Submission #282096

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
282096NaimSSPark (BOI16_park)C++14
27 / 100
2560 ms53164 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define ld long double #define endl "\n" #define fastio ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0); #define pb(x) push_back(x) #define mp(a,b) make_pair(a,b) #define ms(v,x) memset(v,x,sizeof(v)) #define all(v) v.begin(),v.end() #define ff first #define ss second #define rep(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < (b); ++i) #define per(i, a, b) for(int i = b-1; i>=a ; i--) #define trav(a, x) for(auto& a : x) #define allin(a , x) for(auto a : x) #define td(v) v.begin(),v.end() #define sz(v) (int)v.size() #define int long long using namespace std; typedef vector<int> vi; #define y1 abacaba #define left sefude #define db(x) cerr << #x <<" == "<<x << endl; #define db2(x,y) cerr<<#x <<" == "<<x<<", "<<#y<<" == "<<y<<endl; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> pii; inline ll mod(ll n, ll m ){ ll ret = n%m; if(ret < 0) ret += m; return ret; } ll gcd(ll a, ll b){return (b == 0LL ? a : gcd(b, a%b));} ll exp(ll a,ll b,ll m){ if(b==0LL) return 1LL; if(b==1LL) return mod(a,m); ll k = mod(exp(a,b/2,m),m); if(b&1LL){ return mod(a*mod(k*k,m),m); } else return mod(k*k,m); } struct query{ int r,e,id; query(){} query(int r,int e,int id):r(r),e(e),id(id){} }; const int N = 2020; int pai[N],Sz[N]; int f(int x){ return pai[x] = (pai[x]==x?x:f(pai[x])); } void join(int a,int b){ a=f(a),b=f(b); if(Sz[a] > Sz[b])swap(a,b); Sz[b]+=Sz[a]; pai[a]=b; } ll sq(ll x){return x*x;} pii Par[5]; string res[100100]; int x[N],y[N],r[N]; int32_t main(){ fastio; int n,m; cin >> n >> m; int w,h; cin >> w >> h; Par[1] = pii(0,1); Par[2] = pii(w,0); Par[3] = pii(h,1); Par[4] = pii(0,0); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ cin >> x[i] >> y[i] >> r[i]; } for(int i=1;i<=n+4;i++)pai[i] = i,Sz[i] = 1; vector<query> qry; for(int i=0;i<m;i++){ int r,e; cin >> r >> e; qry.pb(query(r,e,i)); } sort(all(qry),[&](query a,query b){ return a.r < b.r; }); vector<query> circ,parede; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ for(int j=i + 1;j<=n;j++){ ll L = 0 , R = 1e9; ll ans = 0; while(L<=R){ ll mid = (L+R)/2; if(sq(r[i] + r[j] + mid*2)>=sq(x[i] - x[j]) + sq(y[i]-y[j])){ ans = mid; R = mid-1; }else L = mid + 1; } if(sq(r[i] + r[j] + 2*ans) == sq(x[i] -x[j]) + sq(y[i] - y[j])){ ans++; } // please dont TL.. circ.pb(query(ans,i,j)); } for(int lado=1;lado<=4;lado++){ if(Par[lado].ss == 0){ // X int falta = (abs(Par[lado].ff - x[i])-r[i] + 1)/2; if(abs(Par[lado].ff - x[i]) == r[i] + 2 * falta)falta++; parede.pb(query(falta,i,n + lado)); }else{ // Y int falta = (abs(Par[lado].ff - y[i]) - r[i]+1)/2; if(abs(Par[lado].ff - y[i]) == r[i] + 2 * falta)falta++; parede.pb(query(falta,i,n + lado)); } } } sort(all(circ),[&](query a,query b){ return a.r < b.r; }); sort(all(parede),[&](query a,query b){ return a.r < b.r; }); int it = 0; int itP=0; for(auto pessoa : qry){ for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){ for(int j=i+1;j<=n;j++){ if(sq(r[i] + r[j] + 2*pessoa.r) > sq(x[i] - x[j]) + sq(y[i] - y[j]))join(i,j); } if(x[i]-r[i]-pessoa.r*2<0)join(i,n+4); if(y[i]-r[i]-pessoa.r*2<0)join(i,n+1); if(x[i]+r[i]+pessoa.r*2>w)join(i,n+2); if(y[i]+r[i]+pessoa.r*2>h)join(i,n+3); } /* while(it < sz(circ) and circ[it].r <= pessoa.r){ join(circ[it].e,circ[it].id); it++; } while(itP < sz(parede) and parede[itP].r<=pessoa.r){ join(parede[itP].e,parede[itP].id); itP++; } */ int e = pessoa.e; string good = ""; for(int c=1;c<=4;c++){ if(c==e){ good+=char('0' + c); continue; } // check if vertical blocks: int op1 = (min(e,c)==1 and max(e,c)==4); int op2 = (min(e,c)==2 and max(e,c)==3); if(!op1 and !op2){ if(f(n + 1) == f(n + 3))continue; } op1 = (min(e,c)==1 and max(e,c)==2); op2 = (min(e,c)==3 and max(e,c)==4); // check if horizontal blocks: if(!op1 and !op2){ if(f(n+2)==f(n+4))continue; } //cout << c<<" "<<f(n+3)<<" "<<f(n + (c+3)%4) << endl; int prv = n + (c == 1 ? 4 : c - 1); if(f(n + c) == f(prv))continue; good+=char('0' + c); } sort(all(good)); res[] = good; } for(int i=0;i<m;i++)cout << res[i] << endl; // math -> gcd it all // Did u check N=1? Did you switch N,M? }

Compilation message (stderr)

park.cpp: In function 'int32_t main()':
park.cpp:133:7: warning: unused variable 'it' [-Wunused-variable]
  133 |   int it = 0;
      |       ^~
park.cpp:134:7: warning: unused variable 'itP' [-Wunused-variable]
  134 |   int itP=0;
      |       ^~~
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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