Submission #105391

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
105391Noam527Golf (JOI17_golf)C++17
100 / 100
4481 ms329148 KiB
#include <bits/stdc++.h> #define CHECK cout << "ok" << endl #define finish(x) return cout << x << endl, 0 typedef long long ll; typedef long double ldb; const int md = 1e9 + 7; const ll inf = 1e18; const int OO = 0; const int OOO = 1; using namespace std; struct rect { int t, b, l, r; rect() {} rect(int tt, int bb, int ll, int rr) : t(tt), b(bb), l(ll), r(rr) {} }; // v(0) = insert, v(1) = delete, v(2) = query struct eve { int v, t, l, r; eve() {} eve(int vv, int tt, int ll, int rr) : v(vv), t(tt), l(ll), r(rr) {} bool operator < (const eve &a) const { if (t != a.t) return t < a.t; return v < a.v; } }; struct line { int d, l, r, i; line() {} line(int dd, int ll, int rr, int ii = 0) : d(dd), l(ll), r(rr), i(ii) {} bool operator < (const line &a) const { if (d != a.d) return d < a.d; if (l != a.l) return l < a.l; return r < a.r; } bool operator == (const line &a) const { return d == a.d && l == a.l && r == a.r; } }; struct segtree { int n; vector<set<line>> t; segtree() {} segtree(int sz) { n = max(2, sz); while (n != (n & -n)) n += (n & -n); t.resize(2 * n); } void add(const line &a) { add(a, 0, 0, 0, n - 1); } void erase(const line &a) { add(a, 1, 0, 0, n - 1); } void add(const line &a, int type, int node, int nl, int nr) { if (a.r < nl || nr < a.l) return; if (a.l <= nl && nr <= a.r) { if (type == 0) t[node].insert(a); else t[node].erase(a); return; } int mid = (nl + nr) / 2; add(a, type, 2 * node + 1, nl, mid); add(a, type, 2 * node + 2, mid + 1, nr); } line getrid(const line &a) { erase(a); return a; } line query(const line &a) { int pos = a.d + n - 1; set<line>::iterator it; line S(a.l, 0, 0, 0); if (OO) { cout << "find cut of " << a.d << " " << a.l << " " << a.r << '\n'; cout << "in:\n"; for (const auto &i : t[pos]) cout << i.d << " " << i.l << " " << i.r << '\n'; } it = t[pos].lower_bound(S); if (it != t[pos].end() && it->d <= a.r) return getrid(*it); pos = (pos - 1) / 2; while (pos) { if (OO) { cout << "find cut of " << a.d << " " << a.l << " " << a.r << '\n'; cout << "in:\n"; for (const auto &i : t[pos]) cout << i.d << " " << i.l << " " << i.r << '\n'; } it = t[pos].lower_bound(S); if (it != t[pos].end() && it->d <= a.r) return getrid(*it); pos = (pos - 1) / 2; } if (OO) { cout << "find cut of " << a.d << " " << a.l << " " << a.r << '\n'; cout << "in:\n"; for (const auto &i : t[pos]) cout << i.d << " " << i.l << " " << i.r << '\n'; } it = t[pos].lower_bound(S); if (it != t[pos].end() && it->d <= a.r) return getrid(*it); return line(-1, -1, -1, -1); } }; pair<int, int> st, en; int n, MX, MY; vector<rect> r; vector<line> V, H; segtree TV, TH; vector<int> dv, dh; void compress() { vector<int> compx, compy; compx.reserve(2 * n + 2); compy.reserve(2 * n + 2); compx.push_back(st.first), compx.push_back(en.first); compy.push_back(st.second), compy.push_back(en.second); for (auto &i : r) { compx.push_back(i.l), compx.push_back(i.r); compy.push_back(i.b), compy.push_back(i.t); } sort(compx.begin(), compx.end()); sort(compy.begin(), compy.end()); compx.resize(unique(compx.begin(), compx.end()) - compx.begin()); compy.resize(unique(compy.begin(), compy.end()) - compy.begin()); auto MP = [](const vector<int> &aa, int &value) { value = lower_bound(aa.begin(), aa.end(), value) - aa.begin(); }; MP(compx, st.first), MP(compx, en.first); MP(compy, st.second), MP(compy, en.second); for (auto &i : r) { MP(compx, i.l), MP(compx, i.r); MP(compy, i.b), MP(compy, i.t); } MX = compx.size(); MY = compy.size(); } void calc_vertical() { vector<eve> E; E.reserve(4 * n + 2); E.push_back(eve(2, st.first, st.second, st.second)); E.push_back(eve(2, en.first, en.second, en.second)); for (auto &i : r) { E.push_back(eve(0, i.l + 1, i.b, i.t)); E.push_back(eve(2, i.l, i.b, i.b)); E.push_back(eve(1, i.r, i.b, i.t)); E.push_back(eve(2, i.r, i.b, i.b)); } sort(E.begin(), E.end()); set<pair<int, int>> bl; for (const auto &i : E) { if (i.v == 0) bl.insert({ i.l, i.r }); else if (i.v == 1) bl.erase({ i.l, i.r }); else { int lo, hi; auto it = bl.lower_bound({ i.l,i.l }); if (it == bl.end()) hi = MY - 1; else hi = it->first; if (it == bl.begin()) lo = 0; else { it--; lo = it->second; } V.push_back(line(i.t, lo, hi)); } } V.push_back(line(0, 0, MY - 1)); V.push_back(line(MX - 1, 0, MY - 1)); sort(V.begin(), V.end()); V.resize(unique(V.begin(), V.end()) - V.begin()); for (int i = 0; i < V.size(); i++) V[i].i = i; } void calc_horizontal() { vector<eve> E; E.reserve(3 * n + 2); E.push_back(eve(2, st.second, st.first, st.first)); E.push_back(eve(2, en.second, en.first, en.first)); for (auto &i : r) { E.push_back(eve(0, i.b + 1, i.l, i.r)); E.push_back(eve(2, i.b, i.l, i.l)); E.push_back(eve(1, i.t, i.l, i.r)); E.push_back(eve(2, i.t, i.l, i.l)); } sort(E.begin(), E.end()); set<pair<int, int>> bl; for (const auto &i : E) { if (i.v == 0) bl.insert({ i.l, i.r }); else if (i.v == 1) bl.erase({ i.l, i.r }); else { int lo, hi; auto it = bl.lower_bound({ i.l,i.l }); if (it == bl.end()) hi = MX - 1; else hi = it->first; if (it == bl.begin()) lo = 0; else { it--; lo = it->second; } H.push_back(line(i.t, lo, hi)); } } H.push_back(line(0, 0, MX - 1)); H.push_back(line(MY - 1, 0, MX - 1)); sort(H.begin(), H.end()); H.resize(unique(H.begin(), H.end()) - H.begin()); for (int i = 0; i < H.size(); i++) H[i].i = i; } void bfs(int startv, int starth) { dv.resize(V.size(), -1); dh.resize(H.size(), -1); dv[startv] = dh[starth] = 0; TV.erase(V[startv]); TH.erase(H[starth]); queue<pair<int, int>> q; q.push({ startv, 0 }); q.push({ starth, 1 }); while (q.size()) { pair<int, int> x = q.front(); q.pop(); if (OO) { cout << "bfs on " << x.first << " " << x.second << '\n'; cout << "with distance "; if (x.second == 0) cout << dv[x.first] << '\n'; else cout << dh[x.first] << '\n'; } if (x.second == 0) { // current is vertical line c = TH.query(V[x.first]); while (c.d != -1) { dh[c.i] = 1 + dv[x.first]; q.push({ c.i, 1 }); c = TH.query(V[x.first]); } } else { line c = TV.query(H[x.first]); while (c.d != -1) { dv[c.i] = 1 + dh[x.first]; q.push({ c.i, 0 }); c = TV.query(H[x.first]); } } } } int main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(0), cin.tie(0); cin >> st.first >> st.second >> en.first >> en.second; cin >> n; r.resize(n); for (auto &i : r) cin >> i.l >> i.r >> i.b >> i.t; compress(); calc_vertical(); calc_horizontal(); if (OO) { cout << "start " << st.first << " " << st.second << '\n'; cout << "end " << en.first << " " << en.second << '\n'; cout << "rectangles\n"; for (const auto &i : r) { cout << i.l << " " << i.b << " " << i.r << " " << i.t << '\n'; } cout << "verticals\n"; for (const auto &i : V) cout << i.d << ", [" << i.l << " " << i.r << "]\n"; cout << "horizontals\n"; for (const auto &i : H) cout << i.d << ", [" << i.l << " " << i.r << "]\n"; } TV = segtree(MY); TH = segtree(MX); for (const auto &i : V) TV.add(i); for (const auto &i : H) TH.add(i); int starth, startv, endh, endv; for (const auto &i : V) { if (i.d == st.first && i.l <= st.second && st.second <= i.r) startv = i.i; if (i.d == en.first && i.l <= en.second && en.second <= i.r) endv = i.i; } for (const auto &i : H) { if (i.d == st.second && i.l <= st.first && st.first <= i.r) starth = i.i; if (i.d == en.second && i.l <= en.first && en.first <= i.r) endh = i.i; } bfs(startv, starth); cout << 1 + min(dv[endv], dh[endh]) << '\n'; }

Compilation message (stderr)

golf.cpp: In function 'void calc_vertical()':
golf.cpp:173:20: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for (int i = 0; i < V.size(); i++) V[i].i = i;
golf.cpp: In function 'void calc_horizontal()':
golf.cpp:211:20: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
  for (int i = 0; i < H.size(); i++) H[i].i = i;
golf.cpp: In function 'int main()':
golf.cpp:288:25: warning: 'endv' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  cout << 1 + min(dv[endv], dh[endh]) << '\n';
golf.cpp:287:5: warning: 'startv' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  bfs(startv, starth);
golf.cpp:288:35: warning: 'endh' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  cout << 1 + min(dv[endv], dh[endh]) << '\n';
golf.cpp:287:5: warning: 'starth' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  bfs(startv, starth);
#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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