Submission #108762

# Submission time Handle Problem Language Result Execution time Memory
108762 2019-05-01T15:41:58 Z Jatana Secret (JOI14_secret) C++17
100 / 100
553 ms 4692 KB

#ifdef aimbot
#pragma comment(linker, "/stack:200000000")
#pragma GCC optimize("Ofast")
#pragma GCC target("sse,sse2,sse3,ssse3,sse4,popcnt,abm,mmx,avx,tune=native")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <ostream>
#include <istream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <fstream>
#include <array>
#include <list>
#include <bitset>
#include <functional>
#include <random>
#include <cstring>
#include <chrono>

#define random escape__from__random__aetuhoetnuhshe
#define mt make_tuple
#define x first
#define y second
#define pb push_back
#define ppb pop_back
#define mp make_pair
#define umap unordered_map
#define uset unordered_set
#define elif else if
#define len(v) ((int)v.size())
#define f(i, n) for (int i = 0; i < (n); i++)
#define rof(i, n) for (int i = ((n) - 1); i >= 0; i--)
#define apply(v, act) for (auto &x : v) { act; }
#define log(args...) {string s = #args;deque<string> deq;\
string buf = "";int bal = 0;for (char c : s) {\
if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{') {bal++;\
} else if (c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}') {\
bal--;} else {if (bal == 0) {if (c == ',') {\
deq.pb(buf);buf = "";} else {if (c != ' ') {\
buf += c;}}}}}if (!buf.empty()) {deq.pb(buf);}\
smart_io::precall_print();smart_io::_print(deq, args);}

inline int min(const int &x, const int &y) { return (((y-x)>>(32-1))&(x^y))^x; }
inline int max(const int &x, const int &y) { return (((y-x)>>(32-1))&(x^y))^y; }
inline long long min(const long long &x, const long long &y) { return (((y-x)>>(64-1))&(x^y))^x; }
inline long long max(const long long &x, const long long &y) { return (((y-x)>>(64-1))&(x^y))^y; }

#define print    \
smart_io::precall_print(); \

#define scan cin,

#ifdef fast_allocator
const int MAXMEM = 200 * 1000 * 1024;
char _memory[MAXMEM];
size_t _ptr = 0;
void* operator new(size_t _x) { _ptr += _x; assert(_ptr < MAXMEM); return _memory + _ptr - _x; }
void operator delete (void*) noexcept {}

using namespace std;

char string_in_buffer[(int)260];

void fast_scan(int &x) { scanf("%d", &x); }
void fast_scan(long long &x) { scanf("%lld", &x); }
void fast_scan(unsigned long long &x) { scanf("%llu", &x); }
void fast_scan(double &x) { scanf("%lf", &x); }
void fast_scan(long double &x) { scanf("%Lf", &x); }
void fast_scan(char &x) {
	scanf("%c", &x);
	if (x == '\n') {
void fast_scan(string &x) {
	scanf("%s", string_in_buffer);
	x = string(string_in_buffer);

template<class TFirst, class TSecond>
void fast_scan(pair<TFirst, TSecond> &p) {

template <class T>
void fast_scan(vector<T> &v) {
	for (auto &x : v) fast_scan(x);

void fast_print(const int &x) { printf("%d", x); }
void fast_print(const unsigned int &x) { printf("%u", x); }
void fast_print(const long long &x) { printf("%lld", x); }
void fast_print(const unsigned long long &x) { printf("%llu", x); }
void fast_print(const double &x) { printf("%.15lf", x); }
void fast_print(const long double &x) { printf("%.15Lf", x); }
void fast_print(const char &x) { printf("%c", x); };
void fast_print(const string &x) { printf("%s", x.c_str());}
void fast_print(const char v[]) { fast_print((string)v); }

template<class TFirst, class TSecond>
void fast_print(const pair<TFirst, TSecond> &p) {
	fast_print(' ');

template <class T>
void fast_print(const vector<T> &v) {
	if (v.empty()) return;
	for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++) {
		fast_print(' ');

template <class T>
void fast_print(const vector<vector<T>> &v) {
	if (v.empty()) return;
	for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); i++) {

template <class T>
void fast_print(const T &v) {
	for (const auto &x : v) {
		fast_print(' ');

using namespace std;

namespace smart_io {
	string print_start = "";
	string sep = " ";
	bool first_print = false;
	void precall_print() {
		print_start = "\n";
		first_print = true;
	void _print(deque<string>) {}
	template<class T, class... Args>
	void _print(deque<string> names, T elem, Args... args) {
		if (!first_print) {
		} else {
			first_print = false;
		fast_print(" = ");
		_print(names, args...);
} //namespace smart_io

template <class T>
ostream &operator,(ostream &os, const T &object) {
	if (!smart_io::first_print) {
	} else {
		smart_io::first_print = false;
	return os;

template <class T>
istream &operator,(istream &is, T &object) {
	return is;

namespace random {
	using namespace std::chrono;
	mt19937 rng(duration_cast< milliseconds >(
	uniform_real_distribution<> prob_dist(0.0, 1.0);

namespace typedefs {
	typedef long long ll;
	typedef unsigned long long ull;
	typedef pair<int, int> pii;
	typedef long double ld;

namespace numbers_operation {
	template<class T>
	T floor_mod(T a, T b) {
		if (a >= 0 && b >= 0) return a % b;
		if (a <= 0 && b <= 0) return a % b;
		return abs(b) - (abs(a) % abs(b));

using namespace numbers_operation;
using namespace typedefs;
using namespace random;

// int Secret(int x, int y) {
// 	return x ^ y;
// }
int Secret(int, int);

int N;
int *A;

const int M = 1024;
vector<int> L[2 * M + 1], R[2 * M + 1];

void go(int i, int l, int r) {
	if (r - l <= 2) return;
	int m = (l + r) / 2;
	for (int j = m + 1; j < r; j++) {
		R[i].pb(Secret(R[i].back(), A[j]));
	L[i].pb(A[m - 1]);
	for (int j = m - 2; j >= l; j--) {
		L[i].pb(Secret(A[j], L[i].back()));
	go(i * 2 + 1, l, m);
	go(i * 2 + 2, m, r);

int query(int i, int tl, int tr, int ql, int qr) {
	int m = (tl + tr) / 2;
	if (ql <= m && m - 1 <= qr) {
		int A = (ql != m) ? L[i][m - 1 - ql] : -1;
		int B = (qr != m - 1) ? R[i][qr - m] : -1;
		if (A == -1) return B;
		if (B == -1) return A;
		return Secret(A, B);
	} else {
		if (qr < m) return query(i * 2 + 1, tl, m, ql, qr);
		return query(i * 2 + 2, m, tr, ql, qr);

void Init(int _N, int *_A) {
	N = _N;
	A = _A;
	go(0, 0, N);

int Query(int L, int R) {
	if (L == R) return A[L];
	if (L + 1 == R) return Secret(A[L], A[R]);
	return query(0, 0, N, L, R);

// signed main(signed argc, char *argv[]) {
// 	int n = 5;
// 	int *a = new int[n];
// 	f(i, n) a[i] = i;
// 	Init(n, a);
// 	print Query(2, 4);
// }

Compilation message

secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(int&)':
secret.cpp:84:31: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void fast_scan(int &x) { scanf("%d", &x); }
secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(long long int&)':
secret.cpp:85:37: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void fast_scan(long long &x) { scanf("%lld", &x); }
secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(long long unsigned int&)':
secret.cpp:86:46: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void fast_scan(unsigned long long &x) { scanf("%llu", &x); }
secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(double&)':
secret.cpp:87:34: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void fast_scan(double &x) { scanf("%lf", &x); }
secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(long double&)':
secret.cpp:88:39: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
 void fast_scan(long double &x) { scanf("%Lf", &x); }
secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(char&)':
secret.cpp:90:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  scanf("%c", &x);
secret.cpp: In function 'void fast_scan(std::__cxx11::string&)':
secret.cpp:96:7: warning: ignoring return value of 'int scanf(const char*, ...)', declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]
  scanf("%s", string_in_buffer);
# Verdict Execution time Memory Grader output
1 Correct 152 ms 2604 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 3578, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
2 Correct 155 ms 2552 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 3586, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
3 Correct 161 ms 2732 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 3595, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
4 Correct 519 ms 4596 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7969, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
5 Correct 533 ms 4692 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7978, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
6 Correct 517 ms 4640 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7978, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
7 Correct 537 ms 4600 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7978, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
8 Correct 501 ms 4684 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7978, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
9 Correct 500 ms 4600 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7978, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1
10 Correct 553 ms 4668 KB Output is correct - number of calls to Secret by Init = 7978, maximum number of calls to Secret by Query = 1