Submission #164866

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
164866CaroLinda역사적 조사 (JOI14_historical)C++14
75 / 100
4043 ms148396 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> static struct FASTIO { char READ_CHARACTER; bool REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; inline void ignore(); inline void flush(); template <typename T> inline bool READ_INT(T &x); template <typename T> inline bool READ_STRING(T &x); /* Fast I/O Code Optimizer */ template<size_t N> inline bool READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char (&x)[N]); template<size_t N> inline bool READ_VAR(char (&x)[N]); /* A tool to optimize execution time of C++ codes by replacing methods of reading and writing variables */ template <typename T> inline bool READ_CHAR(T &x); inline bool READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char*& x); inline bool READ_GETLINE(std::string &x); /* Use it on */ template <typename T> inline bool READ_FLOAT(T &x); template <typename T> inline bool READ_DOUBLE(T &x); /* Github Project: */ template<std::size_t N> inline bool READ_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &bit); template<std::size_t N> inline bool READ_VAR(std::bitset<N> &bit); inline bool READ_VAR(bool &x); inline bool READ_VAR(short int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(long int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(long long int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned short int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned int &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned long &x); inline bool READ_VAR(unsigned long long &x); inline bool READ_VAR(std::string &x); inline bool READ_VAR(char &x); inline bool READ_VAR(char*& x); inline bool READ_VAR(float &x); inline bool READ_VAR(double &x); inline bool READ_VAR(long double &x); template <typename T> inline void WRITE_INT(T x); inline void WRITE_STRING(std::string &x); inline void WRITE_CHAR(char x); inline void WRITE_CHAR_ARRAY(const char *x); inline void WRITE_FLOAT(float x); template <typename T> inline void WRITE_DOUBLE(T x); inline void WRITE_VAR(bool x); inline void WRITE_VAR(short int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(long int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(long long int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned short int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned int x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned long x); inline void WRITE_VAR(unsigned long long x); inline void WRITE_VAR(char x); inline void WRITE_VAR(const char *x); inline void WRITE_VAR(std::string &x); inline void WRITE_VAR(float x); inline void WRITE_VAR(double x); inline void WRITE_VAR(long double x); template<std::size_t N> inline void WRITE_VAR(std::bitset<N> &bit); template<std::size_t N> inline void WRITE_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &bit); } __FIO__; #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define lp(i,a,b) for(int i = a ; i < b ; i++ ) #define ff first #define ss second #define sz size() #define ll long long #define mk make_pair #define pii pair<int,int> #define pb push_back #define debug #define sq 317 #pragma GCC optmization("O3") const int MAXN=1e5+10 ; using namespace std ; int n , q , qtdB ; int a[MAXN] , b[MAXN] , ini[MAXN] , fim[MAXN] ; ll freqTemp[MAXN] , compr[MAXN] ; ll resp[sq][sq] ,freq[sq][MAXN] ; map<int,int> mapa ; int main() { scanf("%d%d", &n , &q) ; lp(i,0,n) scanf("%d", &a[i]) ; for(int i = 0 , j = 0 , k = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , j++ ) { if( j == sq ) { fim[k] = i-1 ; ini[++k] = i ; j = 0 ; } b[i] = k ; if( i == n-1 ) fim[k] = n-1 , qtdB = k ; } lp(i,0,n) debug("%d " , b[i]) ; debug("\n") ; lp(i,0,qtdB+1) debug("%d %d\n" , ini[i] , fim[i]) ; debug("\n") ; lp(i,0,n) mapa[ a[i] ] = 0 ; int Key = 1 ; for(auto &p : mapa ) = Key ++ ; lp(i,0,n) a[i] = mapa[a[i]] ; for(auto &p : mapa ) compr[] = 1LL * p.ff ; for(int i = 0 ; i <= qtdB ; i++ ) for(int j = ini[i] ; j < n ; j++ ) freq[i][ a[j] ] += compr[a[j]] ; for(int i = 0 ; i <= qtdB ; i++ ) for(int j = i ; j <= qtdB ; j++ ) { if( j-1 >= 0 ) resp[i][j] = resp[i][j-1] ; for(int k = ini[j] ; k <= fim[j] ; k++ ) resp[i][j] = max( resp[i][j] , freq[i][ a[k] ] - freq[j+1][ a[k] ] ) ; } while(q--) { int l , r ; scanf("%d%d", &l, &r ) ; l -- , r -- ; ll ans = 0LL ; if( b[l] == b[r] || b[l] == b[r]-1 ) { for(int i = l ; i <= r ; i++ ) freqTemp[a[i]] += compr[a[i]] ; ans = *max_element(freqTemp, freqTemp + Key) ; for(int i = l ; i <= r ; i++ ) freqTemp[a[i]] = 0LL ; } else { ans = resp[ b[l]+1 ][ b[r]-1 ] ; vector<int> aux ; for(int i = l ; i <= fim[b[l]] ; i++ ) { aux.pb( a[i] ) ; freqTemp[a[i]] += compr[a[i]] ; if( freqTemp[a[i]] + freq[b[l]+1][a[i]] - freq[b[r]][a[i]] > ans ) ans = freqTemp[a[i]] + freq[b[l]+1][a[i]] - freq[b[r]][a[i]] ; } for(int i = r ; i >= ini[b[r]] ; i-- ) { aux.pb( a[i] ) ; freqTemp[a[i]] += compr[a[i]] ; if( freqTemp[a[i]] + freq[b[l]+1][a[i]] - freq[b[r]][a[i]] > ans ) ans = freqTemp[a[i]] + freq[b[l]+1][a[i]] - freq[b[r]][a[i]] ; } for(int i : aux ) freqTemp[i] = 0LL ; } printf("%lld\n" , ans ) ; } } #undef lp #undef lp #undef ff #undef ss #undef sz #undef ll #undef mk #undef pii #undef pb #undef debug #undef sq inline void FASTIO::ignore() { if(REMAINING_CHARACTER == true) REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; else READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); } inline void FASTIO::flush() { fflush(stdout); } // cin modifications template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_INT(T &x) { x = 0; T sig = 1; if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while (!isdigit(READ_CHARACTER) && READ_CHARACTER != EOF) sig = (READ_CHARACTER == '-' ? -sig : sig), READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while (isdigit(READ_CHARACTER)) x = x * 10 + READ_CHARACTER - '0', READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); x *= sig; REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; return true; } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_STRING(T &x) { x = ""; if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while ((READ_CHARACTER != '\n' && READ_CHARACTER != '\t' && READ_CHARACTER != ' ' && READ_CHARACTER != EOF)) x += READ_CHARACTER, READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; return true; } inline bool FASTIO::READ_GETLINE(std::string &x) { x = ""; if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while ((READ_CHARACTER != '\n' && READ_CHARACTER != EOF)) x += READ_CHARACTER, READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; return true; } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_CHAR(T &x) { if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); x = READ_CHARACTER; REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; return true; } template<size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char (&x)[N]) { if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; char *ptr = &x[0]; while ((READ_CHARACTER != '\n' && READ_CHARACTER != '\t' && READ_CHARACTER != ' ' && READ_CHARACTER != EOF)) *ptr++ = READ_CHARACTER, READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); *ptr = '\0', REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; return true; } inline bool FASTIO::READ_CHAR_ARRAY(char*& x) { std::string y; if(READ_STRING(y) == false) return false; x = new char[(int)y.size() + 1]; strcpy(x, y.c_str()); return true; } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_FLOAT(T &x) { return (scanf("%f", &x) != EOF); } template <typename T> inline bool FASTIO::READ_DOUBLE(T &x) { double y; if(scanf("%lf", &y) == EOF) return false; x = y; return true; } template<std::size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &x) { if(!REMAINING_CHARACTER) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(), REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; else REMAINING_CHARACTER = false; while ((READ_CHARACTER == '\n' || READ_CHARACTER == '\t' || READ_CHARACTER == ' ')) READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); if(READ_CHARACTER == EOF) return REMAINING_CHARACTER = false, false; int i = 0; REMAINING_CHARACTER = true; while (READ_CHARACTER == '0' || READ_CHARACTER == '1') x[i++] = READ_CHARACTER - '0', READ_CHARACTER = getchar(); return true; } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(short int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(long int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(long long int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned short int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned int &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned long &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(unsigned long long &x) { return READ_INT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(std::string &x) { return READ_STRING(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(char &x) { return READ_CHAR(x); } template<size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(char (&x)[N]) { return READ_CHAR_ARRAY(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(char*& x) { return READ_CHAR_ARRAY(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(float &x) { return READ_FLOAT(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(double &x) { return READ_DOUBLE(x); } inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(long double &x) { return READ_DOUBLE(x); } template<std::size_t N> inline bool FASTIO::READ_VAR(std::bitset<N> &x) { return READ_BITSET(x); } // cout modifications template <typename T> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_INT(T x) { if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; } char writeBuffer[20], *writePtr = writeBuffer; do { *writePtr++ = '0' + x % 10; x /= 10; } while (x); do { putchar(*--writePtr); } while (writePtr > writeBuffer); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_CHAR(char x) { putchar(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_CHAR_ARRAY(const char *x) { while(*x != '\0') putchar(*x++); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_STRING(std::string &x) { for(char c: x) putchar(c); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_FLOAT(float x) { printf("%f", x); } template <typename T> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_DOUBLE(T x) { printf("%lf", (double)x); } template<std::size_t N> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_BITSET(std::bitset<N> &x) { for(int i = (int)x.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) putchar(x[i] + 48); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(bool x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(short int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(long int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(long long int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned short int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned int x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned long x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(unsigned long long x) { WRITE_INT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(std::string &x) { WRITE_STRING(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(char x) { WRITE_CHAR(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(const char *x) { WRITE_CHAR_ARRAY(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(float x) { WRITE_FLOAT(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(double x) { WRITE_DOUBLE(x); } inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(long double x) { WRITE_DOUBLE(x); } template<std::size_t N> inline void FASTIO::WRITE_VAR(std::bitset<N> &x) { WRITE_BITSET(x); }

Compilation message (stderr)

historic.cpp:46:0: warning: ignoring #pragma GCC optmization [-Wunknown-pragmas]
 #pragma GCC optmization("O3")
historic.cpp: In function 'int main()':
historic.cpp:76:29: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  lp(i,0,n) debug("%d " , b[i]) ;
historic.cpp:77:14: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  debug("\n") ;
historic.cpp:78:40: warning: left operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  lp(i,0,qtdB+1) debug("%d %d\n" , ini[i] , fim[i]) ;
historic.cpp:78:40: warning: right operand of comma operator has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  lp(i,0,qtdB+1) debug("%d %d\n" , ini[i] , fim[i]) ;
historic.cpp:79:14: warning: statement has no effect [-Wunused-value]
  debug("\n") ;
historic.cpp: In instantiation of 'void FASTIO::WRITE_INT(T) [with T = bool]':
historic.cpp:366:14:   required from here
historic.cpp:325:9: warning: comparison of constant '0' with boolean expression is always false [-Wbool-compare]
   if (x < 0) {putchar('-'); x = -x; }
historic.cpp:61:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  scanf("%d%d", &n , &q) ;
historic.cpp:62:17: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  lp(i,0,n) scanf("%d", &a[i]) ;
historic.cpp:105:8: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
   scanf("%d%d", &l, &r ) ;
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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