; link(lct[u[i]], lct_ed[i]); link(lct[v[i]], lct_ed[i]); } void rem(int i) { assert(used[i]); used[i] = 0; cut(lct[u[i]], lct_ed[i]); cut(lct[v[i]], lct_ed[i]); } vi order, inv_order; // inv_order is priority void make_order(vi layers) { inv_order.assign(n,0); order.assign(n,0); iota(all(order),0); sort(all(order), [&](int i, int j){return layers[i] < layers[j];}); rep(i,0,n) inv_order[order[i]] = i; } void clear_bad(vi layers) { make_order(layers); for(int i : activated) mark_bad(i); fill(all(bad),0); activated.clear(); rep(i,0,n) if(used[i] && layers[i] != inf) { lct_ed[i]->set(inv_order[i]); activated.emplace_back(i); } } void mark_bad(int i) { if(bad[i]) return; bad[i] = 1; lct_ed[i]->set(-1); } bool is_free(int b) { // can we add b? assert(!used[b]); return !connected(lct[u[b]], lct[v[b]]); } int find_exchangeBA(int b) { // if we add b, which a should be removed? // just find a single out-edge! // We find it in maximum layer! assert(!used[b]); int x = u[b], y = v[b]; assert(connected(lct[x], lct[y])); lct[x]->makeRoot(); lct[y]->access(); int res = lct[y]->max_val; if(res == -1) return -1; res = order[res]; assert(!bad[res] && used[res]); return res; } ~GraphicMatroid(){ rep(i,0,m) delete lct[i]; rep(i,0,n) delete lct_ed[i]; } }; struct MatroidIsec { PartitionMatroid& m1; GraphicMatroid& m2; vi used; MatroidIsec(PartitionMatroid& m1, GraphicMatroid& m2) : m1(m1), m2(m2), used(n) {} vi layers; vi par; bool forward() { layers.assign(n, inf); par.assign(n, -1); m2.clear_bad(vi(n,0)); queue<int> q; rep(b,0,n) if(m1.is_free(b)) { layers[b] = 0; par[b] = -2; q.push(b); } while(sz(q)) { int x = q.front(); q.pop(); if(used[x]) { int a = x; for(int b : m1.find_exchangeAB(a)) if(layers[b] == inf) { layers[b] = layers[a]+1; par[b] = a; q.push(b); } } else { int b = x, a; if(m2.is_free(b)) { debug(layers[b]); int x = b; rep(i,0,layers[b]+2) { debug(x); x = par[x]; } return true; // found (s,t)-path! } while((a = m2.find_exchangeBA(b)) != -1) { assert(layers[a] == inf); m2.mark_bad(a); layers[a] = layers[b]+1; par[a] = b; q.push(a); } } } return false; } vi bad, aug; void push_flow() { bad.assign(n,0); m2.clear_bad(layers); vi todo; rep(i,0,n) if(layers[i] == 0) todo.emplace_back(i); bool found_one = false; for(int b : todo) { if(bad[b]) continue; if(!m1.is_free(b)) continue; aug.clear(); if(dfs(b)) { //debug("AUG", aug); found_one = true; for(int i : aug) { bad[i] = true; m2.mark_bad(i); } for(int i : aug) if(used[i]) { m1.rem(i); m2.rem(i); } for(int i : aug) if(!used[i]) { m1.add(i); m2.add(i); } for(int i : aug) used[i] = !used[i]; aug.clear(); } } assert(found_one); } bool dfs(int x) { assert(!bad[x]); //bool DEB = (x == 310 || x == 308 || x == 322); //if(DEB) debug(x, layers[x]); if(used[x]) { int a = x; for(int b : m1.find_exchangeAB(a)) { //if(DEB) debug(a, b); if(layers[b] != layers[a]+1) continue; if(bad[b]) continue; if(dfs(b)) { aug.emplace_back(a); return true; } } } else { int b = x, a; //if(DEB) debug(b, m2.is_free(b)); if(m2.is_free(b)) { aug.emplace_back(b); return true; } //if(DEB) debug(m2.activated, m2.activated.count(308)); while((a = m2.find_exchangeBA(b)) != -1) { //if(a == 308) debug("HELLO"); //if(DEB) debug(b, a); if(layers[a] != layers[b]+1) break; m2.mark_bad(a); if(dfs(a)) { aug.emplace_back(b); return true; } } } bad[x] = true; m2.mark_bad(x); return false; } void greedy() { rep(i,0,n) if(m1.is_free(i) && m2.is_free(i)) { used[i] = 1; m1.add(i); m2.add(i); } } void solve() { debug('%'); debug("Greedy..."); greedy(); debug("done.", count(all(used),1)); debug('%'); debug("MI..."); int cnt = 0; //debug(used); while(forward()) { debug("found path"); push_flow(); debug("phase", cnt++, count(all(used),1)); } debug('%') debug("Done!") } }; int construct_roads(std::vector<int> x, std::vector<int> y) { if(false) { x.clear(); y.clear(); rep(i,0,2000) rep(j,0,200) { if(rand()%2) { x.emplace_back(2*i); y.emplace_back(2*j); } } debug(sz(x)); } map<pii,int> to_idx; rep(i,0,sz(x)) to_idx[pii(x[i],y[i])] = i; vi cols; vi u,v; auto add = [&](int x, int y, int c){ ++n; u.emplace_back(x); v.emplace_back(y); cols.emplace_back(c); }; int col = 0; map<pii,int> to_col; map<int,pii> from_col; auto which_col = [&](pii p) { if(!to_col.count(p)) { to_col[p] = col; from_col[col] = p; ++col; } return to_col[p]; }; rep(i,0,sz(x)) { if(to_idx.count(pii(x[i]+2,y[i]))) { int j = to_idx[pii(x[i]+2,y[i])]; add(i,j,which_col(pii(x[i]+1, y[i]+1))); add(i,j,which_col(pii(x[i]+1, y[i]-1))); } if(to_idx.count(pii(x[i],y[i]+2))) { int j = to_idx[pii(x[i],y[i]+2)]; add(i,j,which_col(pii(x[i]+1, y[i]+1))); add(i,j,which_col(pii(x[i]-1, y[i]+1))); } } //debug(cols); debug(u); debug(v); // debug(n); PartitionMatroid m1(cols); GraphicMatroid m2(u,v,sz(x)); MatroidIsec mi(m1, m2); mi.solve(); vi U, V, A, B; rep(i,0,n) if(mi.used[i]) { U.emplace_back(u[i]); V.emplace_back(v[i]); pii p = from_col[cols[i]]; A.emplace_back(p.first); B.emplace_back(p.second); } assert(sz(U) < sz(x)); if(sz(U) < sz(x)-1) return 0; build(U, V, A, B); return 1; }

Compilation message (stderr)

parks.cpp: In member function 'void MatroidIsec::push_flow()':
parks.cpp:335:10: warning: variable 'found_one' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
  335 |     bool found_one = false;
      |          ^~~~~~~~~
parks.cpp: In member function 'void MatroidIsec::solve()':
parks.cpp:422:9: warning: unused variable 'cnt' [-Wunused-variable]
  422 |     int cnt = 0;
      |         ^~~
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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