This submission is migrated from previous version of, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
// Compressed Fenwick trees over implicit HLD. Compression done using map<>.
// O(N log^2 N)
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using wgt = unsigned long long;
class Solver {
using day = int;
class IntervalTree {
struct node {
wgt val, add;
int l, r;
vector<node> T;
void upd(int i) {
node & n = T[i];
n.val += n.add;
if(n.l+1 < n.r) {
T[2*i].add += n.add;
T[2*i+1].add += n.add;
n.add = 0;
IntervalTree() {}
IntervalTree(int N) {
int b = 1;
while(b < N) b *= 2;
T.resize(2, {0, 0, 0, b});
for(int i = 1; ; i++) {
if(i == (int)T.size() || T[i].l+1 == T[i].r) break;
T.push_back({0, 0, T[i].l, (T[i].l+T[i].r)/2});
T.push_back({0, 0, (T[i].l+T[i].r)/2, T[i].r});
void add(int l, int r, wgt w_add, int i = 1) {
node & n = T[i];
if(n.l == l && n.r == r) {
n.add += w_add;
else if(n.add) upd(i);
if(n.l >= r || l >= n.r) return;
int c = (n.l + n.r) / 2;
if(n.l+1 < n.r) {
add(l, min(r, c), w_add, 2*i);
add(max(l, c), r, w_add, 2*i+1);
n.val = max(T[2*i].val, T[2*i+1].val);
void put(int pos, wgt w, int i = 1) {
node & n = T[i];
if(n.l == pos && n.r == pos+1) {
T[i].val = w;
T[i].add = 0;
else if(n.add) upd(i);
if(n.l > pos || pos >= n.r) return;
put(pos, w, 2*i);
put(pos, w, 2*i+1);
n.val = max(T[2*i].val, T[2*i+1].val);
wgt get_max(int pos, int i = 1) { // max [l..r)
node & n = T[i];
if(n.add) upd(i);
if(pos < n.l) return 0;
if(n.r == pos+1) return n.val;
int c = (n.l + n.r) / 2;
wgt best_lft = get_max(min(pos, c-1), 2*i);
if(pos < c) return best_lft;
wgt best_rt = get_max(pos, 2*i+1);
return max(best_lft, best_rt);
int N;
vector< vector<int> > son;
vector<wgt> W;
vector<day> D;
vector<int> sz, max_son;
vector<wgt> LIS_W; // largest increasing subgraph weight
void DFS_init(int R) {
int max_son_sz = 0;
for(auto v : son[R]) {
sz[R] += sz[v];
if(sz[v] > max_son_sz) {
max_son_sz = sz[v];
max_son[R] = v;
void compress(int R, map<day, int> & this_map, bool top = true) {
if(D[R]) this_map[D[R]-1] = 0;
for(auto v : son[R]) compress(v, this_map, false);
if(top) {
int n = 0;
for(auto & p : this_map) p.second = n++;
void DFS_solve(int R, map<day, int> & this_map, IntervalTree & this_ftree) {
if(max_son[R] == 0) {
if(D[R] > 0) {
LIS_W[R] = W[R];
this_ftree.put(this_map[D[R]-1], W[R]);
DFS_solve(max_son[R], this_map, this_ftree);
for(auto v : son[R]) if(v != max_son[R]) {
map<int, int> subtree_D_map;
compress(v, subtree_D_map);
int m = subtree_D_map.size();
IntervalTree subtree_ftree(m);
DFS_solve(v, subtree_D_map, subtree_ftree);
for(auto it = rbegin(subtree_D_map); it != rend(subtree_D_map); it++) {
// keys in this_map are a superset of keys for subtree_D_map
int this_compr_id = this_map[it->first];
int subtree_compr_id = it->second;
int this_compr_id_nxt;
if(it == rbegin(subtree_D_map)) this_compr_id_nxt = this_map.size();
else {
auto jt = it;
this_compr_id_nxt = this_map[jt->first];
wgt orig_value = this_ftree.get_max(this_compr_id);
wgt subtree_incr = subtree_ftree.get_max(subtree_compr_id);
this_ftree.put(this_compr_id, orig_value);
this_ftree.add(this_compr_id, this_compr_id_nxt, subtree_incr);
if(D[R] > 0) {
int this_compr_id = this_map[D[R]-1];
LIS_W[R] = this_ftree.get_max(this_compr_id) + W[R];
this_ftree.put(this_compr_id, LIS_W[R]);
Solver(vector< vector<int> > & son_, vector<wgt> & W_, vector<day> & D_) : N(son_.size()), son(son_), W(W_), D(D_) {
// D[v] == 0: v is empty
sz.resize(N, 1);
max_son.resize(N, 0); // 0: leaf
LIS_W.resize(N, 0);
wgt solve() {
map<day, int> full_D_map;
compress(0, full_D_map);
int m = full_D_map.size();
IntervalTree full_ftree(m);
DFS_solve(0, full_D_map, full_ftree);
return full_ftree.get_max(m-1);
int main() {
int N, M, K;
cin >> N >> M >> K;
vector<int> par(N, 0);
vector< vector<int> > son(N);
for(int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
cin >> par[i];
vector<wgt> W(N, 0);
vector<int> D(N, 0);
for(int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
int v, d, w;
cin >> v >> d >> w;
D[v] = d;
W[v] = w;
Solver solver(son, W, D);
cout << solver.solve() << "\n";
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |