Submission #217530

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
217530mieszko11bSweeping (JOI20_sweeping)C++14
100 / 100
12479 ms257072 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ii = pair<int, int>; const int inf = 1e9 + 7; #define X first #define Y second mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock().now().time_since_epoch().count()); uniform_int_distribution<int> uid(INT_MIN, INT_MAX); void readint(int &a) { char c; a = 0; do { c = getchar_unlocked(); } while(c < '0' || c > '9'); do { a = a * 10 + c - '0'; c = getchar_unlocked(); } while(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } int rand() { return uid(rng); } struct SegmentTree { int lv; vector<pair<int, int> > d; vector<int> x; vector<int> ind; SegmentTree(vector<pair<int, ii>> V) { int n = V.size(); lv = 2; while(lv < n + 2) lv *= 2; d.resize(2 * lv + 2, {inf, inf}); x.resize(lv + 2, inf); ind.resize(lv + 2, inf); for(int i = 0 ; i < V.size() ; i++) { d[lv + i] = {V[i].Y.Y, i}; x[i] = V[i].Y.X; ind[i] = V[i].X; } for(int i = lv - 1 ; i >= 1 ; i--) d[i] = min(d[2 * i], d[2 * i + 1]); } // ind, {x, y} ii _query(int a, int b) { if(b < a) return {inf, inf}; int va = lv + a; int vb = lv + b; auto res = min(d[va], d[vb]); while(va / 2 != vb / 2) { if(va % 2 == 0) res = min(res, d[va + 1]); if(vb % 2 == 1) res = min(res, d[vb - 1]); va /= 2; vb /= 2; } return res; } void insert(int w, int v) { w += lv; d[w].X = v; w /= 2; while(w) { d[w] = min(d[2 * w], d[2 * w + 1]); w /= 2; } } // x <= l pair<int, ii> query(int l, int y) { auto it = upper_bound(x.begin(), x.end(), l); int a = 0; int b = distance(x.begin(), it) - 1; ii p = _query(a, b); if(p.X > y) return {-1, {-1, -1}}; insert(p.Y, inf); return {ind[p.Y], {x[p.Y], p.X}}; } }; struct TreapNode { TreapNode *l, *r, *p; int x, y, q, lazyx, lazyy; TreapNode(int _x, int _y) { x = _x; y = _y; q = rand(); l = r = p = nullptr; lazyx = 0; lazyy = 0; } TreapNode* attach(TreapNode *ll, TreapNode *rr) { l = ll; r = rr; if(l != nullptr) l->p = this; if(r != nullptr) r->p = this; return this; } void push() { if(!lazyx && !lazyy) return ; x = max(x, lazyx); y = max(y, lazyy); if(l != nullptr) { l->lazyx = max(l->lazyx, lazyx); l->lazyy = max(l->lazyy, lazyy); } if(r != nullptr) { r->lazyx = max(r->lazyx, lazyx); r->lazyy = max(r->lazyy, lazyy); } lazyx = 0; lazyy = 0; } void print() { push(); cout << "["; if(l != nullptr) l->print(); cout << "]"; cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")["; if(r != nullptr) r->print(); cout << "]"; } }; struct Treap { TreapNode *root; map<int, TreapNode*> M; int total; Treap() { root = new TreapNode(0, 0); total = 1; } ~Treap() { for(auto p : M) delete p.Y; } TreapNode* merge(TreapNode *a, TreapNode *b) { if(a == nullptr) return b; if(b == nullptr) return a; a->push(); b->push(); if(a->q < b->q) return a->attach(a->l, merge(a->r, b)); else return b->attach(merge(a, b->l), b->r); } bool comp(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { return (x1 < x2 || y1 > y2); } pair<TreapNode*, TreapNode*> split(TreapNode *n, int x, int y) { if(n == nullptr) return {nullptr, nullptr}; n->push(); if(comp(x, y, n->x, n->y)) { TreapNode *m = n->l; n->attach(nullptr, n->r); auto p = split(m, x, y); return {p.X, n->attach(p.Y, n->r)}; } else { TreapNode *m = n->r; n->attach(n->l, nullptr); auto p = split(m, x, y); return {n->attach(n->l, p.X), p.Y}; } } void insert(int i, int x, int y) { TreapNode *n = new TreapNode(x, y); M[i] = n; auto p = split(root, x, y); root = merge(merge(p.X, n), p.Y); total++; } // dla x' <= x void maxy(int x, int v) { auto p = split(root, x, -1); if(p.X != nullptr) p.X->lazyy = max(p.X->lazyy, v); root = merge(p.X, p.Y); } // dla y' <= y void maxx(int y, int v) { auto p = split(root, inf, y+1); //~ cout << "maxx split" << endl; //~ if(p.X != nullptr) p.X->print(); cout << endl; //~ if(p.Y != nullptr) p.Y->print(); cout << endl; if(p.Y != nullptr) p.Y->lazyx = max(p.Y->lazyx, v); root = merge(p.X, p.Y); } void process_lazy_up(TreapNode *n) { if(n == nullptr) return ; process_lazy_up(n->p); n->push(); } ii query(int i) { TreapNode *n = M[i]; process_lazy_up(n); return {n->x, n->y}; } void print() { root->print(); cerr << endl; } void push(TreapNode *n) { if(n == nullptr) return ; n->push(); push(n->l); push(n->r); } vector<pair<int, ii> > pushall() { push(root); vector<pair<int, ii> > res; res.reserve(total); for(auto p : M) res.push_back({p.X, {p.Y->x, p.Y->y}}); return res; } }; struct Points { // inicjalizujemy punktami, ktore sie nie zmieniaja // wrzucamy wszystkie na drzewo i mape wektorow // treap pusty // przy kazdym zapytaniu najpierw aktualizujemy treapa, potem przerzucamy na niego punkty int n, m; Treap *T; SegmentTree *ST; set<int> on_treap; map<int, ii> initial_cor; static bool compp(const pair<int, ii> &a, const pair<int, ii> &b) { return a.Y.X < b.Y.X; } Points(vector<pair<int, ii> > &P, int n) { this->n = n; T = new Treap(); m = P.size(); sort(P.begin(), P.end(), compp); ST = new SegmentTree(P); for(auto p : P) initial_cor[p.X] = p.Y; } ~Points() { delete T; delete ST; } ii query(int i) { if(on_treap.count(i)) return T->query(i); else return initial_cor[i]; } void sweep_horizontally(int s) { T->maxx(s, n - s); pair<int, ii> p; while((p = ST->query(n - s, s)).X != -1) { T->insert(p.X, n - s, p.Y.Y); on_treap.insert(p.X); } } void sweep_vertically(int s) { T->maxy(s, n - s); pair<int, ii> p; while((p = ST->query(s, n - s)).X != -1) { T->insert(p.X, p.Y.X, n - s); on_treap.insert(p.X); } } int size() { return m; } vector<pair<int, ii> > get_all_points() { vector<pair<int, ii>> res = T->pushall(); for(auto p : initial_cor) { if(!on_treap.count(p.X)) res.push_back({p.X, p.Y}); } return res; } }; struct MasterPoints { int n; Points *I; vector<Points*> P; map<int, Points*> M; MasterPoints(vector<pair<int, ii> > &P, int n) { this->n = n; I = new Points(P, n); for(auto p : P) M[p.X] = I; } ii query(int i) { return M[i]->query(i); } void sweep_horizontally(int s) { I->sweep_horizontally(s); for(auto p : P) p->sweep_horizontally(s); } void sweep_vertically(int s) { I->sweep_vertically(s); for(auto p : P) p->sweep_vertically(s); } void add_point(int i, int x, int y) { vector<pair<int, ii> > PPP; PPP.push_back({i, {x, y}}); while(P.size() && P.back()->size() == PPP.size()) { auto P1 = P.back()->get_all_points(); delete P.back(); P.pop_back(); for(auto p : P1) PPP.push_back(p); } P.push_back(new Points(PPP, n)); for(auto p : PPP) M[p.X] = P.back(); //~ cerr << P.size() << endl; } }; int n, m, q; MasterPoints *PP; int main() { //~ scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &q); readint(n); readint(m); readint(q); vector<pair<int, ii> > P; for(int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i++) { int a, b; //~ scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); readint(a); readint(b); P.push_back({i, {a, b}}); } PP = new MasterPoints(P, n); int cnt = m; while(q--) { //~ cout << q << endl; int t; //~ scanf("%d", &t); readint(t); if(t == 1) { int i; //~ scanf("%d", &i); readint(i); ii p = PP->query(i); printf("%d %d\n", p.X, p.Y); } else if(t == 2) { int s; //~ scanf("%d", &s); readint(s); PP->sweep_horizontally(s); } else if(t == 3) { int s; //~ scanf("%d", &s); readint(s); PP->sweep_vertically(s); } else { int a, b; //~ scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); readint(a); readint(b); PP->add_point(++cnt, a, b); } //~ cout << "TREAP\n"; //~ PP->T->print(); } return 0; }

Compilation message (stderr)

sweeping.cpp: In constructor 'SegmentTree::SegmentTree(std::vector<std::pair<int, std::pair<int, int> > >)':
sweeping.cpp:47:21: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
   for(int i = 0 ; i < V.size() ; i++) {
sweeping.cpp: In member function 'void MasterPoints::add_point(int, int, int)':
sweeping.cpp:375:38: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
   while(P.size() && P.back()->size() == PPP.size()) {
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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