Submission #155886

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
155886mhy908Land of the Rainbow Gold (APIO17_rainbow)C++14
0 / 100
196 ms157048 KiB
#include "rainbow.h" #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define pb push_back #define mp make_pair #define all(t) t.begin(), t.end() using namespace std; typedef long long LL; struct MERGE_SORT_TREE { struct NODE { int st, fin; int l, r; vector<int> vc; }; NODE tree[1000010]; int x; void initt(int point, int num){ if(num==1){ x++; tree[point].st=x; tree[point].fin=x; } if(num<=1)return; initt(point*2, num-num/2); initt(point*2+1, num/2); tree[point].st=tree[point*2].st; tree[point].fin=tree[point*2+1].fin; } void in_MST(int point, int num, int p) { tree[point].vc.pb(p); if(tree[point].st==tree[point].fin)return; int mid=(tree[point].st+tree[point].fin)/2; if(num<=mid)in_MST(point*2, num, p); else in_MST(point*2+1, num, p); } void relax(int point){ sort(all(tree[point].vc)); if(tree[point].st==tree[point].fin)return; relax(point*2); relax(point*2+1); } int sumrange(int point, int xl, int xr, int yl, int yr){ int ret; if(tree[point].st>=xl&&tree[point].fin<=xr) return ret=upper_bound(all(tree[point].vc), yr)-lower_bound(all(tree[point].vc), yl); if(tree[point].st>xr||tree[point].fin<xl)return 0; return sumrange(point*2, xl, xr, yl, yr)+sumrange(point*2+1, xl, xr, yl, yr); } MERGE_SORT_TREE(){x=0; initt(1, 200010);} void update(LL num, LL p){ in_MST(1, (int)num, (int)p); } int get_sum(int xl, int yl, int xr, int yr){ if(xl>xr||yl>yr)return 0; return sumrange(1, xl, xr, yl, yr); } }; MERGE_SORT_TREE segv, segdown, segright, segreal; int n, m; unordered_set<LL> s1, s2, s3, s4; void inseg(int xx, int yy) { LL x=(LL)xx, y=(LL)yy; if(!s1.count(300000*x+y)){ s1.insert(300000*x+y); segv.update(x, y); } x++; if(!s1.count(300000*x+y)){ s1.insert(300000*x+y); segv.update(x, y); } x--; y++; if(!s1.count(300000*x+y)){ s1.insert(300000*x+y); segv.update(x, y); } x++; if(!s1.count(300000*x+y)){ s1.insert(300000*x+y); segv.update(x, y); } x--; y--; if(!s2.count(300000*x+y)){ s2.insert(300000*x+y); segdown.update(x, y); } y++; if(!s2.count(300000*x+y)){ s2.insert(300000*x+y); segdown.update(x, y); } y--; if(!s3.count(300000*x+y)){ s3.insert(300000*x+y); segright.update(x, y); } x++; if(!s3.count(300000*x+y)){ s3.insert(300000*x+y); segright.update(x, y); } x--; if(!s4.count(300000*x+y)){ s4.insert(300000*x+y); segreal.update(x, y); } } void init(int R, int C, int sr, int sc, int M, char S[]){ n=R; m=C; inseg(sr, sc); for(int i=0; i<M; i++){ if(S[i]=='N')sr--; if(S[i]=='S')sr++; if(S[i]=='W')sc--; if(S[i]=='E')sc++; inseg(sr, sc); } segreal.relax(1); segv.relax(1); segdown.relax(1); segright.relax(1); } int colour(int xst, int yst, int xfin, int yfin){ int realv=segreal.get_sum(xst, yst, xfin, yfin); int v=segv.get_sum(xst+1, yst+1, xfin, yfin)+2*(xfin-xst+yfin-yst+2); int e=segdown.get_sum(xst+1, yst, xfin, yfin)+segright.get_sum(xst, yst+1, xfin, yfin)+2*(xfin-xst+yfin-yst+2); int c=1; if(segreal.get_sum(xst, yst, xst, yfin)||segreal.get_sum(xfin, yst, xfin, yfin)||segreal.get_sum(xst, yst, xfin, yst)||segreal.get_sum(xst, yfin, xfin, yfin))c++; return e-v+c-realv; }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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