Submission #341438

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
341438 2020-12-29T17:29:09 Z codebuster_10 Palinilap (COI16_palinilap) C++17
0 / 100
92 ms 29532 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std ;

#define int long long 
#define ld long double
#define f(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<b;++i)

#define endl '\n'
#define debug cout<<"\n========================================\n";
#define err1(a) cout<<#a<<" "<<a<<endl;
#define err2(a,b) cout<<#a<<" "<<a<<" "<<#b<<" "<<b<<endl;
#define err3(a,b,c) cout<<#a<<" "<<a<<" "<<#b<<" "<<b<<" "<<#c<<" "<<c<<endl;
#define err4(a,b,c,d) cout<<#a<<" "<<a<<" "<<#b<<" "<<b<<" "<<#c<<" "<<c<<" "<<#d<<" "<<d<<endl;

#define PQ priority_queue
#define LB lower_bound  
#define UB upper_bound
#define fr first
#define sc second

#define all(a) (a).begin(),(a).end()
#define allr(a) (a).rbegin(),(a).rend()
#define show(a) {for(auto xyz:a)cout<<xyz<<" ";cout<<endl;}
#define sz(x) (int)(x).size()

void setIO(string s = "") {
	ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0); 
 * Description: Polynomial hash for substrings with two bases.
 * Source:
  * BENQ, own modifications
 * Verification:
#define int long long // this is imp
const int MOD = 1e9 + 9 ;
mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
uniform_int_distribution<int> BDIST(0.1*MOD,0.9*MOD);
const array<int,2> base = {BDIST(rng), BDIST(rng)};
vector<array<int,2>> pows = {{1,1}};
struct HashRange {
	string S; 
  vector< array<int,2> > cum = {{0,0}};
	void add(char c) { 
    S += c; 
    cum.push_back( { (base[0] * cum.back()[0] + c )%MOD, (base[1] * cum.back()[1] + c )%MOD } ); 
	void add(string s) { 
    for(auto c:s) add(c); 
	void extend(int len) { 
    while ((int)(pows.size()) <= len) {
      pows.push_back({ (base[0] * pows.back()[0])%MOD, (base[1] * pows.back()[1])%MOD });
	array<int,2> hash(int l, int r) { // 0 based indexing
    int len = r+1-l; extend(len);
		return { ((cum[r+1][0] - pows[len][0] * cum[l][0])%MOD + MOD)%MOD,  ((cum[r+1][1] - pows[len][1] * cum[l][1])%MOD + MOD)%MOD }; 
const int N = 1e5 + 7 ;
int inc[N][26], A1[N], A2[N], B1[N], B2[N];
signed main(){
  string s; cin >> s ;
  string rs = s ; reverse(all(rs)) ;
  HashRange S, RS ; S.add(s) ; RS.add(rs) ;
  int n = sz(s), actual = 0 ;
  for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
    // solve for odd len 
      int lo = 1, hi = min(i+1, n-i) + 1 ;
        int mid = (hi+lo)/2 ;
        int s1 = i, e1 = i + mid - 1 ;
        int s2 = n - i - 1 , e2 = n - (i - mid + 1) - 1 ;
        array<int,2> h1 = S.hash(s1, e1), h2 = RS.hash(s2, e2) ;
        h1[0] == h2[0] &&  h1[1] == h2[1] ? lo = mid : hi = mid ;
      actual += lo ; int L = lo ;
      A1[i+2]--, A1[i+L+1]++, A2[i+1]+=L-1;
      B1[i-L+1]++, B1[i]--, B2[i]-=L-1;
      if(i+L+1 < n && i-L-1 >= 0){
        if( s[i+L+1] == s[i-L-1]){
          lo = L + 2 , hi = min(i+1, n-i) + 1 ;
            int mid = (hi+lo)/2 ;
            int s1 = i + L + 1, e1 = i + mid - 1 ;
            int s2 = n - (i-L-1) - 1 , e2 = n - (i-mid+1) - 1 ;
            array<int,2> h1 = S.hash(s1, e1), h2 = RS.hash(s2, e2) ;
            h1[0] == h2[0] &&  h1[1] == h2[1] ? lo = mid : hi = mid ;
          inc[i+L][s[i-L]-'a'] += lo - L ;
          inc[i-L][s[i+L]-'a'] += lo - L ;
          inc[i+L][s[i-L]-'a'] += 1 ;
          inc[i-L][s[i+L]-'a'] += 1 ;
    // solve for even len 
    if(i>0 && s[i] == s[i-1]){
      int lo = 1, hi = min(i, n-i) + 1 ;
        int mid = (hi+lo)/2 ;
        int s1 = i, e1 = i + mid - 1 ;
        int s2 = n - (i-1) - 1 , e2 = n - (i - mid) - 1 ;
        array<int,2> h1 = S.hash(s1, e1), h2 = RS.hash(s2, e2) ;
        h1[0] == h2[0] &&  h1[1] == h2[1] ? lo = mid : hi = mid ;
      actual += lo ; int L = lo ;
      A1[i+1]--, A1[i+L+1]++, A2[i]+=L;
      B1[i-L]++, B1[i]--, B2[i]-=L;
      if(i+L+1 < n && i-L-1 >= 0){
        if( s[i+L+1] == s[i-L-1]){
          lo = L + 2 , hi = min(i+1, n-i) + 1 ;
            int mid = (hi+lo)/2 ;
            int s1 = i + L + 1, e1 = i + mid - 1 ;
            int s2 = n - (i-L-2) - 1 , e2 = n - (i - mid) - 1 ;
            array<int,2> h1 = S.hash(s1, e1), h2 = RS.hash(s2, e2) ;
            h1[0] == h2[0] &&  h1[1] == h2[1] ? lo = mid : hi = mid ;
          inc[i+L][s[i-L-1]-'a'] += lo - L  ;
          inc[i-L-1][s[i+L]-'a'] += lo - L  ;
          inc[i+L][s[i-L-1]-'a'] += 1 ;
          inc[i-L-1][s[i+L]-'a'] += 1 ;
    }else if(i>0){
       int L = 0 ;
       inc[i+L][s[i-L-1]-'a'] += 1 ;
       inc[i-L-1][s[i+L]-'a'] += 1 ;
  f(i,1,N) A1[i] += A1[i-1], B1[i] += B1[i-1];
  f(i,0,N) A1[i] += A2[i], B1[i] += B2[i];
  f(i,1,N) A1[i] += A1[i-1], B1[i] += B1[i-1];
  int ans = actual ;
      if( (int)(s[i]-'a') == j) continue ;
      ans = max(ans, actual + inc[i][j] - A1[i] - B1[i]) ;
  cout << ans ;

Compilation message

palinilap.cpp: In function 'void setIO(std::string)':
palinilap.cpp:31:10: warning: ignoring return value of 'FILE* freopen(const char*, const char*, FILE*)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   31 |   freopen((s+".in").c_str(),"r",stdin);
      |   ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
palinilap.cpp:32:10: warning: ignoring return value of 'FILE* freopen(const char*, const char*, FILE*)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   32 |   freopen((s+".out").c_str(),"w",stdout);
      |   ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 3 ms 1900 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 6 ms 3456 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Incorrect 92 ms 29532 KB Output isn't correct
2 Halted 0 ms 0 KB -