Submission #284182

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
284182ijxjdjdTriple Jump (JOI19_jumps)Java
46 / 100
4048 ms228028 KiB
import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; /** * Built using CHelper plug-in * Actual solution is at the top */ public class jumps { public static void main(String[] args) { InputStream inputStream =; OutputStream outputStream = System.out; InputReader in = new InputReader(inputStream); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputStream); TripleJumps solver = new TripleJumps(); solver.solve(1, in, out); out.close(); } static class TripleJumps { public void solve(int testNumber, InputReader in, PrintWriter out) { int N = in.nextInt(); int[] F = new int[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { F[i] = in.nextInt(); } Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); ArrayList<Integer>[] pair = new ArrayList[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { pair[i] = new ArrayList<>(); } stack.add(0); for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) { while (stack.size() > 0 && F[stack.peek()] <= F[i]) { pair[stack.pop()].add(i); } if (!stack.isEmpty()) { pair[stack.peek()].add(i); } stack.add(i); } int Q = in.nextInt(); ArrayList<int[]>[] query = new ArrayList[N]; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { int l = in.nextInt() - 1; int r = in.nextInt() - 1; if (query[l] == null) { query[l] = new ArrayList<>(); } query[l].add(new int[]{r, i}); } int[] ans = new int[Q]; SegmentTree seg = new SegmentTree(F); for (int l = N - 2; l >= 0; l--) { if (pair[l] != null) { for (int a : pair[l]) { seg.upd(1, 0, N - 1, 2 * a - l, N - 1, F[a] + F[l]); } } if (query[l] != null) { for (int[] r : query[l]) { ans[r[1]] = seg.query(1, 0, N - 1, l + 2, r[0]); } } } for (int i : ans) { out.println(i); } } class SegmentTree { int[] max; int[] lzy; int[] oriMax; int[] arr; SegmentTree(int[] arr) { this.arr = arr; max = new int[4 * arr.length]; oriMax = new int[4 * arr.length]; lzy = new int[4 * arr.length]; setOri(1, 0, arr.length - 1); } void setOri(int n, int tl, int tr) { if (tl == tr) { oriMax[n] = arr[tl]; } else { int tm = (tl + tr) / 2; setOri(2 * n, tl, tm); setOri(2 * n + 1, tm + 1, tr); oriMax[n] = Math.max(oriMax[2 * n], oriMax[2 * n + 1]); } } void push(int n) { lzy[2 * n] = Math.max(lzy[2 * n], lzy[n]); lzy[2 * n + 1] = Math.max(lzy[2 * n + 1], lzy[n]); max[2 * n] = Math.max(max[2 * n], oriMax[2 * n] + lzy[2 * n]); max[2 * n + 1] = Math.max(max[2 * n + 1], oriMax[2 * n + 1] + lzy[2 * n + 1]); lzy[n] = 0; } void upd(int n, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, int val) { if (l <= tl && tr <= r) { max[n] = Math.max(max[n], oriMax[n] + val); lzy[n] = Math.max(lzy[n], val); } else if (l > tr || r < tl) { return; } else { push(n); int tm = (tl + tr) / 2; upd(2 * n, tl, tm, l, r, val); upd(2 * n + 1, tm + 1, tr, l, r, val); max[n] = Math.max(max[2 * n], max[2 * n + 1]); } } int query(int n, int tl, int tr, int l, int r) { if (l <= tl && tr <= r) { return max[n]; } else if (l > tr || r < tl) { return 0; } else { push(n); int tm = (tl + tr) / 2; return Math.max(query(2 * n, tl, tm, l, r), query(2 * n + 1, tm + 1, tr, l, r)); } } } } static class InputReader { public BufferedReader reader; public StringTokenizer tokenizer; public InputReader(InputStream stream) { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), 32768); tokenizer = null; } public String next() { while (tokenizer == null || !tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { try { tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(reader.readLine()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return tokenizer.nextToken(); } public int nextInt() { return Integer.parseInt(next()); } } }

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Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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