Submission #36833

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
36833imaxbluePalindromes (APIO14_palindrome)C++14
0 / 100
1000 ms6852 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define x first #define y second #define pii pair<int, int> #define p3i pair<pii, int> #define pll pair<ll, l l> #define p3l pair<pll, ll> #define lseg L, (L+R)/2, N*2+1 #define rseg (L+R)/2+1, R, N*2+2 #define ub upper_bound #define lb lower_bound #define pq priority_queue #define MN 1000000007 #define fox(k, x) for (int k=0; k<x; ++k) #define fox1(k, x) for (int k=1; k<=x; ++k) #define foxr(k, x) for (int k=x-1; k>=0; --k) #define fox1r(k, x) for (int k=x; k>0; --k) #define ms multiset #define flood(x) memset(x, 0x3f3f3f3f, sizeof x) #define drain(x) memset(x, 0, sizeof x) #define rng() (rand() >> 3)*rand() const ll seed=31; ll po[200005]={1}, ans; int n, r[200005], rit, c, k, x, y, p; string s, t="#"; map<int, ll> m; void add(int X, ll V){ if (m.count(X)==0) m[X]=0; m[X]+=V; } int main(){ fox1(l, 200001) po[l]=(po[l-1]*31)%MN; cin >> s; /*s="a"; k=1; while(s.size()*2+1<100000){ t=s; t+=(k+'a'); t+=s; s=t; ++k; }*/ //cout << s << endl; fox(l, s.size()){ t+=s[l]; t+="#"; } s=t; //cout << s << endl; n=s.size(); fox(l, n){ //if (l%1000==0) cout << l << endl; if (l>rit) r[l]=0; else r[l]=r[2*p-l]; while(l-r[l]>0 && l+r[l]<n-1 && s[l-r[l]-1]==s[l+r[l]+1]) r[l]++; if (l+r[l]>rit){ rit=l+r[l]; p=l; } //cout << r[l] << ' '; } //cout << endl; rit=-1; fox(l, n){ if (r[l]==0) continue; if (l+r[l]>rit){ k=r[l]; p=l+k; while(1){ //cout << k<< ' ' << p << endl; while(k>=r[l] && r[p]<k*2) k/=2; if (k<r[l]) break; k*=2; p+=k; } c=(p-l+r[l])/2/r[l]; //continue; x=0; k=0; for(int l2=l-r[l]+1; l2<=l+r[l]-1; l2+=2){ x=(seed*x+(s[l2]-'a'+1))%MN; ++k; } y=x; //cout << l << ' ' << p << ' ' << r[l] << ' ' << c << endl; fox1(l2, c){ add(y, 1LL*(c-l2+1)*l2*r[l]); y=(y*po[k]+x)%MN; //if (y<10)cout << y << ' '; } rit=p+1; } } for(map<int, ll>::iterator i=m.begin(); i!=m.end(); ++i){ ans=max(ans, i->y); } cout << ans; return 0; }

Compilation message (stderr)

palindrome.cpp: In function 'int main()':
palindrome.cpp:18:34: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
 #define fox(k, x) for (int k=0; k<x; ++k)
palindrome.cpp:49:5: note: in expansion of macro 'fox'
     fox(l, s.size()){
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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