# | TimeUTC-0 | Username | Problem | Language | Result | Execution time | Memory |
1122196 | Hamed_Ghaffari | Sumtree (INOI20_sumtree) | C++17 | 543 ms | 160332 KiB |
This submission is migrated from previous version of oj.uz, which used different machine for grading. This submission may have different result if resubmitted.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;
using pii = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<long long, long long>;
using ull = unsigned long long;
#define X first
#define Y second
#define SZ(x) int(x.size())
#define all(x) x.begin(), x.end()
#define mins(a,b) (a = min(a,b))
#define maxs(a,b) (a = max(a,b))
#define pb push_back
#define Mp make_pair
#define lc id<<1
#define rc lc|1
#define mid ((l+r)/2)
mt19937_64 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
const ll INF = 1e9 + 23;
const ll MOD = 1e9 + 7;
const int MXN = 2e5 + 5;
const int MXR = 5e5 + 5;
const int LOG = 23;
ll F[MXR], I[MXR];
ll C(int n, int r) {
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
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# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |
# | Verdict | Execution time | Memory | Grader output |
Fetching results... |