Submission #330042

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
3300422qbingxuanGame (IOI13_game)C++14
0 / 100
154 ms256004 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #ifndef local #include "game.h" #endif // local using namespace std; using ll = long long; const int N = 22000, LG = 30; inline ll gcd(ll a, ll b) { int s = __builtin_ctz(a | b); while(a && b) { a >>= __builtin_ctz(a); b >>= __builtin_ctz(b); if(a > b) a -= b; else b -= a; } return (a | b) << s; } int R, C; struct Segtree1d { // 1d, dynamic struct node { ll ans; node *l, *r; node() : ans(0), l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {} void pull() { ans = gcd( l ? l->ans : 0, r ? r->ans : 0); } } *root; static node mem[N * LG * LG], *ptr; void modify(int pos, ll v, node *&cur, int l, int r) { if(!cur) cur = new node(); if(l+1 == r) { cur->ans = v; return; } int m = l+(r-l)/2; if(pos < m) modify(pos, v, cur->l, l, m); else modify(pos, v, cur->r, m, r); cur->pull(); } ll query(int ql, int qr, node *cur, int l, int r) { if(l >= qr || r <= ql || !cur) return 0; if(ql <= l && r <= qr) return cur->ans; int m = l+(r-l)/2; return gcd(query(ql, qr, cur->l, l, m), query(ql, qr, cur->r, m, r)); } Segtree1d() : root(nullptr) {} void modify(int pos, ll v) { modify(pos, v, root, 0, C); } ll query(int l, int r) { return query(l, r, root, 0, C); } }; Segtree1d::node Segtree1d::mem[N * LG * LG], *Segtree1d::ptr = Segtree1d::mem; /* struct Splay { struct node { int key; ll val, ans; node *ch[2], *pa; node(int k, ll v) : key(k), val(v), ans(v), ch{}, pa(0) {} node() : key(-1), val(0), ans(0), ch{}, pa(0) {} void pull() { ans = gcd(val, gcd(ch[0] ? ch[0]->ans : 0, ch[1] ? ch[1]->ans : 0)); } friend bool dir(node *x) { return x->pa && x->pa->ch[1] == x; } } *root; void rot(node *x) { bool d = dir(x); node *y = x->pa, *z = (y ? y->pa : nullptr); x->pa = z; if(z) z->ch[dir(y)] = x; if(x->ch[!d]) x->ch[!d]->pa = y; y->ch[d] = x->ch[!d]; y->pa = x; x->ch[!d] = y; y->pull(), x->pull(); } void splay(node *x) { while(node *y = x->pa) { if(y->pa) rot(dir(x) != dir(y) ? x : y); rot(x); } } void split(int k, node *x, node *&a, node *&b) { // a: key < k, b: key >= k node *y = nullptr, *last = nullptr; while(x) { last = x; if(x->key < k) { x = x->ch[1]; } else { y = x; x = x->ch[0]; } } if(last) splay(last); if(!y) return a = last, b = nullptr, void(); splay(y); a = y->ch[0]; if(a) a->pa = nullptr; y->ch[0] = nullptr; b = y; b->pull(); } node *join(node *a, node *b) { if(!a || !b) return a ? a : b; while(a->ch[1]) a = a->ch[1]; while(b->ch[0]) b = b->ch[0]; splay(a), splay(b); b->ch[0] = a; a->pa = b; b->pull(); return b; } static node mem[N * LG], *ptr; void modify(int p, ll v) { node *a, *b, *c; split(p, root, a, b); split(p+1, b, b, c); if(b == nullptr) b = new (ptr++) node(p, v); else b->val = b->ans = v; root = join(a, join(b, c)); } ll query(int l, int r) { node *a, *b, *c; split(l, root, a, b); split(r, b, b, c); ll res = b ? b->ans : 0; root = join(a, join(b, c)); return res; } Splay() : root(nullptr) {} }; Splay::node Splay::mem[N * LG], *Splay::ptr = Splay::mem; */ struct Segtree2d { struct node { Segtree1d st; node *l, *r; node() : l(nullptr), r(nullptr) {} // Complexity of pull would TLE // Notice that only posy would change void pull(int y) { st.modify(y, gcd(l ? l->st.query(y, y+1) : 0, r ? r->st.query(y, y+1) : 0)); } } *root; static node mem[N * LG], *ptr; void modify(int posx, int posy, ll v, node *&cur, int l, int r) { if(!cur) cur = new node(); if(l+1 == r) { cur->st.modify(posy, v); return; } int m = l+(r-l)/2; if(posx < m) modify(posx, posy, v, cur->l, l, m); else modify(posx, posy, v, cur->r, m, r); cur->pull(posy); } ll query(int lx, int rx, int ly, int ry, node *cur, int l, int r) { if(r <= lx || l >= rx || !cur) return 0; if(lx <= l && r <= rx) return cur->st.query(ly, ry); int m = l+(r-l)/2; return gcd(query(lx, rx, ly, ry, cur->l, l, m), query(lx, rx, ly, ry, cur->r, m, r)); } Segtree2d() : root(nullptr) {} void modify(int posx, int posy, ll v) { modify(posx, posy, v, root, 0, R); } ll query(int lx, int rx, int ly, int ry) { return query(lx, rx, ly, ry, root, 0, R); } } sgt; Segtree2d::node Segtree2d::mem[N * LG], *Segtree2d::ptr = Segtree2d::mem; void init(int r, int c) { R = r, C = c; } void update(int x, int y, ll k) { sgt.modify(x, y, k); } ll calculate(int lx, int ly, int rx, int ry) { if(lx > rx) swap(lx, rx); if(ly > ry) swap(ly, ry); return sgt.query(lx, rx+1, ly, ry+1); } #ifdef local signed main() { ; } #endif // local
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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