Submission #1130013

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
1130013Math4Life2020Two Currencies (JOI23_currencies)C++20
0 / 100
119 ms134320 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using ll = long long; using pii = pair<ll,ll>; const ll Nm = 1e5+5; const ll E = 18; const ll INF = 1e18; struct Node { //map<ll,ll> m0; //cost->number //map<ll,pii> mps; //aggregate: cost -> {# <=cost, val <=cost} vector<pii> m0; vector<array<ll,3>> mps; ll ncp = 0; void prc() { ll n0=0; ll v0=0; //mps[-INF]={0,0}; mps.push_back({-INF,0LL,0LL}); for (pii p0: m0) { ll c1 = p0.first; ll n1 = p0.second; n0+=n1; v0+=n1*c1; //mps[c1]={n0,v0}; mps.push_back({c1,n0,v0}); } } Node(){} Node(vector<ll> v1) { map<ll,ll> mtest; for (ll x: v1) { mtest[x]++; } ncp = v1.size(); for (pii p0: mtest) { m0.push_back(p0); } prc(); } Node(Node n1, Node n2) { map<ll,ll> mtest; for (pii p0: n1.m0) { mtest[p0.first]+=p0.second; } for (pii p0: n2.m0) { mtest[p0.first]+=p0.second; } ncp = n1.ncp+n2.ncp; for (pii p0: mtest) { m0.push_back(p0); } prc(); } pii qry(ll x) { auto A0 = --upper_bound(mps.begin(),mps.end(),(array<ll,3>){x,INF,INF}); return {(*A0)[1],(*A0)[2]}; } }; ll bjump[Nm][E]; Node ejump[Nm][E]; pii ett[Nm][E]; vector<pii> adj[Nm]; vector<ll> fadj[Nm]; ll radj[Nm]; ll locr[Nm]; //location of road (aka location of child) ll ht[Nm]; ll floc[Nm]; inline ll gp(ll x, ll e) { if (x<0) { return x; } return bjump[x][e]; } inline pii fz(pii p1, pii p2) { if (p1.second<p2.second) { return p1; } else { return p2; } } inline ll l2(ll x) { return (31-__builtin_clz(x)); } inline ll v2(ll x) { return __builtin_ctz(x); } ll lca(ll x, ll y) { x = floc[x]; y = floc[y]; if (x>y) { swap(x,y); } ll lv = l2(y-x+1); return (fz(ett[x][lv],ett[y-(1<<lv)+1][lv]).first); } pii ginf(vector<Node*>& v1, ll cst) { pii vf = {0,0}; for (auto A0: v1) { pii v2 = A0->qry(cst); vf = {vf.first+v2.first,vf.second+v2.second}; } return vf; //{number, total cost} } ll qry(vector<Node*>& v1, ll y) { ll xmin = 0; ll xmax = 1e10; //first binary search for the largest value of xtest //for which ginf(xtest).second <= y //store pair at this value while (xmin < xmax) { ll xtest = (xmin+xmax+1)/2; if ((ginf(v1,xtest).second)<=y) { xmin = xtest; } else { xmax = xtest-1; } } pii p1 = ginf(v1,xmin); pii p2 = ginf(v1,xmin+1); if (p1.first==p2.first || p1.second==y) { return p1.first; } else { ll vext = y-p1.second; ll cst = (p2.second-p1.second)/(p2.first-p1.first); //assert(cst==(xmin+1)); return (p1.first+vext/cst); } } int main() { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); ll N,M,Q; cin >> N >> M >> Q; for (ll i=0;i<(N-1);i++) { ll a,b; cin >> a >> b; a--; b--; adj[a].push_back({b,i}); adj[b].push_back({a,i}); } radj[0]=-1; ht[0]=0; queue<ll> q0; q0.push(0); while (!q0.empty()) { ll x = q0.front(); q0.pop(); for (pii p0: adj[x]) { ll y = p0.first; if (y != radj[x]) { fadj[x].push_back(y); radj[y]=x; locr[p0.second]=y; q0.push(y); ht[y]=1+ht[x]; } } } vector<ll> ettv; stack<pii> st0; st0.push({0,0}); while (!st0.empty()) { pii p0 =; st0.pop(); ll x = p0.first; ll t = p0.second; ettv.push_back(x); if (t==0) { floc[x]=ettv.size()-1; for (ll y: fadj[x]) { st0.push({x,1}); st0.push({y,0}); } } } for (ll i=0;i<ettv.size();i++) { ett[i][0]={ettv[i],ht[ettv[i]]}; } for (ll e=1;e<E;e++) { for (ll i=0;i<=(Nm-(1<<e));i++) { ett[i][e]=fz(ett[i][e-1],ett[i+(1<<(e-1))][e-1]); } } vector<ll> costE[Nm]; for (ll m=0;m<M;m++) { ll p,c; cin >> p >> c; p--; costE[locr[p]].push_back(c); } for (ll i=0;i<N;i++) { bjump[i][0]=radj[i]; } if (N<=2000) { exit(0); } for (ll i=0;i<N;i++) { ejump[i][0]=Node(costE[i]); } if (N<=2000) { for (ll e=1;e<E;e++) { for (ll i=0;i<N;i++) { if (bjump[i][e-1]==-1) { bjump[i][e]=bjump[i][e-1]; ejump[i][e]=ejump[i][e-1]; } else { bjump[i][e]=bjump[bjump[i][e-1]][e-1]; ejump[i][e]=Node(ejump[i][e-1],ejump[bjump[i][e-1]][e-1]); } } } } else { exit(0); } for (ll q=0;q<Q;q++) { ll s,t,x,y; cin >> s >> t >> x >> y; s--; t--; if (s==t) { cout << x << "\n"; continue; } //exit(0); ll lc = lca(s,t); //cout << "lc="<<lc<<"\n"; exit(0); //cout << "lca of s,t="<<s<<","<<t<<" is "<<lc<<"\n"; //ll dist0 = ht[s]+ht[t]-2*ht[lc]; vector<Node*> vq; ll ntoll = 0; while (s != lc) { ll dht = ht[s]-ht[lc]; ll ldh = l2(dht); vq.push_back(&ejump[s][ldh]); ntoll += ejump[s][ldh].ncp; s=bjump[s][ldh]; } while (t != lc) { ll dht = ht[t]-ht[lc]; ll ldh = l2(dht); vq.push_back(&ejump[t][ldh]); ntoll += ejump[t][ldh].ncp; t=bjump[t][ldh]; } ll maxr = qry(vq,y); ll gused = max(0LL,ntoll-maxr); //cout << "ntoll,maxr="<<ntoll<<","<<maxr<<"\n"; if (x<gused) { cout << "-1\n"; } else { cout << (x-gused) <<"\n"; } // cout << "maxr="<<maxr<<"\n"; // cout << "dist0="<<dist0<<"\n"; // if ((maxr+x)>=dist0) { // cout << (maxr+x-dist0) <<"\n"; // } else { // cout << "-1\n"; // } } }
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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