Submission #155263

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
155263mhy908Land of the Rainbow Gold (APIO17_rainbow)C++14
Compilation error
0 ms0 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define F first #define S second #define pb push_back #define llinf 8987654321987654321 #define inf 1987654321 using namespace std; typedef long long LL; typedef pair<int, int> pii; typedef pair<LL, LL> pll; struct DYNAMIC_SEGMENT_TREE { struct NODE { int st, fin; int l, r; LL sum; NODE(){sum=0;l=0;r=0;} }; vector<NODE> tree; int newNode(int a, int b) { NODE temp;; temp.fin=b; tree.push_back(temp); return tree.size()-1; } void in_DST(int point, int num, LL p, bool strong) { NODE here=tree[point]; if({ if(strong)here.sum=p; else here.sum+=p; tree[point]=here; return; } int mid=(; if(!here.l)here.l=newNode(, mid); if(!here.r)here.r=newNode(mid+1, here.fin); if(num<=mid)in_DST(here.l, num, p, strong); else in_DST(here.r, num, p, strong); here.sum=tree[here.l].sum+tree[here.r].sum; tree[point]=here; } LL sumrange(int point, int a, int b){ if(tree[point].st>=a&&tree[point].fin<=b) return tree[point].sum; if(tree[point].st>b||tree[point].fin<a||tree[point].sum==0) return 0; return sumrange(tree[point].l, a, b)+sumrange(tree[point].r, a, b); } DYNAMIC_SEGMENT_TREE(){newNode(1, 500000);} void update(int num, LL p, bool strong){ in_DST(0, num, p, strong); } LL get_sum(int a, int b){ return sumrange(0, a, b); } }; struct TWO_DIMENSIONAL_SEGMENT_TREE { struct NODE { int st, fin; int l, r; DYNAMIC_SEGMENT_TREE dst; LL sum; NODE(){l=0;r=0;sum=0;} }; vector<NODE> tree; int newNode(int a, int b) { NODE temp;; temp.fin=b; tree.push_back(temp); return tree.size()-1; } void in_DST(int point, int numx, int numy, LL p) { //printf("%d %d %d %lld %d %d\n", point, numx, numy, p, tree[point].st, tree[point].fin); if(tree[point].st==tree[point].fin){ tree[point].dst.update(numy, p, true); return; } int mid=(tree[point].st+tree[point].fin)/2; if(!tree[point].l)tree[point].l=newNode(tree[point].st, mid); if(!tree[point].r)tree[point].r=newNode(mid+1, tree[point].fin); if(numx<=mid)in_DST(tree[point].l, numx, numy, p); else in_DST(tree[point].r, numx, numy, p); tree[point].sum+=p; tree[point].dst.update(numy, p, false); } LL sumrange(int point, int ax, int ay, int bx, int by){ //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n", point, ax, bx, tree[point].st, tree[point].fin); if(tree[point].st>=ax&&tree[point].fin<=bx) return tree[point].dst.get_sum(ay, by); if(tree[point].st>bx||tree[point].fin<ax||tree[point].sum==0) return 0; return tree[point].l?sumrange(tree[point].l, ax, ay, bx, by):0+tree[point].r?sumrange(tree[point].r, ax, ay, bx, by):0; } TWO_DIMENSIONAL_SEGMENT_TREE() {newNode(1, 500000);} void update(int numx, int numy, LL p){ in_DST(0, numx, numy, p); } LL get_sum(int a, int b, int c, int d){ return sumrange(0, a, b, c, d); } }seg;

Compilation message (stderr)

/tmp/ccKCsItF.o: In function `main':
grader.cpp:(.text.startup+0xcc): undefined reference to `init(int, int, int, int, int, char*)'
grader.cpp:(.text.startup+0x131): undefined reference to `colour(int, int, int, int)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status