Submission #253891

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
253891 2020-07-29T04:19:40 Z ChrisT Watching (JOI13_watching) C++17
Compilation error
0 ms 0 KB
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 2005;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int,int> pii;
int dp[MAXN][MAXN], a[MAXN],p,q,n;
int findlast (int cur, int w) {
  return max(lower_bound(a+1,a+1+n,cur-w+1)-a-1,0);
bool check (int w) {
  memset(dp,0x3f,sizeof dp); memset(dp[0],0,sizeof dp[0]);
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    int lp = findlast(a[i],w), lq = findlast(a[i],w<<1);
    for (int j = 0; j <= p; j++) {
      dp[i][j] = dp[lq][j] + 1;
      if (j) dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j],dp[lp][j-1]);
  return dp[n][p] <= q;
int main() {
  int ans=INT_MAX;
  scanf ("%d %d %d",&n,&p,&q);
  if (p + q >= n) return !printf ("1\n");
  for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf ("%d",&a[i]);
  for (int low = 1, high = 1e9,mid; low <= high;) {
    if (check(mid = (low + high)>>1)) high = mid-1, ans = mid;
    else low = mid+1;
  printf ("%d\n",ans);
  return 0;

Compilation message

watching.cpp: In function 'int findlast(int, int)':
watching.cpp:8:50: error: no matching function for call to 'max(long int, int)'
   return max(lower_bound(a+1,a+1+n,cur-w+1)-a-1,0);
In file included from /usr/include/c++/7/bits/specfun.h:45:0,
                 from /usr/include/c++/7/cmath:1914,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/7/bits/stdc++.h:41,
                 from watching.cpp:1:
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algobase.h:219:5: note: candidate: template<class _Tp> constexpr const _Tp& std::max(const _Tp&, const _Tp&)
     max(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b)
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algobase.h:219:5: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
watching.cpp:8:50: note:   deduced conflicting types for parameter 'const _Tp' ('long int' and 'int')
   return max(lower_bound(a+1,a+1+n,cur-w+1)-a-1,0);
In file included from /usr/include/c++/7/bits/specfun.h:45:0,
                 from /usr/include/c++/7/cmath:1914,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/7/bits/stdc++.h:41,
                 from watching.cpp:1:
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algobase.h:265:5: note: candidate: template<class _Tp, class _Compare> constexpr const _Tp& std::max(const _Tp&, const _Tp&, _Compare)
     max(const _Tp& __a, const _Tp& __b, _Compare __comp)
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algobase.h:265:5: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
watching.cpp:8:50: note:   deduced conflicting types for parameter 'const _Tp' ('long int' and 'int')
   return max(lower_bound(a+1,a+1+n,cur-w+1)-a-1,0);
In file included from /usr/include/c++/7/algorithm:62:0,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/7/bits/stdc++.h:65,
                 from watching.cpp:1:
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algo.h:3462:5: note: candidate: template<class _Tp> constexpr _Tp std::max(std::initializer_list<_Tp>)
     max(initializer_list<_Tp> __l)
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algo.h:3462:5: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
watching.cpp:8:50: note:   mismatched types 'std::initializer_list<_Tp>' and 'long int'
   return max(lower_bound(a+1,a+1+n,cur-w+1)-a-1,0);
In file included from /usr/include/c++/7/algorithm:62:0,
                 from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/7/bits/stdc++.h:65,
                 from watching.cpp:1:
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algo.h:3468:5: note: candidate: template<class _Tp, class _Compare> constexpr _Tp std::max(std::initializer_list<_Tp>, _Compare)
     max(initializer_list<_Tp> __l, _Compare __comp)
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/stl_algo.h:3468:5: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
watching.cpp:8:50: note:   mismatched types 'std::initializer_list<_Tp>' and 'long int'
   return max(lower_bound(a+1,a+1+n,cur-w+1)-a-1,0);
watching.cpp: In function 'int main()':
watching.cpp:23:9: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   scanf ("%d %d %d",&n,&p,&q);
watching.cpp:25:38: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) scanf ("%d",&a[i]);