Submission #1008845

#TimeUsernameProblemLanguageResultExecution timeMemory
1008845vjudge1Patkice (COCI20_patkice)Cpython 3
0 / 50
1061 ms3208 KiB
def get_O_coordinate(r, c, grid): for i in range(r): for j in range(c): if grid[i][j] == 'o': return [i, j] def get_symbol(grid, position): # . / x / > / < / ^ / v return grid[position[0]][position[1]] def where_to_move(position_symbol): if position_symbol == '.': return 'STOP' elif position_symbol == 'x': return 'DONE' elif position_symbol == '^': return 'UP' elif position_symbol == 'v': return 'DOWN' elif position_symbol == '>': return 'RIGHT' else: return 'LEFT' def update_position(direction, start_position): if direction == 'E' or direction == 'RIGHT': start_position[1] += 1 elif direction == 'W' or direction == 'LEFT': start_position[1] += -1 elif direction == 'N' or direction == 'UP': start_position[0] += -1 elif direction == 'S' or direction == 'DOWN': start_position[0] += 1 return start_position def count_step(position, grid): """ return count for each step if possible return -1 if not possible """ count = 0 symbol = get_symbol(grid, position) moving = where_to_move(symbol) # up down left right while True: count += 1 if moving == 'STOP': return -1 elif moving == 'DONE': return count else: position = update_position(moving, position) symbol = get_symbol(grid, position) moving = where_to_move(symbol) r, c = map(int, input().split()) grid = [] for _ in range(r): grid.append(list(input())) start_coordinatex = get_O_coordinate(r, c, grid) start_coordinatey = get_O_coordinate(r, c, grid) start_coordinatez = get_O_coordinate(r, c, grid) start_coordinateq = get_O_coordinate(r, c, grid) count_up = count_step(update_position('N', start_coordinatex), grid) count_down = count_step(update_position('S', start_coordinatey), grid) count_right = count_step(update_position('E', start_coordinatez), grid) count_left = count_step(update_position('W', start_coordinateq), grid) lst = [[count_right, 'E'], [count_up, 'N'], [count_down, 'S'], [count_left, 'W']] if count_up == -1 and count_down == -1 and count_right == -1 and count_left == -1: print(':(') else: print(':)') minimum_value = max(count_down, count_left, count_right, count_up) for step, wind in lst: if step < minimum_value and step != -1: minimum_value = step # alphabetically --> E N S W for val, wind in lst: if val == minimum_value: print(wind) break
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#Verdict Execution timeMemoryGrader output
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