Submission #225805

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
225805CaroLindaBuilding Skyscrapers (CEOI19_skyscrapers)C++11
8 / 100
899 ms90100 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> static struct FASTIO { char READ_CHARACTER; bool REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; inline void ignore(); inline void flush(); template <typename T> inline bool READ_INT(T &x); template <typename T> inline bool READ_STRING(T &x); /* Fast I/O Code Optimizer */ template<size_t N> inline bool READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char (&x)[N]); template<size_t N> inline bool READ_VAR(char (&x)[N]); /* A tool to optimize execution time of C++ codes by replacing methods of reading and writing variables */ template <typename T> inline bool READ_CHAR(T &x); inline bool READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char*& x); inline bool READ_GETLINE(std::string &x); /* Use it on */ template <typename T> inline bool READ_FLOAT(T &x); template <typename T> inline bool READ_DOUBLE(T &x); /* Github Project: */ template<std::size_t N> inline bool READ_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &bit); template<std::size_t N> inline bool READ_VAR(std::bitset<N> &bit); inline bool READ_VAR(bool &x); inline bool READ_VAR(short int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(long int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(long long int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned short int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned long &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned long long &x); inline bool READ_VAR(std::string &x); inline bool READ_VAR(char &x); inline bool READ_VAR(char*& x); inline bool READ_VAR(float &x); inline bool READ_VAR(double &x); inline bool READ_VAR(long double &x); template <typename T> inline void WRITE_INT(T x); inline void WRITE_STRING(std::string &x); inline void WRITE_CHAR(char x); inline void WRITE_CHAR_ARRAY(const char *x); inline void WRITE_FLOAT(float x); template <typename T> inline void WRITE_DOUBLE(T x); inline void WRITE_VAR(bool x); inline void WRITE_VAR(short int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(long int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(long long int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned short int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned long x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned long long x); inline void WRITE_VAR(char x); inline void WRITE_VAR(const char *x); inline void WRITE_VAR(std::string &x); inline void WRITE_VAR(float x); inline void WRITE_VAR(double x); inline void WRITE_VAR(long double x); template<std::size_t N> inline void WRITE_VAR(std::bitset<N> &bit); template<std::size_t N> inline void WRITE_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &bit); } __FIO__; #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define debug printf #define all(x) x.begin(),x.end() #define lp(i,a,b) for(int i = a ; i< b ; i++) #define ss second #define ff first #define ll long long #define pb push_back #define pii pair<int,int> #define mk make_pair const int MAX = 850100 ; const int MAXN = 150100 ; const int inf = 1e9+10 ; using namespace std ; int N , T , idx ; int X[MAX] , Y[MAX] , vet[MAXN] , pai[MAX] , pai_aux[MAXN] , freq[MAX] ; int dx[8] = { 1,-1,0,0, 1,-1,1,-1 } , dy[8] = { 0,0,1,-1, -1,1, 1, -1} ; int dx_cyclic[8] = { -1 , -1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ,1 , 0, -1 } , dy_cyclic[8] = { 0 , -1 , -1 , -1, 0 , 1 , 1 ,1 } ; pii id[MAX] ; bool is_full[MAX] , reachable[MAX] , checked[MAX] ; map< pii , int > mp ; set<int> s ; vector<int> ans , fila ; vector<int> componente[MAX] , adj[MAX] , adj_cyclic[MAX] ; set<int>::iterator it ; int get_code(int x, int y) { if( mp.find( mk(x,y) ) == mp.end() ) return 0 ; return mp.find( mk(x,y) )->ss ; } int find(int x) { if( x == pai[x] ) return x ; return pai[x] = find( pai[x] ) ; } bool identify_articulation(int name) { int j = -1 ; lp(i,0,8) if( is_full[ adj_cyclic[name][i] ] ) { j = i ; break ; } if( j == -1 ) return false ; int beg = -1, en = beg , times = 0 ; bool ok = false ; for(int i = (j+1)%8 ; true ; i = (i+1)%8 ) { if( i == ((j+1)%8) && times == 1 ) break ; else if( i == ((j+1)%8) && times == 0 ) times ++ ; int c = adj_cyclic[name][i] ; if( is_full[c] ) { if( beg == -1 ) continue ; if( beg % 2 == 1 && en == beg ) { beg = -1 ; continue ; } if( (++freq[ find( adj_cyclic[name][beg] ) ]) == 2 ) ok = true ; ; beg = -1 ; continue ; } if( beg == -1 ) beg = en = i ; else en = i ; } for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i+= 2) if( !is_full[ adj[name][i] ] ) freq[ find(adj[name][i]) ] = 0 ; return ok ; } bool identify_infinity(int name) { lp(i,0,4) { int c = adj[name][i] ; if(c != 0 && reachable[ find(c) ]) return true ; } return false ; } bool check(int i) { return ( !identify_articulation(i) )&identify_infinity(i) ; } inline void to_change(int name) { for(int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ ) { int c = adj[name][i] ; if( c == 0 || !is_full[c] ) continue ; if( check(c) && !checked[c] ) { s.insert(c) ; checked[c] = true ; } else if( !check(c) && checked[c] ) { s.erase( s.find(c) ) ; checked[c] = false ; } } } bool join(int a, int b, bool ok ) { a = find(a) ; b = find(b) ; if(a==b) return false ; if( componente[a].size() > componente[b].size() ) swap( a , b ); pai[a] = b ; if( !reachable[b] && reachable[a] ) { reachable[b] = true ; if(ok) for(int i : componente[b] ) fila.pb(i) ; } for( int i : componente[a] ) { componente[b].pb(i) ; if( ok ) fila.pb(i) ; } componente[a].clear() ; return true ; } int find_aux(int x) { if( x == pai_aux[x] ) return x ; return pai_aux[x] = find_aux( pai_aux[x] ) ; } inline void join_aux(int a, int b) { a = find_aux(a) ; b = find_aux(b) ; if( rand() % 2 ) swap(a,b) ; pai_aux[a] = b ; } int main() { scanf("%d%d", &N , &T ) ; lp(i,1,N+1) { scanf("%d%d", &X[i] , &Y[i]) ; mp.insert( mk( mk( X[i] , Y[i] ) , i ) ) ; is_full[i] = true ; vet[i] = pai_aux[i] = i ; } idx = N ; lp(i,1,N+1) { for(int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++ ) { int nx = dx[j] + X[i] ; int ny = dy[j] + Y[i] ; if( mp.find( mk(nx,ny) ) == mp.end() ) mp.insert( mk( mk(nx,ny) , ++idx ) ) ; if( is_full[ get_code(nx,ny) ] ) join_aux( i , get_code(nx,ny) ) ; } } lp(i,2,N+1) if( find_aux(i) != find_aux(1) ) { printf("NO\n") ; return 0 ; } for(auto p : mp ) { X[] = p.ff.ff ; Y[] = ; pai[ ] = ; componente[].pb( ) ; for(int j = 0 , nx , ny , c ; j < 8 ; j++ ) { nx = p.ff.ff + dx[j] ; ny = + dy[j] ; c = get_code(nx,ny) ; adj[].pb(c) ; nx = p.ff.ff + dx_cyclic[j] ; ny = + dy_cyclic[j] ; c = get_code(nx,ny) ; adj_cyclic[].pb( c ) ; } } int id = -1 , mn = inf ; for(auto p : mp ) if( p.ff.ff < mn ) mn = p.ff.ff , id = ; reachable[id] = true ; for(auto p : mp ) { if( is_full[] ) continue ; lp(i,0,4) if( adj[][i] != 0 && !is_full[ adj[][i] ] ) join( , adj[][i] , false ) ; } lp(i,1,N+1) if( check(i) ) { s.insert(i) ; checked[i] = true ; } while( s.size() > 0 ) { it = prev( s.end() ) ; int best_id = *it ; s.erase(it) ; ans.pb( best_id ) ; is_full[best_id] = false ; fila.pb(best_id) ; lp(i,0,4) if( !is_full[ adj[best_id][i] ] ) join(best_id, adj[best_id][i] , true ) ; for(int i : fila ) to_change(i) ; fila.clear() ; } printf("YES\n") ; reverse(all(ans)) ; for(int i : ans ) printf("%d\n" , i ) ; } #undef all #undef lp #undef debug #undef all #undef lp #undef ss #undef ff #undef ll #undef pb #undef pii #undef mk inline void FASTIO::ignore() { if(REMAINING_CHARACTER == true) REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; else READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); } inline void FASTIO::flush() { fflush(stdout); } // cin modifications template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_INT(T &x) { x = 0; T sig = 1; if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while (!isdigit(READ_CHARACTER) && READ_CHARACTER != EOF) sig = (READ_CHARACTER == '-' ? -sig : sig), READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while (isdigit(READ_CHARACTER)) x = x * 10 + READ_CHARACTER - '0', READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); x *= sig; REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; return true; } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_STRING(T &x) { x = ""; if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while ((READ_CHARACTER != '\n' && READ_CHARACTER != '\t' && READ_CHARACTER != ' ' && READ_CHARACTER != EOF)) x += READ_CHARACTER, READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; return true; } inline bool FASTIO::READ_GETLINE(std::string &x) { x = ""; if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while ((READ_CHARACTER != '\n' && READ_CHARACTER != EOF)) x += READ_CHARACTER, READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; return true; } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_CHAR(T &x) { if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); x = READ_CHARACTER; REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; return true; } template<size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char (&x)[N]) { if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; char *ptr = &x[0]; while ((READ_CHARACTER != '\n' && READ_CHARACTER != '\t' && READ_CHARACTER != ' ' && READ_CHARACTER != EOF)) *ptr++ = READ_CHARACTER, READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); *ptr = '\0', REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; return true; } inline bool FASTIO::READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char*& x) { std::string y; if(READ_STRING(y) == false) return false; x = new char[(int)y.size() + 1]; strcpy(x, y.c_str()); return true; } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_FLOAT(T &x) { return (scanf("%f", &x) != EOF); } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_DOUBLE(T &x) { double y; if(scanf("%lf", &y) == EOF) return false; x = y; return true; } template<std::size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &x) { if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; int i = 0; REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; while (READ_CHARACTER == '0' || READ_CHARACTER == '1') x[i++] = READ_CHARACTER - '0', READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); return true; } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(short int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(long int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(long long int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned short int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned long &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned long long &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(std::string &x) { return READ_STRING(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(char &x) { return READ_CHAR(x); } template<size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(char (&x)[N]) { return READ_CHAR_ARRAY(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(char*& x) { return READ_CHAR_ARRAY(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(float &x) { return READ_FLOAT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(double &x) { return READ_DOUBLE(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(long double &x) { return READ_DOUBLE(x); } template<std::size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(std::bitset<N> &x) { return READ_BITSET(x); } // cout modifications template <typename T> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_INT(T x) { if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; } char writeBuffer[20], *writePtr = writeBuffer; do { *writePtr++ = '0' + x % 10; x /= 10; } while (x); do { putchar(*--writePtr); } while (writePtr > writeBuffer); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_CHAR(char x) { putchar(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_CHAR_ARRAY(const char *x) { while(*x != '\0') putchar(*x++); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_STRING(std::string &x) { for(char c: x) putchar(c); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_FLOAT(float x) { printf("%f", x); } template <typename T> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_DOUBLE(T x) { printf("%lf", (double)x); } template<std::size_t N> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &x) { for(int i = (int)x.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) putchar(x[i] + 48); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(bool x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(short int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(long int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(long long int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned short int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned long x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned long long x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(std::string &x) { WRITE_STRING(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(char x) { WRITE_CHAR(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(const char *x) { WRITE_CHAR_ARRAY(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(float x) { WRITE_FLOAT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(double x) { WRITE_DOUBLE(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(long double x) { WRITE_DOUBLE(x); } template<std::size_t N> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(std::bitset<N> &x) { WRITE_BITSET(x); }

Compilation message (stderr)

skyscrapers.cpp: In instantiation of 'void FASTIO::WRITE_INT(T) [with T = bool]':
skyscrapers.cpp:535:14:   required from here
skyscrapers.cpp:494:9: warning: comparison of constant '0' with boolean expression is always false [-Wbool-compare]
   if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; }
skyscrapers.cpp: In function 'int main()':
skyscrapers.cpp:210:10: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
     scanf("%d%d", &N , &T ) ;
skyscrapers.cpp:213:14: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
         scanf("%d%d", &X[i] , &Y[i]) ;
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
Fetching results...
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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