Submission #148661

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
148661anonymousRace (IOI11_race)C++14
21 / 100
605 ms20564 KiB
#include "race.h" #include<vector> #include<map> #include<utility> #include<iostream> using namespace std; vector <pair<int,int> > adj[200005]; map <int,pair<pair<int,int>, pair<int,int> > > M; bool del[200005]; int Size[200005],SubtreeSize, Centroid, out=42069666,K; int genSize(int u, int prev) { if (del[u]) {return(0);} Size[u]=1; //size for (auto v: adj[u]) { if (v.first != prev) {Size[u]+=genSize(v.first,u);} } return(Size[u]); } void genDists(int u, int depth, int e, int prev, int branch) { //generate distances from root //printf("derp"); if (depth>(1<<20) or del[u]) {return;} if (M.find(depth) == M.end()) { M[depth].first.first=branch; //{branch, e} M[depth].first.second=e; M[depth].second.first=-1; M[depth].second.second=1<<30; } else { if (M[depth].first.second>=e) { M[depth].second.second=M[depth].first.second; M[depth].second.first=M[depth].first.first; M[depth].first.second=e; M[depth].first.first=branch; } else if (M[depth].second.second>=e) { M[depth].second.second=e; M[depth].second.first=branch; } } //printf("%d %d\n",depth,M[depth]); for (auto v: adj[u]) { if (v.first != prev) {genDists(v.first,depth+v.second,e+1,u, e ? branch: v.first);} //e is number of edges used } } void FindCentroid(int u, int prev) { if (del[u] or Centroid or SubtreeSize<=1) {return;} bool good=true; //break if node done, centroid found, subtree bad for (auto v: adj[u]) { if ((!del[v.first]) and v.first != prev and 2*Size[v.first]>SubtreeSize) { //printf("%d %d %d\n",u,v.first,Size[v.first]); good=false; break; } } if (Size[u]*2<SubtreeSize) {good=false;} if (good) { genDists(u,0,0,0,0); for (auto val: M) { if (M.find(K-val.first) != M.end()) { if (M[K-val.first].first.first != val.second.first.first) { out=min(out,val.second.first.second+M[K-val.first].first.second); //printf("%d %d\n",val.first,val.second.first.second+M[K-val.first].first.second); } if (M[K-val.first].second.first != val.second.first.first) { out=min(out,val.second.first.second+M[K-val.first].second.second); //printf("%d %d\n",val.first,val.second.first.second+M[K-val.first].first.second); } } } Centroid=u; del[u]=true; } else { for (auto v: adj[u]) { if (v.first != prev) {FindCentroid(v.first,u);} } } } void calcAnswer(int u) { if (del[u]) {return;} SubtreeSize=genSize(u,0); FindCentroid(u,0); //printf("CENTROID IS %d. Subtree Size is %d\n",Centroid,SubtreeSize); int temp=Centroid; Centroid=0; M.clear(); for (auto v: adj[temp]) { calcAnswer(v.first); } } int best_path(int n, int k, int H[][2], int L[]) { K=k; for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++) { adj[H[i][0]+1].push_back({H[i][1]+1,L[i]}); adj[H[i][1]+1].push_back({H[i][0]+1,L[i]}); } //1 indexify calcAnswer(1); return(out<=n ? out : -1); }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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