# |
Submission time |
Handle |
Problem |
Language |
Result |
Execution time |
Memory |
222645 |
2020-04-13T14:02:56 Z |
VEGAnn |
Sky Walking (IOI19_walk) |
C++14 |
4000 ms |
26100 KB |
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include "walk.h"
#define all(x) x.begin(),x.end()
#define sz(x) ((int)x.size())
#define pii pair<int,int>
#define ft first
#define sd second
#define MP make_pair
#define PB push_back
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 100100;
const ll OO = 1e18;
unordered_map<int, int> MEM[N];
set<array<int, 3> > pq;
vector<ll> Ans[N];
vector<int> vc, real_y, tch[N], tct[N];
vector<array<int, 3> > lines;
vector<pii> events[N];
int n, m, pos, H[N], nm[N], Y[N];
bool fd;
ll st[4 * N], psh[4 * N], ans = OO, gt_vl, bad;
void build(int v, int l, int r){
psh[v] = 0;
st[v] = OO;
if (l == r) return;
int md = (l + r) >> 1;
build(v + v, l, md);
build(v + v + 1, md + 1, r);
void bluid(int v, int l, int r){
if (l == r){
st[v] = -H[l];
int md = (l + r) >> 1;
bluid(v + v, l, md);
bluid(v + v + 1, md + 1, r);
st[v] = min(st[v + v], st[v + v + 1]);
void push(int v){
if (psh[v] != 0){
st[v] += psh[v];
if (v + v + 1 < 4 * N){
psh[v + v] += psh[v];
psh[v + v + 1] += psh[v];
psh[v] = 0;
void update(int v, int l, int r, int ps, ll vl){
if (l == r){
st[v] = vl;
int md = (l + r) >> 1;
if (ps <= md)
update(v + v, l, md, ps, vl);
else update(v + v + 1, md + 1, r, ps, vl);
push(v + v);
push(v + v + 1);
st[v] = min(st[v + v], st[v + v + 1]);
void add(int v, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, ll vl){
if (l > r) return;
if (tl == l && tr == r){
psh[v] += vl;
int md = (tl + tr) >> 1;
add(v + v, tl, md, l, min(r, md), vl);
add(v + v + 1, md + 1, tr, max(md + 1, l), r, vl);
st[v] = min(st[v + v], st[v + v + 1]);
void real_search_left(int v, int l, int r){
if (l == r){
fd = 1;
pos = l;
gt_vl = st[v];
push(v + v);
push(v + v + 1);
int md = (l + r) >> 1;
if (st[v + v + 1] < bad)
real_search_left(v + v + 1, md + 1, r);
else real_search_left(v + v, l, md);
void search_left(int v, int tl, int tr, int l, int r){
if (fd || l > r) return;
if (tl == l && tr == r){
if (st[v] < bad)
real_search_left(v, l, r);
int md = (tl + tr) >> 1;
search_left(v + v + 1, md + 1, tr, max(md + 1, l), r);
search_left(v + v, tl, md, l, min(r, md));
void real_search_right(int v, int l, int r){
if (l == r){
fd = 1;
pos = l;
gt_vl = st[v];
push(v + v);
push(v + v + 1);
int md = (l + r) >> 1;
if (st[v + v] < bad)
real_search_right(v + v, l, md);
else real_search_right(v + v + 1, md + 1, r);
void search_right(int v, int tl, int tr, int l, int r){
if (fd || l > r) return;
if (tl == l && tr == r){
if (st[v] < bad)
real_search_right(v, l, r);
int md = (tl + tr) >> 1;
search_right(v + v, tl, md, l, min(r, md));
search_right(v + v + 1, md + 1, tr, max(md + 1, l), r);
void get_ans(int v, int l, int r){
if (l == r){
if (st[v] < OO)
ans = min(ans, st[v] + ll(real_y[l]));
int md = (l + r) >> 1;
get_ans(v + v, l, md);
get_ans(v + v + 1, md + 1, r);
bool cmp(int _x, int _y){
return Y[_x] < Y[_y];
long long min_distance(std::vector<int> x, std::vector<int> h, std::vector<int> l, std::vector<int> r, std::vector<int> y, int s, int g) {
n = sz(x); m = sz(l);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
nm[i] = i;
Y[i] = y[i];
real_y.resize(unique(all(real_y)) - real_y.begin());
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
y[i] = lower_bound(all(real_y), y[i]) - real_y.begin();
// if (s != 0 || g != n - 1){
if (1){
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
H[i] = h[i];
bluid(1, 0, n - 1);
sort(nm, nm + n, cmp);
for (int it = 0; it < m; it++){
int i = nm[it];
MEM[l[i]][i] = sz(tct[l[i]]);
int cur = l[i];
bad = -(Y[i] - 1);
while (1){
fd = 0; pos = -1;
search_right(1, 0, n - 1, cur + 1, r[i]);
MEM[pos][i] = sz(tct[pos]);
cur = pos;
if (pos == r[i])
for (int it = 0; it < sz(tct[s]); it++){
Ans[s][it] = Y[tct[s][it]];
// cerr << tct[s][it] << '\n';
pq.insert({Ans[s][it], s, it});
while (sz(pq)){
array<int, 3> CR = (*pq.begin());
int ps = CR[1], it = CR[2];
int id = tct[ps][it];
if (it > 0){
ll nw = CR[0] + ll(Y[id]) - ll(Y[tct[ps][it - 1]]);
if (Ans[ps][it - 1] > nw){
pq.erase({Ans[ps][it - 1], ps, it - 1});
Ans[ps][it - 1] = nw;
pq.insert({Ans[ps][it - 1], ps, it - 1});
if (it + 1 < sz(tct[ps])){
ll nw = CR[0] - ll(Y[id]) + ll(Y[tct[ps][it + 1]]);
if (Ans[ps][it + 1] > nw){
pq.erase({Ans[ps][it + 1], ps, it + 1});
Ans[ps][it + 1] = nw;
pq.insert({Ans[ps][it + 1], ps, it + 1});
int lc = -1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < sz(tch[id]); ii++)
if (tch[id][ii] == ps){
lc = ii;
assert(lc != -1);
if (lc > 0){
int nps = tch[id][lc - 1];
int nit = MEM[nps][id];
ll nw = CR[0] + ll(x[ps]) - ll(x[nps]);
if (Ans[nps][nit] > nw){
pq.erase({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
Ans[nps][nit] = nw;
pq.insert({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
if (lc + 1 < sz(tch[id])){
int nps = tch[id][lc + 1];
int nit = MEM[nps][id];
ll nw = CR[0] - ll(x[ps]) + ll(x[nps]);
if (Ans[nps][nit] > nw){
pq.erase({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
Ans[nps][nit] = nw;
pq.insert({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
for (int it = 0; it < sz(tct[g]); it++)
if (Ans[g][it] < OO)
ans = min(ans, Ans[g][it] + ll(Y[tct[g][it]]));
return (ans == OO ? -1 : ans);
bad = OO;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
lines.PB({y[i], l[i], r[i]});
for (int i = 0; i < m; ){
int j = i;
while (j < m && lines[j][0] == lines[i][0])
pii seg = MP(lines[i][1], lines[i][2]);
int ht = lines[i][0];
for (int I = i + 1; I < j; I++)
if (seg.sd < lines[I][1]){
events[seg.ft].PB(MP(-1, ht));
events[seg.sd].PB(MP(+1, ht));
seg = MP(lines[I][1], lines[I][2]);
} else seg.sd = max(lines[I][2], seg.sd);
events[seg.ft].PB(MP(-1, ht));
events[seg.sd].PB(MP(+1, ht));
i = j;
build(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1);
for (pii cr : events[0]){
int ht = cr.sd;
update(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, ht, real_y[ht]);
add(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, x[1] - x[0]);
for (int loc = 1; loc < n - 1; loc++){
for (pii cr : events[loc]){
int ht = cr.sd;
if (cr.ft > 0){
update(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, ht, OO);
} else {
if (st[1] == OO) return -1;
ll best = OO;
fd = 0; pos = -1; gt_vl = -1;
search_left(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, 0, ht - 1);
if (fd){
best = min(best, gt_vl + ll(real_y[ht]) - ll(real_y[pos]));
fd = 0; pos = -1; gt_vl = -1;
search_right(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, ht + 1, sz(real_y) - 1);
if (fd){
best = min(best, gt_vl - ll(real_y[ht]) + ll(real_y[pos]));
if (best == OO) return -1;
update(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, ht, best);
add(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1, x[loc + 1] - x[loc]);
get_ans(1, 0, sz(real_y) - 1);
return (ans == OO ? -1 : ans);
Compilation message
walk.cpp: In function 'long long int min_distance(std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>, std::vector<int>, int, int)':
walk.cpp:247:42: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[s].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)it))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.insert({Ans[s][it], s, it});
walk.cpp:261:59: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[ps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)(it - 1)))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.erase({Ans[ps][it - 1], ps, it - 1});
walk.cpp:263:60: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[ps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)(it - 1)))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.insert({Ans[ps][it - 1], ps, it - 1});
walk.cpp:271:59: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[ps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)(it + 1)))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.erase({Ans[ps][it + 1], ps, it + 1});
walk.cpp:273:60: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[ps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)(it + 1)))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.insert({Ans[ps][it + 1], ps, it + 1});
walk.cpp:294:55: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[nps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)nit))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.erase({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
walk.cpp:296:56: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[nps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)nit))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.insert({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
walk.cpp:307:55: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[nps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)nit))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.erase({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
walk.cpp:309:56: warning: narrowing conversion of 'Ans[nps].std::vector<long long int>::operator[](((std::vector<long long int>::size_type)nit))' from '__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits<std::allocator<long long int> >::value_type {aka long long int}' to 'int' inside { } [-Wnarrowing]
pq.insert({Ans[nps][nit], nps, nit});
# |
Verdict |
Execution time |
Memory |
Grader output |
1 |
Correct |
14 ms |
15232 KB |
Output is correct |
2 |
Incorrect |
14 ms |
15232 KB |
Output isn't correct |
3 |
Halted |
0 ms |
0 KB |
- |
# |
Verdict |
Execution time |
Memory |
Grader output |
1 |
Correct |
14 ms |
15232 KB |
Output is correct |
2 |
Incorrect |
17 ms |
15232 KB |
Output isn't correct |
3 |
Halted |
0 ms |
0 KB |
- |
# |
Verdict |
Execution time |
Memory |
Grader output |
1 |
Execution timed out |
4066 ms |
26100 KB |
Time limit exceeded |
2 |
Halted |
0 ms |
0 KB |
- |
# |
Verdict |
Execution time |
Memory |
Grader output |
1 |
Execution timed out |
4066 ms |
26100 KB |
Time limit exceeded |
2 |
Halted |
0 ms |
0 KB |
- |
# |
Verdict |
Execution time |
Memory |
Grader output |
1 |
Correct |
14 ms |
15232 KB |
Output is correct |
2 |
Incorrect |
14 ms |
15232 KB |
Output isn't correct |
3 |
Halted |
0 ms |
0 KB |
- |