This submission is migrated from previous version of, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define dbg() cerr <<
#define name(x) (#x) << ": " << (x) << ' ' <<
using namespace std;
template<class T> void Min(T &a, const T &b) { a = min(a, b); }
const int64_t INF = (int64_t)1e18 + 10;
struct SegmTree {
struct Node {
int l = -1, r = -1;
int64_t val = INF;
int n;
vector<Node> t = vector<Node>(1);
SegmTree(int n_) : n(n_) {}
void Alloc(int &node) {
if (node != -1) return;
node = t.size();
void Recalc(int node) {
t[node].val = INF;
int l = t[node].l, r = t[node].r;
if (l != -1) Min(t[node].val, t[l].val);
if (r != -1) Min(t[node].val, t[r].val);
void Update(int node, int left, int right, int pos, int64_t val) {
if (left == right) {
Min(t[node].val, val);
int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
if (pos <= mid) {
Update(t[node].l, left, mid, pos, val);
} else {
Update(t[node].r, mid + 1, right, pos, val);
int64_t Query(int node, int left, int right, int x, int y) {
if (y < left || x > right || node == -1) return INF;
if (x <= left && right <= y) {
return t[node].val;
int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
return min(Query(t[node].l, left, mid, x, y),
Query(t[node].r, mid + 1, right, x, y));
void Update(int pos, int64_t val) {
Update(0, 0, n - 1, pos, val);
int64_t Query(int l, int r) {
return Query(0, 0, n - 1, l, r);
int main() {
int n, m; cin >> n >> m;
vector<int> lft(n), rgt(n), pos(n), cost(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
cin >> lft[i] >> rgt[i] >> pos[i] >> cost[i];
--lft[i], --rgt[i], --pos[i];
// final position is monotonic
// L[i][j] = min cost to be at cell (i, j) if we start in col 1
// R[i][j] = _"_ col m
SegmTree L(m), R(m);
L.Update(0, 0);
R.Update(m - 1, 0);
int64_t ans = INF;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int l = lft[i], r = rgt[i], p = pos[i], c = cost[i];
int64_t curr_l = L.Query(l, r), curr_r = R.Query(l, r);
ans = min(ans, curr_l + curr_r + c);
L.Update(p, curr_l + c);
R.Update(p, curr_r + c);
if (ans == INF) ans = -1;
cout << ans << endl;
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |